I established Kua Kua Cult in Naruto

Chapter 567: The choice between money and freedom. Hesitating for a second is disrespectful to money

"Okay, let's stop talking about the identification and collection of common medicinal materials in the desert. If there are no questions, let's end the get out of class."

In the dilapidated classroom, a young man wearing glasses said feebly. When class was over, he even started to stretch and yawn involuntarily.

"Yes! Mr. Ginpachi!"*N

There were not many children in the classroom, but the slogans were shouted very neatly. The young man nodded and adjusted his glasses that were slightly displaced due to nodding.

Then he turned around, took a rag, and smeared it on the uneven dark stone slab, erasing what was written on it, and the children left the classroom one after another.

"What a bunch of heartless brats, they don't even close the windows."

The young man slowly moved to the window and tied curtains made of rags to the corners of the window. Although it could not cover all the corners of the window, it could block most of the wind and sand.

When fastening the last curtain, the young man raised his head, his tired fish-like eyelids slightly raised, and looked out the window at the person who had been staring here since class.

Seeing the young man looking at him, the man did not hide anything, but nodded generously, and then walked towards the classroom.

"No motivation."

"There is no love for the world in my eyes."

"It seems like there's a lot of disrespect for your profession as a teacher."

"Dead fish eyes."

These are some of Ye Cang's impressions of this "Mr. Ginpachi" after observing a class. To be honest, the impression this Mr. Ginpachi left on her was not a good one.

Ye Cang prefers people with bright eyes, clear goals, and hard work, rather than people like Mr. Ginpachi who just repeat the boring life every day without thinking about changing it.

If possible, Ye Cang doesn't want to have more contact with such people, because a person without motivation will also destroy the enthusiasm of those around him.

It's just that Ye Cang had to come in contact and even try her best to win over him, because she needed the support of more people. Mr. Ginpachi looked good no matter what, as long as he had the strength, he was worth winning over.

And maybe Mr. Ginpachi’s performance today is not normal? After all, Mr. Ginpachi was still fighting against bandits and protecting the refugees in the oasis in the early morning.

Maybe I'm just too tired to have the energy to even teach the children?

Trying to remember that Mr. Ginpachi actually had a bright side, Ye Cang also walked around to the door of the classroom. The door of the classroom had long been broken, and there was also a curtain made of cloth tied to the side.

Ye Cang entered the classroom directly without even knocking or pushing the door. At this time, Mr. Ginpachi was carefully arranging every table and chair, even if these tasks were meaningless.

"It seems a bit obsessive-compulsive."

Ye Cang had an extra impression of Mr. Ginpachi, so he was not in a hurry to speak. He even took the initiative to help move the tables and chairs upright after waiting for a short while.

It wasn't until he finished this pointless task that Mr. Ginpachi looked at Ye Cang, but there was no emotion in his eyes like the exploration, scrutiny, curiosity, etc. that Ye Cang had expected.

But just watching, just like when a person is walking aimlessly on the road, his eyes will always gather and focus on some unimportant place.

The scene was a little quiet and awkward. After a while, Ye Cang took the initiative and said, "Hello, Mr. Ginpachi, I am Kirigakure Murjonin, Ye Cang."

"Ok, I know."

Mr. Ginpachi nodded and said: "If you have something to do, please tell me directly and skip the pleasantries. After all, I don't want your unnecessary behavior to delay my own time."

The corner of Ye Cang's mouth twitched. This Mr. Ginpachi was doing meaningless and time-wasting things, but he asked her, a "guest", not to waste time.

But she quickly adjusted her mentality and said: "I heard that Mr. Ginpachi is not only a teacher appointed by the Daming Prefecture Education Department, but he is also a Magnetic Escape Blood Successor Ninja?"

"Not a ninja."

Mr. Ginpachi shook his head and denied it, but the point of denial was a bit strange, which made Ye Cang's planned words get stuck again.

Although they are two completely different people, in terms of irritability, Mr. Ginpachi is really comparable to that person.

But he had to ask for help and had to endure it. Ye Cang took a breath and said: "It doesn't matter if you are not a ninja. It's just that Mr. Ginpachi, you have protected this oasis more than once. I believe you are also worthy of serving the country of wind." A plan.

Just in time, I'm recruiting."

"There is no plan, but if this place is destroyed, I will be assigned to another human gathering area, which will be too troublesome."

Mr. Ginpachi interrupted Ye Cang, and Ye Cang gritted his teeth. Even though he was asking for help, Mr. Ginpachi's attitude really didn't deserve a beating.

And why is there such a far-fetched reason? Ye Cang tried hard to maintain his appearance and said: "Mr. Ginpachi, you should also know that in the current war between the two countries of Wind and Fire, we, the Kingdom of Wind, are already at a dangerous disadvantage. .”

"Well, can you be more direct and not waste each other's time?"

"I need your help."

