I Favor the Villainess

177. Beautiful Divine


Hilda seemed upset by what Filine said.

"What does a decorative princess look like? If that's all I'm talking about, I'm going home."

Sit down, Hilda.

"So I..."

"Sit down."

There was a coldness in the word that made me not say whether or not.

Hilda, who was about to take a seat, accidentally, sat back in the chair, like that.

The look also seemed a little barometric.

"I see what you're trying to say. That's right. You'll certainly need consideration."

"... Oh, so if you can't prepare it, there's no such thing as this story..."

"To whom are you speaking?


Philine's condition changed.

A voice with majesty and ruggedness struck Hilda, lurking in her usual appearance.

"Though a decoration, I am the Empress. You think you can just talk like that?

"... Ha! Do you want to wear authority to Kasawa now? You want me to do my best to obey you? Fine, try it."

"If it's just the way you speak, sure, you won't be punished. But what about one case where you drugged the Empress?

"... Huh!?

Hilda stuck herself in the words of Philine, who asked quietly.

Filine is talking about when I was strangled by her.

I have also told her from me that there was something wrong with Filine at that time.

Just before that, Hilda said something unexpected.

But do you hang up that card here?

I don't know what you're talking about.

"Do you want to blur? I'm sure there's no evidence left."


"But what would the magic tech force do to you if I were out of line?

"... you're threatening me"

The connection between Hilda and the magic tech department is fat.

However, Hilda is not indispensable to the magical and technological forces.

There are doubts as to whether they will continue to play and reuse one bureaucrat whose background has been wounded.

And that question doesn't even seem to be an evil push as far as Hilda's reaction is concerned.

"It's no use threatening me. I don't give in to such things. If you want to use my support base to trap you..."

"No, Hilda. It's not. That's not what I'm trying to say."

There was a smile back on Filine's face.

Until now, the mouthpiece that reminded me of Dorothea had disappeared like a lie.

Hilda looks surprised.

"The way we negotiate like right now is exactly how your mother does it. How to screw your opponent down with force and make enemies. You don't like it, do you? I wouldn't do this."


"I've seen sights like this before. Little kids were bullying little body girls in there. I tried to flatter it. Then what do you think they said?

"... come on?

"I'm just imitating His Majesty Dorothea... that's what I said. I've lost my word."

The empire's thorough capability doctrine is a sword of all blades, so to speak.

Capable would be cosy, but there is no salvation for the weak.

Of course, the empire does not have any remedies for the weak either, but it is overwhelmingly small compared to the democratized Bauer.

"You must be right to eat too much weak meat."

"... I get the story. But then what? I don't move without consideration."

"I appoint you as my knight. I want status and honor. Though I think it would be quite beneficial for you to be accompanied by an empress?

I was, honestly, insulting Filine.

That's why I wrapped my tongue around the way I carried the story so far.

Filine had the ingredients to trade with Hilda from the beginning.

But if Hilda were to say and offer it to me while I was in the lead on the story, the effect would not be nearly halved.

So Filine disguised herself as a confrontational attitude, taking the method of creating a dangerous atmosphere and then negotiating again.

Master Claire is also a face loser bargaining technique.

"... you think I'd be satisfied with that?

"Conversely, is there any disadvantage to you in working with me? Indeed you built a thick pipe with magic tech forces and gained quite a place. But even that status doesn't belong to the stone. I made them flirt earlier, but they can always hang you up"

"That would be the same for a princess."

"No. Me and you are going to be accomplices, so to speak. I can't betray you, and neither can you."


Hilda stares carefully at Filine.

Behind that brain, perhaps, the pros and cons you get are closely calculated.

Filine continued.

"Hey, Hilda. It's time to crack a belly and talk. I meant it. Enough with the play."


Hilda peeled her eyes off.

Filine said the play,

That is, a concession to Hilda, who exposed her nature and vandalized her voice to the Empress.

Philine says she was disrespectful.

Filine even smiled and showed Hilda.

"There is never much I can give you. But I really want you. As that first collaborator who will change the empire, I ask you first and foremost, Hilda."

Filine asked Hilda to help again.

It may seem like a repetition of the same thing going around, but the way it goes there is different.

Hilda was silent for a while, but eventually,

"... hehe... hehe..."

I shook my shoulder and started laughing.

"Ha ha! I'm here... surrendering, princess. After all, you are the one who draws the blood of His Majesty Dorothea. Big guy."

With tears all the way up her eyes, Hilda laughed.

The condition was as clear as if the possession had fallen.

"I don't really like being compared to your mother"

"Oh, that's rude. Right. It doesn't look anything like His Majesty. Your Majesty would have made me obey you more forcefully. But you didn't. That's what I prefer."

"Why not?

"It would be a huge self-contradiction if the person in charge of conciliatory diplomacy complained to tough means"

Hilda seemed to value Philine's consistency highly.

"But remember, Princess, In the world of politics and diplomacy, piercing ideals is not for the most part a paradigm. Sometimes you have to bend your own theory, but you don't have to choose the means to accomplish it."


"The princess can stay put. You just have to let the people down there do the dirty work."


"Princess, you are divine. Who would want to take charge, such as a muddy, dirty god? You must continue to be such a nice god that everyone wants to move on and get dirty. It's just as hard as doing dirty work."

Keeping a beautiful shrine means you won't be able to appeal to dirty means, no matter how hard it is.

Hilda points out the severity of it.

"Thank you Claire, Ray and Still Listening. If you had lent a hand to the princess along the way, I would have taken a seat at that point."

"If you think about what Philine-sama wants, you don't have to talk about it."

"Yeah, that's right. You're making the right decision. And it's also a testament to the fact that Master Filine has a strong ally."

Hilda nodded satisfactorily.

"So, Hilda, can you help me?

"Fine...... and I just wanted to say, Raw Hate I can't break that easy either. Let me make a condition."

"Say it"

"If I were to take the princess's side, I would consider it necessary to persuade the Empire's magic tech forces, or handicrafts. I want that."

We want the ingredients to move them, Hilda says.

"But unfortunately, I'm not so good at magic technology."

"Yeah, I know. But there's something just right about that."

"What is that?

To Filine's question, what Hilda answered was unexpected.

"The Box of Contraindications - I want you to solve the mystery of the legacy left by the former presidential researcher of the Empire, Tread-Magik"

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