I Favor the Villainess

107. Kingdom History November 10, 2015

Master Claire's hard work was sobering.

While returning between the Interim Government and the Revolutionary Government, he advanced to that compromise.

We listened courageously to the stories of both sides, who did not give up their positions on each other, and explored where to drop them.

It wasn't sneaky to see Lady Claire doing it day by day, but I was much more patient knowing it wouldn't last long either.

And the day finally came.

Kingdom history November 10, 2015.

The demonstration finally turned into an armed bee.

Half of the Interim Government Army was per Revolutionary Government Army, with armed clashes.

Newspapers have reported that fighting trends favour the Revolutionary Army.

"... we didn't make it."

Lady Claire, who witnessed a clash between the crowd and government forces through the college window, stood powerless.

I told him to comfort me, holding that hand strong.

"Master Claire did her best. What's happened is there's no other way."

"But if I had worked harder..."

"Master Claire has worked hard enough."


I'm sure my comfort hasn't arrived.

This ending would be unbearable for Master Claire, who has a strong sense of responsibility and now understands the feelings of both nobility and civilians.

I have more than enough to see inside of it.

"There's nothing more I can do than this. As a nobleman of the Old Ages, we are about to come to a clean end."

Master Claire said with perseverance that she regained her complexion.


"No, Master Claire. I ask Claire to stand by the side of the old days."

"... Huh?

To my words, Master Claire looked strange.

I turn my back, looking back at that face.

Finally, the time has come to reveal everything.

"Ray, what are you talking about?

"Lady Claire stands by the New Age and sees the end of the Old Age"

"Do what's stupid. I am the son of the François. It's a symbol of the old days, isn't it?

Lady Claire was laughing like a pull.

He thinks I'm making some kind of bad joke.

"Dear Claire. The symbol of the Old Age is not Master Claire. Dear dollar."

"Isn't that the same thing?

"No, you don't. Dear Claire, Dollars, I ask you to stand in your position to absolve the former rulers - that is, the nobles."

"Become..., what are you talking about!

Master Claire is distracted.

I can't help it.

This is what I'm saying.

That is - to betray the nobles.

"You betray those in charge of the old days, and I praise you and survive!? I'm totally sorry, that's not true!

This reaction is well within our expectations.

Due to Master Claire's character, I can't possibly accept this very much.


"This is what the dollar wants."

"... Huh? Hey, wait a minute.... Huh? Your father's?

The voices that blame me sink at once.

I see now that Master Claire's upset is in his hands.

"Because... your father... What do you mean, Ray?

"It was the only dollar that created this revolution."

When I put it that way, the doubts in Master Claire seemed to have deepened.

"I have no idea what you're talking about!

"We'll talk in turn. It's going to be a long time. Please sit down."

I urged Master Claire to sit in the chair.

Master Claire seemed to want to hear the rest of it soon, but he followed my words for now.

"As Master Claire knows, there were signs of corruption in the kingdom's politics. Most of the nobles were running to their private interests and their struggle for power was dawning."

"... Yep. But what does that have to do with..."

"Among them were the few nobles who truly guide the end of this country - that's the dollar."

"Your father? But your father tries to make the politics of this country ours..."

It is not impossible for Lady Claire to assume that.

Mr. Dollar's disguise work was thorough.

"Master Dollar became the center of the vicious aristocracy at your expense. All this today, to be ended by the hands of the civilians"

"... oh my god"

Master Claire is out of line.

All the dollar attitudes like looking down on the civilian population and not being a person if you are a nobleman are also disingenuous.

Even Master Claire couldn't spot it.

I went on.

"In the past, the Dollar himself never questioned the status quo of the nobility. What changed was when Miriam, Claire's mother, died."

"When your mother died...?

Miriam is dead the day Claire celebrates her fourth birthday.

I was in a carriage accident with Master Dollar.

Master Dollar took his life, but Master Miriam did not help.

"Dear Miriam's accident was set up by another leading nobleman. It was murder."

"Oh no...!

"Master Dollar has changed since that day. This can't be the way it is."

The Dollar has only discerned the aristocracy that dawns in the struggle for power.

"Master Dollar even supported the revolutionary forces while playing a virtuous aristocracy. Do you remember? The day I became Lady Claire's maid."

"... Yep. That's when you said something and your father changed from that moment on."

"That's what I said then." Irvine-Manuel, March 3rd, 500,000 Gold. "That was the breakdown of financial support for the Resistances that the Dollars were secretly doing."

The loan to Arla's brother Irvine, the vault number of the resistance, is something no one else should know about besides the dollar.

From the point of view of the dollar, my remarks would have been thoughtless.

I made Dollar acknowledge that he would be the maid of Claire, using the secrets that Dollar held as a shield.

"After being paid, I said this to Master Dollar. Mr. Dollar's will is splendid, but is he going to involve Mr. Claire?"

"How could you..."

"The dollar was meant to sacrifice Claire for the future of this country. I love you so much about Claire, but I can't do it for the future, so I gave up."

There, I let in wisdom.

"I offered the dollar another option. Even if the nobles are overthrown, the way Lord Claire will survive. Dollar adopted my proposal that if there is a way for my daughter to survive."

What I presented to Mr. Dollar was a scenario in which Mr. Claire would divide and turn to the guilty side of the old aristocracy.

