Finally, it was prom day.

The venue is not a school, it is one of the dance halls owned by the Empire.

It's quite spacious and luxurious to build, and not so many things like this even Bauer.

The buildings of the Empire that I have seen so far have often come to a solid quality, but when I look at them this way, I can see that they are extravagant where they are extravagant.

I thought about that, looking at the big chandelier suspended from the ceiling.

A dance party means that the time slot is night.

The sun sets abundantly and the venue is illuminated by magic lights.

In that, young men and women dressed up are waiting for the start of the ball, as they welcome each other.


I'm about to fall into an unfamiliar high heel.

Absolutely. Shoe rubs, right?

Throughout my previous life, I've been incompatible with feminine outfits.

"Are you okay?

It was no other Lady Claire who took my arm and supported me when I was about to fall.

With long hair up, sleeves through evening dresses and perfect makeup, today's Claire is a complete incarnation of beauty.

Dazzling and invisible.

But I look at cancer.

"Oh, don't take it so seriously. I'm ashamed of the boulders."

"Is there anything that seems to bother you that Master Claire sees?

"No, but still!

Lady Claire dyes her cheeks red, not her cheeks, and turns a puffy face.

Yes, sweetie.

"Laissense is adorable -! Oh, Sense, you're a hidden beauty!

"... businessness"

Lana and Eve came too.

They both have different hairstyles than usual.

Lana usually has long hair just for Katyusha, but she's putting it all up today.

Is Katyusha obsessed with it, or keep it on?

Eve also makes her hair, which is usually made into three braids, into dough together.

I have a slightly exotic vibe because I wear a signon cap.

What you're trying to say is that I'm happy to see so many pretty girls.

"Are you here, too? That was too late."

There was also Yoel.

He is wearing a swallowtail suit with his hair all back.

Normally a man.

"Good evening, Yoel. You look great in a tuxedo."

"Thank you, Claire"

"Yoel, I've seen you in the city all this time, and there's something about you in Sakamachi..."

"Hey, Ray!

I tried to be careful that it was on dress selection day, but for some reason, Master Claire blocked my mouth.

"Are you going to preach on this occasion? Don't do that."

"But there's a lot of danger in places like that. I need to tell you a lot."

"Even so, be what you are told in front of the crowd. Make an opportunity for both of you at a later date and tell them well with some blur."

"So is that."

In Japan in the twenty-first century, there was a culture where scolding was considered good in public, but there are quite a few problems with this.

If someone scolds you in public when you have a problem, some might consider it efficient because it does convey caution to other people who are listening.

It's just that there's a culture of very strong shame in being exposed in public.

This world is somewhat more of a culture than Japan, but I personally agree with Claire.

I decided to follow Master Claire's advice and reschedule the opportunity.

Incidentally, it turns out later that there was an understanding of the dangers that Master Claire was aware of and the contents of the dangers that I was aware of.

Mainly, in a criminal sense and in an STD sense.

Remember that Claire's face when it was revealed was so bright red that tomatoes were also caught.

"Looks like it's time to start."

Along with Claire's voice, the venue was lighted down.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for taking us to the ball today"

It was Filine who took the spotlight in front of the venue and greeted her with the help of wind magic.

"I am combining my revelations today. Best regards,"

Filine, gracefully graced, is still refined only by the Empress.

What she wore was a cream-colored dress with plenty of drape.

It is definitely a superb piece, which can be seen as a work by the hands of a top tailor.

Philine, who is not worn in a dress like that, is also amazing.

Pity in me for some reason. Filine with a strong image of a beauty, but in this way she is a fine princess.

"So much for the greeting, and have a great evening tonight"

An unmistakable applause is sent to Philine for finishing her greeting.

When the applause stopped, three beats of music began to play.


It is the beginning of the ball.

"Well, Master Claire. Can you dance with me?

There are many people, both men and women, who want to dance with Master Claire.

There are no five or ten people who have been looking at Claire since just now.

privilege as a partner, and all the while, I claimed priority.

"Hehe, of course. I've always wanted to dance with you dressed like this, haven't I?

White, thin hands overlapped my hand I offered.

"Can I see the results of the practice?

"It's where I want it"

I put a little effort into my arm and pulled Master Claire's hand.

Lady Claire's little body fits into position.


What can I do to dance with such a beautiful person?

But the steps I was tapped into by Master Claire worked amazingly smoothly on my own.

"Hehe, you're good, Ray"

"Please don't make fun of me"

"I'm not making fun of you. Something that can dance really well. Heh heh, me, now is the most fun I've had since I came to the Empire."

That said, Master Claire smiled with a blooming smile.

Oh, no.

I can't do that smile at this close range.

"Ray, your face is bright red, right?

It's all Claire's fault.

"Hehe, is it... Huh?

I was stomped.

"Oh, sorry soba!? So, but when you suddenly...!

"Please calm down, Claire. See, yi, to,."

"Fuck, Lerelle, Ray!?

'Cause you can't help it.

I want to dress up as much as I do today.

As a partner to such a beautiful person, don't be ashamed.

I put my strength into my hand supporting Master Claire's body.

"... it's not right."

"You knew that, right?

"Yeah, you did. Really sloppy person. But you know what, I love you, Ray"

So what are we going to do now, say something cuter than that?

If there weren't people around, if this wasn't a place called the ballroom, I would have pushed them down, snatched their lips and screwed it up.

I can't wait to overflow my love for Master Claire.

"That's fun, Ray"

"Yeah, Claire."

We just need this time to last forever.

I couldn't help but hope so.

I didn't know that yet.

Forever - where it means.

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