I Favor the Villainess

132. A Day in the Empire

Incorporation into the National Academy, which had a lot of turmoil from the first day, but then began a calm school life.

As always, although lectures are difficult and fast paced, Master Claire is born smart, and I am able to follow without so much bitterness with my original knowledge.

Most importantly, other integration students seem to be struggling.

The National Academy is not a dormitory system unlike the College.

School students go from the house where each lives to the school.

It seems that some people, such as those from the province, go from boarding houses, but subsidies are out of the empire for the rent and other subsistence costs involved.

The admission time is nine o'clock in the morning, so it's more leisurely than the college.

It's just about the students in general.

"Look, get dressed quickly, Mae and Alea. It's time to go to kindergarten."

"Dear Claire, they have time for the instrument today, so does this"

"Still serving dinner -"


Our morning presents a look like a battlefield every day.

Because we have to send Mae and Allea to the preschool at the National Academy.

When you make breakfast, brush your teeth, get dressed, and do it until it's delivered, it's too late for boarding.

Sometimes we can barely eat our own meals.

Well, when you get in after such a bumpy morning, it's roughly 8: 30 to 9: 00 perfect.

By the time Lady Claire and I arrive, most of the classmates are already there.

"Laissense. Probably. And Claire Sense."

"Morning, Lana"

"Good morning, Lana. But don't worry about the teacher. Because we're not your teachers anymore, we're the same students."

"That's right. It's almost different when you're old."


To our words, Lana looked disgusted.

"Because Atashi, I respect you about the Senses, and no. Senses are senses, I knew it."

"... well, do as you please"

Leave Lana alone for now saying things I'm not sure about.

Good morning, Eve.

"... good morning"

He replied once when he greeted Eve, but he was quickly turned away.

They still hate me.

"Hey Eve, what's that attitude? I'm not saying respect, but there will be a minimum of courtesy."

"... excuse me"

Lady Claire, who is loud enough to be polite, embarrasses Eve, but Eve is not going to change her attitude, apparently, just mouthing an apology just to the tip of her mouth.

"Fair enough, Master Claire. Eve seems to have misunderstood me."


"Eve, can we talk for a second next time? 'Cause I think there's a lot going on with each other."

When I was in Bauer, I couldn't make time after all, and I still haven't been able to solve Eve's misunderstanding.

I thought this was a good opportunity, and I suggested we have a chance to discuss

"… there is no room for misunderstanding"

I'm sorry to say that, but Eve turned to the other side.

There are no islands to choose from.

(Shit, you're tough)

I don't think it's the worst way to be hated, but there's something a little unchanging about being misunderstood as such.

I hope I manage to get a chance to negotiate.

"... good morning"

"Oh, Yoel. Good morning."

With a somber voice, Joel also came to say hello.

Master Claire and I both know he's a strong man, but he's not actually that scary.

The tone has already been changed to something for the same student, but as far as I'm concerned, it's easier to do that.

"That sounds tough every morning. When you have children, are you still busy in the morning?"

"Well, that's not easy. But it's exciting every day."

"... I don't really understand"

Well, all this will be for each person.

The lecture begins at 9: 30, from which there is an hour and a half of lecture.

As already mentioned, the lecture is thick in content and progresses quickly.

I actually felt that I had taken the lecture and it seems that the lecture is taking place with content and progress tailored to the upper level of the class.

I thought this neighborhood seemed like an empire that was thoroughly capable.

What was a little surprising was Otto.

"Now answer this question… otto"

"Ah? No problem, let the others answer."

"Do you want to be underrated?


When nominated by the teacher, Otto gets up with a tongue pounding and grabs a hold of himself to the blackboard.

When I glanced at the mathematical problems written, I wrote a slur and a solution.

"That's all you need."

"Fine. Otto, you're good at geography, so change your attitude."

"Big favor."

Otto returned to his seat as he stuck his hand in his pocket.

Yes, Otto is a problem child, but he wasn't an inferior student.

From what I've observed over the past few days, he's rather good grades.

Even during the lecture, attitude is bad, but we are listening properly, and all the answers to the questions asked are correct.

I had a weird impression with that one on the first day, but he seems pretty good.

Levolili doesn't have a character named Otto.

So he's a mob character, so to speak, but he's quite a stand-up student of character.

It is roughly noon after the morning lecture.

There is also a dining room at the National College, but it is not very popular, so many students are bringing their lunches.

Sometimes we will have another opportunity to talk about the situation around here.

Anyway, Master Claire and I are having lunch too.

Either way, I have to make May and Alea's share, so it's not that much trouble, but it's a little hard to think about dedication every day.

I miss the smartphone and the recipe site.

"Dear Philine, would you like to join us for lunch?

"Ah..., uh..."

Lady Claire spoke to Philine.

Philine seems to be a lot of people, and she usually eats lunch by herself.

Dear Claire and I were eager to have a chance to make contact with Filine, so I thought this would be a good opportunity.

"Wow, I... excuse me!

Filine ran away like she was frightened.

Leave a lunchbox at your desk.

"... from Ray, she was eager to be inside, but so much?

"Hmmm......, you're getting something worse"

In Revolili, there must have been some scenes where you had lunch with the girl you were attacking.

Is there any reason to show a dramatic reaction so far?

"Hey, is that the first day?

"Which one?"

"Look, Master Claire did it with Otto, didn't she?"

"Oh...... But one way or another, I tried to help Filine, didn't I?

Master Claire looked uncomfortable.

"Yeah, I think she knows that, too, because then Master Claire glowed - and I was a little scared."

"Isn't that the other way around?


I spoke with my own senses.

"But then you got in trouble. Our primary purpose would be to get along with her, right?

"Right. Well, I can't help but be in too much of a hurry. Let's attack carefully."

"So stop saying that offense."

Lunch break ends but about thirteen o'clock.

From there there there are another two comma lectures in an hour and a half.

It is roughly sixteen o'clock that all lectures are concluded.

At the end of the lecture, Lady Claire picks up May and Allea at the kindergarten, and I go back to the dormitory where Bauer appreciates me while shopping along the way, and keep up the meal schedule.

The way I spent the rest of my life is no different than when I was in Bauer.

After dealing with the twins or taking a bath, they just go to sleep.

"You're getting used to life in the Empire."

"Yeah, but it's hard to get in touch with the pivotal Filine."

"Well, chase after it, too. By the way, Master Claire?

"What is it?

In the room where the lights were turned off, I could see Master Claire turning this way.

"Long time no see...... how about that?

"You don't have a choice anymore... do you? Welcome."

That's how I stayed up all night.

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