I Favor the Villainess

111. Every Molotov

"What is he?

"I know. I'm a student at the Royal College. Sure, it's called Ray-Taylor."

"What are we going to say now...?

In the wake of the crowd's twirling, I - overcame the fence by accident.

It's not cool, but it's not if you're confused.

"Guards, knock them out."

"Wait, please"

One man stopped Suras from attempting to forcefully continue his execution.

"The person is a leading investor in the revolutionary government. I won't tolerate being intact."

"But, Lambert..."

That's right.

The man was Lambert-Ortho.

He is the brother of Lehne, who was deported from the country during the civilian movement.

"Now is the time for a transition to a new era. You'd better get rid of the post-rot, wouldn't you?

Lambert said so, turning to me.

"Opportunities were created. It's up to you."

"Thank you"

In thanking Lambert, I called on the crowd.

"There are objections to this trial. There are other true sinners who have unjustly exploited the people and brought in national disasters!

I raised my voice.

"Do what's stupid. Who, other than the Duke of François, says he's responsible for that crime?

"I will reveal that now.... Lene!


When Lene showed up, a voice rose out of the crowd.

Lady Claire also has her eyes open to surprise.

"That's the young general of the Fraternal Chamber of Commerce."

"And over there, my husband Lambert."

Lady Lehne and Lambert were interested in the Chamber of Commerce in Appalachia after being deported.

That is the Fratel Chamber of Commerce.

Fratel created an explosive hit product called Cream Brulee, and has since been a favorite of the leap industry by announcing one creative menu after another.

Fratel means brothers in the old language of this country.

Turn it around as it is. It means fellow citizens or something like that, but what it means to them is obvious.

It was only a few days ago that I was reunited with Laine and Lambert.

They had become large contributors to the Revolutionary Government and were also present at this public trial.

"Dear Dollar-François is not a national thief. He is a true patriot."

With that said, Lehne spoke well of the political activities that Master Dollar had undertaken so far and the content of his support for the Revolutionary Government.

Among them was a detailed account of the control of the nobility carried out by Lady Claire and the funding of the resistance.

He told Lene about all the activities I've done with Dollar so far.

"For example, the control of the infidel nobility carried out by Lord Claire and Ray-Taylor, as well as Cardinal Lilly, but behind this was the backup and instruction of Lord Dollar"

Some of the nobles we picked included houses with a certain amount of force.

They crushed homes that were likely to be handicapped when the revolution broke out.

It wasn't just a world renaissance.

When the revolution broke out, the Dollar has struck numerous hands to keep as little blood from flowing to the civilian population as possible.

Mr. Dollar had read and acted like a famous Chess figure.

"As far as funding goes, it starts from the very beginning of the formation of the resistance under the name XX"

Many other things, Lene explained without exception.

"Dear Dollar is a patriot who truly worries about the fate of this country"

"What a fool! That's why it doesn't make any difference that they cheated on the interim government and left the king in power!

"You say that, Sarace?

A cool tenor - no, should I call it alto - blocked the roughing suras of his voice.

"Master Yu!

"I thought you were disturbed!

"But it's beautiful."

Yu, dressed in a monastic garment, took the common monks and appeared on the floor.

Fluffy blonde hair is only slightly stretched and more feminine.

Originally she had a combined feminine impression, but now she only looks completely female.

"Dear Yu, why are you here..."

"That's this line, Suras. A true sinner."

The crowd swayed at Master Yu's bomb statement.

"Sinner? Master Suras?

"I knew you were upset."

"But it doesn't look that way at all -"

The crowd is completely confused.

In the meantime, only You-sama's voice sounded strangely stitched in the gap.

It is, of course, the work of my best friend Misha.

"He - Saras-Lilium is the true national bandit. He leads with the Nah Empire and is trying to make this country ours!

Yu-like's strangulation pierced the surus sharply.

A twist runs to the crowd.

But that's about Suras, the politician of Haiqian Mountain Thousand.

I immediately regained my composure and said:

"What are you talking about, Master Yu? Again, you seem distracted. Please, I won't be spending time in the convent in peace."

"I already have my research on it....... Ray"


Ray answered Master Yu's voice and removed the carded one from his nostrils.

"Here is a record of all the covenants that Suras has made with the Empire! Ladies and gentlemen! Don't let Suras fool you!

I maxed out the audio and played back the magic props.

That was amplified by Misha's wind attribute magic, which echoed around the area.

"What do you mean!?

"Wasn't the revolutionary government on our side!?

