* We are talking about the Pope Claris-Repete III perspective.

"Keiko, what's wrong?

"Is there something on our face?

The young twins - named May and Alea - look at me in surprise.

The expression surprise may not be appropriate.

There is no surprising color in its gaze, rather it simply feels doubtful.

This is Ray and Claire's room I'm taking care of as a temporary residence.

Now Claire is out and I'm leaving messages with Mae and Alea.

Sadly, I can't do any of the chores necessary to lead a normal life, so I spend a lot of time with May and Allea.

Maybe it's like I'm actually better looked after by the two of us.

"It's nothing. I just thought you two were cute."

I stated what I felt frankly.

This is a very valuable experience for me.

As pope, I have little chance of even freely expressing what I feel myself.

To my statement, expression, and thought, because it may be perceived as that of a large organization called the Church.

I don't feel burdensome about it.

I was raised that way from birth, and lived that way.

Living as a representation of the Church is my life itself.

My presence is because I was (...) written (...) in (...).

"Praised? Hey, Kiko, have you been praised by the Mays?


May laughed contentedly as I snorted.

However, Alea seems somewhat dissatisfied.

"Kaiko, if you look at something cute, it's something frightening, isn't it?


"Yeah, I don't know if they're really cute because of that."

I'm a little scared, they said, and I got in trouble.

"Allea, what can I do to laugh?


To my simple question, Allea made a face that she didn't expect to be asked that.

"Can't you see the tease?


"Have you ever been caught?

"I don't think so"

"Well, a lot. May, what am I supposed to do?

Allea talked to May about something.

Laughing must be a very big deal.

"Let May do it! Oh, my God! Here's what I'm gonna do!

May hugged me and tickled my flank.

"Is that it? Are you ticklish?

"It's ticklish"

"But it doesn't bother you, does it?

"Seems so"

"Alea's great, too! If you both tickle, you might be able to catch up with me!

"Yes, I did."

Alea hugs me, too, and the two of us tickle me.


"Isn't that hard?


I couldn't laugh.

I have tickles, but that doesn't tie me to the act of laughing.

Even then, May and Allea tried to laugh at me with those hands, but in the end, I couldn't laugh.

"I'm sorry, May, Alea. You did your best around the corner."

"Don't kick it, Ki-ko-sama. But you have a nasty one."

"We can't believe we're here right now."

No wonder, and the twins look at each other.

"But Kaiko-sama looked at the Mays and said they were cute, right?


"Then I'm sure you'll see. Ray, come on. The one you were coming for. She said it was too cute."

Cute is justice.

I had no idea how laughing and justice could be linked.

Laughing, that means very deep.

In the end, Claire returned home less that day, and the story went to Ariel.

But I felt a little behind my chest that I couldn't laugh.

◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆

The next day I was visiting a monastery within the Empire with Claire.

Originally, I shouldn't be walking much for my life, but it doesn't seem like Ray either is pulling me home all the time.

That is why I asked Claire to bring me to the convent.

The purpose of coming here is to

"Oh, it's Master Claire and Master Ray -!

"May and Alea are here."

"Hello, guys. How have you been?

"" "Yes!

Because I heard there were a lot of children here.

Apparently, Claire and the others have been actively visiting the monastery since they were in Bauer to make donations and give their best to charity.

The activity hasn't changed since he came to the Empire, and he seems to be completely familiar with it already in this monastery.

"Ladies and gentlemen, can we not trouble the Claires? Welcome, Lady Claire, Lady Ray."

"I'm here again, Khaya. Aren't we the ones who bothered you?

"Not at all. These kids are looking forward to seeing you both."

"I hope so. This is a souvenir treat. Please share it with us."

"" "Wow!

Give me the basket Claire was lowering and the children will cheer me up.

A nun called Khaya lowered her brow like she was in trouble.

"Here. You have to thank me properly, don't you? Can you tell me?

"" "Dear Claire, Thank you Ray!

"You're welcome. May, Allea, I'm hanging out with you guys"


"Yes, I did."

The children run to the monastic garden with a basket.

Sitting by the flowerbed, he seemed to start splitting the treats quickly.

"Dear Ray, what's wrong?

I got a voice, and I'm done.

Would I have done something wrong?

"Because I'm not feeling well. Usually, children mix up and play, but I can't tell you where I am today."

Again, from someone who knows Ray well, it seems I'm uncomfortable right now.

Even if the making of the face is very similar, it still means someone else.

That's right.

But this body is inherently (...) of him (...) woman (...) also (...) of (...).

"Do I often play with children?

"Huh? Yeah......, right?

