"Which way did you turn here?

"Right. Go to the right here, a little bit to the left."

"Haha, is Leicensee directional tone deafness?

"... how could I be here"

It is what I, Dear Claire, Lana and Eve say from above.

Four international girls from Bauer are going to pick a dress to wear at the ball today.

As always, people are overflowing in and out of Teito, and you can see a lot of people in the shops that you can see left and right.

"No, 'cause I didn't have time to take a slow look around the capital."

"But Philine wrote me a map, didn't she? You're just gonna do the right thing, right?

"... well, I admit I'm not superior to the sense of direction"

It's not as bad as directional tone deafness.

"Haha, Atashi has a sharp sense of direction for you! I've never been lost since I was a kid!

"That's amazing."

"What about Eve?

"... nothing normal"

Eve is as heartless as ever.

In addition to being the type who originally had no affection, I am even more in a diagonal mood because of my presence.

I was accompanied for a reason.

As for the dresses to be worn at the ball, they are part of the study abroad activities, which means that Bauer is supposed to subsidize them.

The other members seem to have already bought it, but only these four were late in choosing dresses because of their culinary battles.

He was stuck with the accountant of the study group and was set to go and buy it all today.


"Why is my voice so dark? You picked a dress, right? Isn't that something more cowardly?

"That's right, that's right! And although there are limits, isn't it great that you don't have to pay for it yourself?"

"... Lana, suck"


Well, I don't know what everyone's saying, but...

Even I like to buy clothes, and if that doesn't have to be my stomach, I have nothing to say.

But the problem is that the clothes you buy are the dresses you wear at the ball.

"Master Claire wants you to dance, so I'm okay, but I don't really like skirts."

"You said that before, didn't you? Why is that? Instead, I think it's more of a minority of people dressed as non-skirts in women."

A worldview similar to that of medieval Europe means that the standard bottoms of women in this world are skirts.

Skirts are still overwhelming in plain clothes, although artisans and farmers have trousers in their work clothes.

"Doesn't something under your feet suck?

"Don't you rather tighten your pants and not like it?

Hmm, maybe all this is a difference in preference.

"Is that... is that a little something to do with Ray's sexual orientation?

"Huh? It doesn't matter at all, does it?

"But look, men would hate to wear skirts fiercely, wouldn't they?

"No, but I'm a pure woman."

Oh, is that what this is all about?

"Dear Claire, do you think I recognize myself as a man?

"... No, that's not what I meant, but I was wondering if liking women meant liking something masculine."

"No, no, no, that's not true at all. I'll use a bit of a hard word, but sexual orientation and self-identification are different."

"Are you sexually aware of yourself?

Lana asked.

Eve is faceless, so I'm not sure, but Master Claire has a hatena mark on her face, too.

"Sexual self-awareness means that you think you are either a man or a woman. Normally, I think it's normal for each person, but some of them get this out of line with the gender of their bodies."

"Heh? So you mean you may think of yourself as a woman even though it's a man's body, or you may think of yourself as a man even though it's a woman's body?


This was exactly what Misaki mentioned before.

On Earth in the twenty-first century, it was called a gender identity disorder.

"It's... it's not going to live."

"Yeah, I think it's an unimaginable pain,"

That's about as many people as Misaki die for themselves.

"Well, whatever the hard story is, my sexual identity is female, so it's not like I want to be a man."


"Somewhat, I admit, there's a masculine part to all sorts of preferences, but who wouldn't?

"Oh, that's enough. Atashi, I don't like sweet things. When I said that, my friends told me to change and I wasn't convinced of anything."

Lana nodded yeah and agreed with me.

I do not intend to completely deny the dichotomous legal concept of gender: men and women.

That has adjusted the biological differences that do exist in humans, because it must be a great concept.

But I think it's also certain that when society matures to some extent, those dichotomous legal distinctions will make it impossible to keep up.

I think there are two elements in everyone: masculinity and femininity, at the same time.

We also know that some of them recognize a third gender that is neither male nor female, or fail to recognize something called sex well in the first place.

The dichotomous legal concept of gender is cruel to those people.

"... don't you care about that story"

"Well, maybe it doesn't really matter to normal people. But I'm glad you know it as knowledge."

"... Really?"

Is that it?

Rarely did Eve honestly nod at me.


Are you here for the delais period?

"Is that it? Isn't that Yoel?

When Lana looked in the direction of pointing her finger, she saw a tall hindsight.

Blue hair is relatively rare in this world, so it's probably Yoel.


I called toward hindsight, but you didn't hear me, and Joel turned around and went.

"That direction... according to the map Philine wrote to me, it's Colored Town, isn't it?

Even in a central city of a country like Imperial Capital - no, that's why shops exist that sell and buy sex.

"Even if it's usually clear, he's a man, too"

"Heh, I don't have a yoel that can't move at all when Atashi is dressed in front of me"

"... nasty"


I am neutral about buying and selling sex, but I also do not ignore the dangers of such places.

"Hey, I'm coming"

"Ah, Ray."

I followed Joel's back away from the three of them.


"... lost sight...?

I meant to come running pretty fast, but when I turned the corner, I didn't see Yoel anymore.

Spin your gaze around front, back, left, and right, but you still don't see the characteristic blue hair.

"... what are you doing? What if you go alone and get lost?"


"... As much as it means walking in a place like this by yourself, a teacher would know"


But if Joel is using a place like this, I wanted to at least share my exact knowledge with him until I stopped him.

"I'll be back. If you bring it, you'll get caught even though it's weird."

"... yeah. I don't know what kind of teacher you are."

"I'm much older."


"What is it, that reaction? It doesn't matter how old you are to be in academia."

"No, Eve, you look so young."

"... I don't need flattery"

Eve turned to the pussy.

I wonder how old you really are.

I thought you were completely younger.

I was also worried about Joel, which is why I can't take Eve to wander around a place like this.

Age is not an issue.

Regardless of how old Eve actually is, the problem is that she is a beautiful girl.

You must have come after me worried, and I'm not going to bother you any more.

"Go back."

"... Yes"

It was the thought of getting my hair pulled back, but I took Eve and left the spot behind.

If you think about it, I was completely confused about Yoel.

It was only a little later that I could see that.

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