"I don't get it!

The crowd became a fuss like a hive.

Suras is desperately speaking of excuses, but the noise cancels them out to reach the people.

"... it would have been better if this had happened"

Sarus blew it hard as he took out the whistling thing from his nostrils.

When the noise sounded sharp and unbeatable, there was a crowd of shadows that appeared as if to respond to it.

"! Suras' Private Army!

Though fewer in number than the old National Army, that force gathered from the fallen nobles was on a scale that could not be ignored.

The private army was fully armed and positioned to surround the Summary Court.


Suras gave the order - right after that.

"Well, the inquisitor didn't grate it."

With an awesome voice, the soldiers were blocked by the explosion.

"It's Master Rod!

"You're alive!

It was Master Rod, who was missing, who led the army and rushed.

If you look closely, Master Rod had lost one arm, but his expression is lively.

"You're a little late. But a hero comes up late, right?

That's what I said, and Master Rod laughed manly.

He erupted in the midst of a call for evacuation to the village at the foot of the Sassal volcano, where he was badly wounded protecting the villagers.

Unfortunately, there were no healing magic users in the village, and they had to take the time to heal their injuries.

He's in danger of his life for a time, but he's lost one arm, and his brilliance remains unchanged.

"Hey, Suras. Stop wasting your resistance. Most of your private army complimented me. Difference between piercing locks."

"Gu... Do you stand in the way even if you die..."

Suras hates Master Rod.

"Not yet! I'm not done yet! Lily!"

"Uh... I don't know what it is after all"

It was Master Lily who appeared all the way out of the darkness of the court.

He wears light armor, which appears to be made of black leather, and weaves even more black capes.

In terms of tone, personality remains alternate.

"Dollars and Claire, and kill the princes! If it wasn't for them, it wouldn't matter!

"It's easy for you to say. Well, I'll do it."

Even though she looked fed up, Master Lily let go of the knife.

The blunt tip is wet in the venom.

Clashes between the private army of Suras and the army led by Master Rod left the area in chaos.

In this state, it may be possible to assassinate a dignitary with Lily's skill.

But we didn't come here helplessly either.

"I can't believe I let a girl imitate me like this... Shame on you, Suras. Magic Unlocked (Spellbreaker)!"

It is of course Master Manaria who stood before Master Lily.

No matter how hard Master Lily gets after the transformation, there's nothing to say about canceling the personality exchange itself.


"... what an elusive technique...!

Even with the power of Master Manaria, Master Lily's de-cursion did not seem to go so easily.


But it doesn't seem to be null and void at all, and Master Lily's movements have stopped and he has a distressed look on his face.

"Stop, 'you' don't come out! This body belongs to me!

That line sounded as if Lily, the black mask, was resisting Lily in the main unit.

I call on Master Lily of the main unit.

"Master Lily, please come back!

"Ray... Sa..." Yamerovo!

Master Lily swung a knife and approached me.

I felt in danger, but I believed in Master Lily and embraced that body.

Then, Master Lily cramped heavily and collapsed like a threaded doll.

In a hurry, Master Lily opened her eyes thinly,

"Lily, good luck......"

And that's all I said, I lost my mind.

As I lay gently on Master Lily's body, I stroked one of her heads before rising.

"Master Lily has also discerned you. That's it, Suras!

"Gu... Ye... Ye...!

He was a salus who bites his lips regrettably, but now he's his checkmate.

He shouldn't have any more bills.

"Ray-Taylor! Look me in the eye!

I soon realized it was a trap, but by then it was too late.

From a blink of sight, the world transforms into a gnaw.

This is... suras insinuation!

"I'll take you to second lily."

"You're not gonna let me."

At the same time as that voice, my vision went back to normal.

The Lord of the Voice was Master Manaria.

"There's no way I'll ever fail this magical curse I saw again. Don't be creepy."

With that said, Master Manaria stuck the cutting edge of the magic wand at Suras.

"Now it's over, Surras-Lilium"

Suras regretted the tears of blood, but that was the last resistance.

"... what? What's this all about?

"In the end, who was wrong?

"Who are we to execute?

The upset spreads to the crowd.

At first it was small. It grew bigger every time I followed time and eventually became a thunderous yawning.


There, loud enough voices sounded to surpass the crowd's noise.

The neighborhood is quiet for a moment.

"I see Suras did seem like a villain. But?"

The Lord of the Voice is Arla-Manuel.

"That's why you can't do the revolution itself."

She is a woman who has become the flag of the revolutionary forces.

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