"Ray is a child in the contents. It's just as good as playing with the kids."


I see.

"When I was playing with the kids, were I laughing?

"That's already! You laughed so much fun."


When I left Khaya and Claire, I walked to the children's circle.

Approaching, the children looked up as they sat down.

"What's the matter, Master Ray?

"Do you want some sweets too, Ray?

"Ray, you've got your share!

"Let's start with you."

Alea pulled my hand and joined the children's circle.

"I'm playing tricks on you."

"May is the best lady I've ever met!

"I'm your mother!

I'm your father.

"Me, it's not a trick, it's a trick"

"Why don't we have a little chat later? I have a treat right now, so why don't you stick to the whole thing?

I listened with interest to the conversations that take place among the children.

Various kinds of communication are also taking place among children so young.

Its content is incredibly complex, and the combination of words, intonations, and expressions used can seem infinite.

I learned something light and dizzy but it is never painful.

Rather, it seemed very preferable.

Originally brought here was the simple idea that even the two of us, May and Alea, are cute, so it would be cuter if we went to a place with a lot more children.

But a group of children was more complicated than I imagined, and I thought it was interesting.

I've renewed my awareness that you're not just cute.

"Lady Ray, are you sorry?

A little girl offered me baked sweets.

He seemed like a shy kid somewhere, and I noticed him wanting this one from earlier, but I didn't know how to react.

"That's not uncommon, Julia. Usually I'm afraid of Master Ray."

"Lady Ray today, I'm not too scared"

With that said, Julia sat down beside me and laughed a little.

Ever since I was replaced, I've only been given an inferior rating compared to Ray, so that word of Julia evoked a very warm feeling for me.

But that feeling doesn't last long either.

Because I didn't do it that way.

Still, when I realized, I was stroking her head.

I have the feeling of thin, soft hair that is specific to children.

Julia is squeezing her eyes tight as she tickles.

"Would you like an uncle, Ray?

Alea asked me that if I got caught up in not carrying confectionery into my mouth forever.

Today's baked confectionery was baked by Alea.

Apparently it doesn't extend to Ray's, but it looked like it was burning well in my eyes.

"… delicious"

After a bite, the sponge dough fluttered and loosened in his mouth, spreading the sweetness of the sugar and the intense flavor of butter all over his mouth.

A little late, some citrus aroma flashes the nasal cavity.

From a standpoint, it was a very fresh experience for me without much sweetness to mouth.

"Are you with me?

"Aren't Alea's freaks delicious?

"What, this was made by Alea?


"Isn't it like Ray?

The children also seemed to find this delicious.

To be able to share the same feeling, I remembered the exhilaration.

After that I got mixed up with the kids and got into all kinds of fun.

I am not physically fit to follow, and the kids teased me about "Lady Ray today wow" and so on.

But I was aroused many times by the sentiment of fun, and every time I had to kill that sentiment.

"So long, Khaya, guys. I'll be back."

"Yes, please stay again."

"" "Bubba!

Khaya and the children dropped us off, and we left the monastery behind.

"I wonder, Pope. You're not usually in a place like this, are you?


From a standpoint, there are many people I deal with, such as senior officials and royal nobles from various countries.

Of course, there are opportunities to deal with monasteries and disadvantaged people, but that is somewhat of a strong aspect of political performance.

There has never been an opportunity to play with children at a zero distance like this, etc.

It is that the Pope hears and beckons.

"It was a very, very difficult experience"

I really do.

I learned a lot today about things I might not have known for the rest of my life if I hadn't had this opportunity.

I felt a lot of emotions in me that I had never felt before.

"Oh. Look, take a look, Pope"

A tiny shadow was waving at the monastic gate when Claire, a giggling grin, looked at him pointing her finger.

It is Julia.

He's waving his little hand so hard, he's dropping us off.

I switched hands to her.

Julia's hand is shaken even louder when she notices this reaction.

"Pope, do you know what you look like now?

"No, I think it's the same as usual"

"Hehe... you're laughing"


I touched my own face with petapetta.

I do have lower eyeballs, raised corners of mouth, and lifted cheekmeat.

This is what it means to laugh.

"We'll come back."

"Yeah, I'd love to"

I may not be able to come here anymore as Ray.

But I decided I would definitely visit here again.

"Thank you for today, Claire"

"No, I enjoyed being here."

Claire smiles calmly.

I'm sure she laughs a lot more when she's with Ray, I thought.

Looking at Claire's calm smile, I think.

I hope, knowing that it will not be forgiven.

Don't let the happy ones beat the (...) true (...) fruit (...) of the world (...).

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