I explained it to Master Claire.

"All the various activities I have carried out so far are for that reason. Raise the fame of Lord Claire, distance him from his nobility, so that he may live in a new era."

"Then... then you are! I knew this would happen from the beginning!

Master Claire's face was distorted in sorrow.

I felt a strong heartache but continue.

"Yes, I knew that there would be a revolution, that the nobles, starting with the Dollars, would perish as a result, and that it would be inevitable no matter what."

"No... I... trust you...!

"I'm sorry, Master Claire. I don't care what you dispose of."

The moment I said that, Lady Claire waved her arms at me with an angry look on her face.

I closed my eyes and spoiled and tried to accept it.

But after all this time, the pain didn't run on my cheeks.

When she opened her eyes, Lady Claire was still in the same position as before closing her eyes, weeping quietly.

"Your father and you... you're taking it too personally..."

Master Claire was a sensitive man.

Master Dollar or what I do is unforgivable.

But I realized that the motive for the deed was all for me.

That's why even if you're feeling unreasonable, you don't blame us.

No, you can't blame me if you want to.

"Lady Claire will now be joining the revolutionary government. I've been talking to Ara."


"Soon, the royal family should give the brocade flag to the revolutionary government. In that case, it will be the nobles who will be rebels. Claire will be excused from them."


"Master Claire?

When I spoke, Lady Claire stood up quietly without responding and walked over to the window.

Outside the window, fighting continues, as always.

"Hey, Ray. What kind of life would you expect me to live if I became a civilian?

And I've suddenly heard that.

I ate a little, but I'll think about it for now.

"Right...... I think you're often confused at first. Like my house on vacation."

"I guess so."

I saw Master Claire nodding with her back to this one.

I go on.

"But you'll get used to it soon. I'll always take good care of you."

"Yes...... You live with me, too."

"Of course it is. If it's for Claire, I'll stick around and work for her."

"Right. I guess that's what you're gonna need to do."

So Lady Claire silenced.

I get anxious and keep spinning words anyway.

"Let's have a dog too"

"Cats are good."

Lady Claire responds to my impeccable suggestion.

"Do you want a garden or something?

"You want a flowerbed, too."

"How many children shall I make"

"You can't make it."

"Well, you know, adopted kids"

"I want two pretty girls."

As I continued to interact like that, I felt a response.

Lady Claire also said, "Right," once you cut the word,

"I'm sure you won't make me unhappy."

That's what you told me.

The tone is like a dream.

... dreams?



I missed the words of Claire, who went on to speak.

"Master Claire?

"I refuse," I said.

The look on Claire's face when she said so was refreshing and she looked like something had fallen off.

My cheeks were still wet in tears, but my eyes have a strong light back.

"What are you talking about, Master Claire? We don't have a choice anymore."

"No, I do. As a member of the aristocracy, you have the option of old times and doom."

Unlike earlier, now it was my turn to be more confused.

I don't know what Master Claire is talking about.

"No... It's pointless! Because no one would be happy to do that!

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Dear Dollar... and me, all the time to let Claire live -"

"Yeah, I appreciate that compassion."

There was even a smile on Master Claire's face.

I couldn't stop my spine from getting thinner and colder.

"Wait... please wait. Are you angry that Mr. Dollar or I went about things in silence? I apologize for that. But if I tell you honestly, Master Claire..."

"I can't accept that," you refused.

Bad, bad, bad.

Apparently, I was making a terrible mistake.

I did not anticipate this development.

"I suppose your father and Ray have truly guided you about me. I understand that. I'm not angry."

"Then why not!


Lady Claire, once she cut the words, looked at me and said.

"I am noble."

I lost my word.

"A nobleman is a man who has been given luxury to carry out his duties when things happen. Until now I have been allowed to do many of Wagamama's duties precisely on this day and at this hour"

"So that's fine!

"No. My last duty - it's to accept the choices of the civilians as a nobleman of the old age."

I was underestimated.

No, you should have known, but you didn't.

What does Master Claire look like?

To Master Claire, what does it mean to be aristocratic?

"Dear Claire... let's reconsider... let's live a new era together...?

"I'm sorry, Ray. I can't give you any of this, no matter how much you wish."

"It's the afterlife... you promised me... that you wouldn't give up until the end"

I'm talking about the academic exam and the Knights of the College exam.

Lord Claire must have sworn to God.


"Speaking of which, that happened. I kind of miss it."

Stop it.

Don't say it in that past form.

"I don't... I don't... Dear Claire... you can't go...!

"Sorry, Ray"

Lady Claire approached me softly, wasting time...

I dropped my lips.

"I'll give you a first kiss to apologize for making a mistake."

Oh......, I have understood.

Lady Claire is gone.

"Goodbye, Ray. Please, breathe."

As it was, Master Claire left the room.

I wanted to go after him, but I couldn't.

Because I couldn't think of any words that would hold Lady Claire back.

"Dear Claire..."

I've been running just to avoid this ending.

All the time, save Master Claire's life, that's all.

But everything was for nothing.

When I once brought all the plans to Master Dollar, I remember the words he told me.

"Your plan is very well done. But... would my daughter accept it?

Wordless thoughts convey cheeks.

First kiss, I didn't know what it tasted like.

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