The bad news continued.

"Your father must have disturbed you!

Lady Claire, who read the newspaper this morning, threw that up at the very beginning of the opening.

"What happened?

"Make a tax increase," it says.

In the face of impossibility, Master Claire gave me the newspaper.

When I received it and ran my eyes, it said there that the extraordinary government would raise taxes on post-eruption measures.

Anything, because a large extraordinary budget was needed to compensate for the damage suffered by the eruption, the newspaper says.

"The people are just suffering from high prices. I can't believe we're raising taxes on this..."

Even I, the amateur of politics, can tell a bad hand.

To Claire, who has studied imperialism since a young age, the decisions of the Dollars must seem foolish and extreme.

"You can't keep doing this."

"What do you mean?

We'll have a civil protest demonstration in no time.

Master Claire's predictions are not wrong.

If the game is as it flows, the demo should start next week as well.

"So I hope your fathers the extraordinary government wakes up..."

"What if I don't wake you up?

"... there could be a riot. The records show that in past eruptions, that actually happened."

As I know, it doesn't actually fit in with the riot talk.

Folks numbed by a series of repressions will eventually turn their movement into a revolution.

In that case, Dear Claire, the fate of the nobles will be tragic.

"Do you remember the word" revolution, "Master Lily said?

"... Yep"

"I think it's going to happen."

Master Claire lost her words like a nose whitewash, but eventually,

"It's never strange when that happens. If the nobles continue to do such foolish things."

That's what I said, and I laughed to mock myself.

"What does Master Claire intend to do?

"I don't know... I've already done everything a nobleman can do. I can't believe I can do any more."

"Dear Claire,"

I offered Master Claire something like a notebook.

"What's this?

"I keep it in a commercial guild, it's a refrain from my assets"

"When did you get something like that... Huh? So much?"

The notebook contained a surprising amount of money, even the noble-headed Claire.

"What's wrong with this forehead? You wouldn't save so much on my paycheck as a squire, would you?

"I used to hang other part-time jobs."

"You've been by my side almost all day, haven't you?

"Yeah, because it's a part-time job that's not bound by time"


Master Claire didn't seem convinced, but for now, let's move on.

"Use this money to do something"

"Something... what are you doing?

"It's a cookout"

Lady Claire looked surprised at my suggestion.

"Then you're doing the extraordinary government, too. You should be able to cook more efficiently if you just give the money to the extraordinary government."

"Can Claire be trusted with the current interim government?

"... it's..."

Master Claire became tannic.

"Besides, Master Claire. What Claire does makes sense."


"Yes, to show the people that nobility is not all corrupt"


To my words, Lady Claire thought.

Half of what I just said is a lie.

Allowing Claire to cook out is insurance to keep Claire from taking the side of being defeated during the eventual revolution.

Dear Dollars, the Interim Government is laying down a complete evil government.

As it is, Lady Claire eats Dollar's roll and straightens the path to ruin.

It needs to be made clear to the public that Master Claire has a different idea than Master Dollar.

Originally, it was also requested by His Majesty Rosseille to create a diagram called Lady Claire, which punishes the virtuous nobility.

As a result of the picking of potatoes, Master Claire had reached the point where he had gained an appreciation of being a good and virtuous nobleman.

This can be considered a very significant change, given that it was originally an assessment of a selfish villain lady.

But if Master Dollar doesn't stop doing bad government like this, that kind of assessment will also be dispelled.

We need to draw a diagram here, Master Claire versus Master Dollar.

"I used to look only hypocritical, like a cookout."

That's what Lady Claire said, and she still laughed mockingly.

"Wouldn't it be hypocrisy or whatever? For the good of the people."

"... are you okay with that? If you wanted to save this kind of money, it would have been a lot harder, wouldn't it? You're not going out with me, are you?

Lady Claire has asked me like a confirmation, but it's too late now.

"Because I have no use for more than I can help Master Claire"

"... I'm afraid it's time for you to know that I'm not saying it with a congrat"

Master Claire smiles bitterly.

"Let's also use my personal assets. Coupled with Ray's share, you should be able to cook quite a bit."

"Nice. And I was wondering if you could help me."

"To Master Yu? But he's under house arrest for being distracted because of a heterosexual disease, right?

"I don't think we need to get permission from the interim government. Master Yu is still the former heir to the throne at the head of the church forces. Without the king, I don't think anyone can stop You-sama from acting."

We cannot afford to let talented people play in the crisis of national survival.

"I see you have a point. The Church seems to know the rules of cooking and other things, and we can do more of what we do as an organization than we do as individuals."


Of course I have my own calculations for this.

In addition to Claire versus Dollar drawings, I'd also like to draw church versus aristocracy drawings.

"Fine. Let's move in that direction."

"If that's what you decide, let's get started. First of all, it works for you."

"I will write to you and deliver it to you."

"Yes, Master Claire"

It looks like the vitality has returned to Master Claire's face.

Humans, I know I have problems with the status quo, but I can best not do anything.

If you think you're doing something to solve the problem, that's where hope comes in.

Lady Claire moved vigorously when she found something new to do.

In addition to the thoughts, the collaboration with Master Yu was realized lightly, and the first cookout began the day after it moved out.

That evening the name of Lord Claire leapt along with the name of the church.

As a heartfelt nobleman, he was introduced to something different from the extraordinary government.

The cookout was not left to manpower either, and Lady Claire turned to herself.

There are no shards in the shadow of the Villain Warrant to the appearance of taking the soup from the hand.

Unsparingly thankful voices were delivered by the civilians who joined the distribution line.

Of course, it is not that easy to say whether all civilians supported Master Claire.

Some took Claire's actions as a tactic to restore the political image of the Dollars.

But that's temporary, too.

In that view, a major newspaper told him that the interim government had made the announcement that it was not to be praised that noble individuals would move on their own.

It is a dark accusation of Master Claire's actions.

The number of students considering the connection between Master Claire and the extraordinary government gradually decreased.

The flow had changed slightly.

At such times, it is the profit-sensitive merchants who move first.

Some merchants still continued to devour the profits from the buyout, but gradually began to emerge those who would cooperate with Master Claire's distribution.

Among them were the Tur Chamber of Commerce and Blume, as well as Fratel, and the chambers and shops that took part in these moves received overwhelming support from the public.

"It's still small, but we're getting more endorsements."

About a week later, in the dorm room, Master Claire was reading a newspaper.

Lady Claire also advertised in the newspapers and widely solicited people to participate in their activities.

Endorsing individuals and organizations were now about to approach fifty.

The flow was changing.


"Dear Claire, give me that!


About one day I was preparing in my room to head out to cook again today.

To my words, Lady Claire throws her gaze down the window.

Then there was the figure of the civilians forming the flock.

"... oh my god"

What we saw was the sight of a demonstration march by the civilians.

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