Ye Cang's tone became a little aggressive, but Mr. Ginpachi's eyes and expression remained unchanged as he said, "I will reject you, and please don't try to convince me, okay?"

"Why? You should know that your talents and abilities can play a much greater role on the battlefield than here. Do you really just want to repeat boring every day?

If that's the case, why do you need to train your abilities? It's not like your ability to use magnetic escape is something you're born with, right?

Even if it's not for others, just for yourself, if you can play a sufficient role on the battlefield, then the treatment you can receive after the war is unmatched now. "

Ye Cang tried hard to persuade, but Mr. Ginpachi quickly waved his hand and said: "You should keep these words for those young brats. I am greedy for life, afraid of death, and afraid of causing trouble."

The refusal was straightforward, but Ye Cang did not give up. She lowered her eyes, then raised her eyes suddenly, and asked: "Is it because I am the one who invited you? Do you think that working with me will not end well? ?

After all, Luo Sha seems to have more potential, and like you, he is also the owner of the Magnetic Escape Blood Succession Limit. If he were the one to invite, everything would be different, right? "


"No? Are you saying you would reject him too?"

"No, I mean, he won't bother me."

After Mr. Ginpachi finished speaking, Ye Cang was stunned. She was even ready to say bad things about Luo Sha to make the people in front of her realize the real Luo Sha, but


Ye Cang asked doubtfully. Mr. Ginpachi's eyes finally changed, with contempt. He looked at Ye Cang and said, "I won't marry him. Even recruiting me will affect his irreplaceability. He is sick." That’s why you came to recruit me.”

For a moment, Ye Cang didn't know how to answer, because it seemed to make sense, but it wasn't right!

"Mr. Ginpachi, let's discuss why you refused my offer. Is it because you think I can't compete with Rasa?"

The topic almost got sidetracked just now. Ye Cang concentrated his attention at this time and looked at Mr. Ginpachi, waiting for a positive answer. Mr. Ginpachi's dead eyes became even more lifeless and said:

"Is there a possibility that I just don't want to go to the battlefield? After all, I am a teacher, not a ninja. Going to the battlefield has never been my duty, nor is it what I want to do?"

"But it is on the battlefield that you can show your true talents. I admit that education is important, but now is the time when the country is rising and falling. Fighting foreign enemies is far higher than what you are doing now. Isn't it a higher priority?"

After hearing Ye Cang's words, Mr. Ginpachi shook his head and said: "There is no rule that stipulates that you must maximize your talents.

Just like, if I have a girlfriend, my X ability can be used to its best, but if I choose to use my right hand, is it not a mistake? "


Ye Cang didn't understand immediately. He was stunned for several seconds before he reacted. His expression was completely out of control. Sure enough, in terms of being annoying, the person in front of him was really on par with that guy.

Ye Cang didn't want to take up this topic at all. She changed her direction and said, "Mr. Ginpachi, are you really willing to live like this for the rest of your life? Don't you have anything in your heart that you want to fight for?"

"Yes, what I want to strive for most in my life is to become a teacher at the Daming Mansion Noble School, where I can collect gifts from the aristocratic gentlemen and beat and scold their ignorant children."

As long as the wishes mentioned by Mr. Ginpachi are normal, Ye Cang will definitely support or even encourage them, because people with wishes can be easily manipulated, but

Is this the wish and vision for the future that a normal person should have? !

Ye Cang felt that her head was aching. She had never felt that winning over people was such a painful thing. In the past, even if she failed, she could accept those people's reasons.

There were even many people who directly expressed their support for Luo Sha, and Ye Cang didn't feel as uncomfortable as he does now.

"Besides this, is there anything else you want?"

Ye Cang asked with difficulty. She wanted to try one last time, if it still didn't work.


"Money?! Are you short of money?"

Ye Cang couldn't believe it. Mr. Ginpachi pointed at him and asked, "How do I look like I'm short of money?"

"Then how much do you want to join my team and fight against Konoha together?"

"I don't want to spend any money."

Dead Fish rolled his eyes with difficulty and said: "There is really someone in Konoha who can kill me."

"You mean, no one in Sunagakure Village can kill you?"

Ye Cang grasped the key point. Mr. Ginpachi held up his glasses and nodded. Ye Cang frowned and thought for a moment. If this situation continued, it would be impossible for her to win over Luo Sha.

However, she will never give in, so maybe she will resort to force. She alone may not be able to defeat Rasa, let alone Rasa and Garura now have an almost symbiotic relationship.

Ye Cang looked at Mr. Ginpachi and asked uncertainly: "Can't Luo Sha kill you too?"

"I have absolute confidence in saving my life."

"Then I hire you privately and use all my money in exchange for your protection of me, okay?"

"Is there a trade-off between money and unfettered freedom? Money is more valuable than freedom."

Listening to Mr. Ginpachi's muttering, Ye Cang couldn't help but become nervous, fearing that he would say "freedom is more expensive", but Mr. Ginpachi's answer was still so unexpected.

"Freedom is worthless."

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