I established Kua Kua Cult in Naruto

Chapter 470: I became a puppet until I had difficulty breathing. Who actually controls the string?

"Have you mastered the power of the tailed beast by swallowing the tailed beast? Tatsuma Sakamoto is indeed amazing. But you did show me how high the upper limit of the human body's transformation is."

In the Kazekage's office, the Sandaime Kazekage was sitting in his seat, looking like he was thinking seriously, but where his eyes were focused, that is, on the table top of the desk, there was nothing.

The information that should have been placed on the table was now in the hands of Sadaime Kazekage, who was reading the information sent by Iwagakure with a meaningless smile.

"I really want to cut open your brain and see what kind of knowledge you have accumulated to be able to do this. How to use the power of the tailed beast?"

Scorpion murmured, not intending to hide it, but it seemed that he was not so reckless that he was not afraid of others discovering his secret, but more like he was ignoring his body's reaction after being fully devoted.

After a while, Scorpion rolled up the scroll, looked at the Sandaime Kazekage who was still thinking, and gently raised his hand, chakra spreading at a specific frequency.


The Sandaime Kazekage stood up, and the table legs rubbed against the dusty ground, making a sharp friction sound. Xia raised his hand and turned it slightly in a circle. As if being instructed by something, the Sandaime Kazekage moved towards the office door. Go.

Scorpion followed him step by step, like a devout apprentice, but when he looked at the Sandaime Kazekage from time to time, there was no trace of respect in his eyes, but more like scrutiny.

Looking at his own work.

He has raised puppetry to an unprecedented level, a field that has never been explored before.

In the past, puppetry techniques relied on chakra threads and steel wires to operate puppets. Even human manipulation techniques, which only a few puppet masters such as his grandmother mastered, were extremely cheap in the eyes of Scorpion today.

The so-called human body control is nothing more than pulling the bones and muscles of the controlled object through chakra lines, and using the knowledge of anatomy and puppets to allow the controlled person to exert more full combat effectiveness.

Essentially, it's no different than a puppet show.

Including the so-called "human puppet" works developed by Sha Xing, who was highly praised by many people more than ten years ago, are also extremely crude. They are just crude simulations of the human body, and various spells are carved into the puppets to realize "human puppets". " function.

At that level, in Scorpio's view, he can only become a human puppet, not a human puppet.

The real human puppet is like his current work, a dead but living person, a "human puppet" that completely obeys its own wishes but retains its original power.

The era of puppet shows is over, now is the era of signal-controlled puppets.

It only takes a little chakra simulated electrical signal to trigger the chakra needle left in the human puppet's body, which acts as a sensor and generator. The human puppet can follow its own wishes and perform behaviors that satisfy itself.

Xie has not solved the problem of limited lifespan, but he has already had a preliminary idea. It is an old trick of the puppet master, just replace the old parts, but new parts are hard to find.

Currently, only Konoha's Orochimaru and Sakamoto Tatsuma can create "new parts" of the human body. Thinking back to the miraculous organ transplant surgery video he saw in a hospital in Damingfu, Scorpion's heart felt a little hot.

If he can master this technology, then he only needs to replace the parts, and he can control healthy and young human puppets forever, even...

Xie touched the "Father" and "Mother" seal scrolls on his back. If he could cultivate all the organs of the human body and then combine them together, would he be the Creator?

If the genes of these organs come from one's own father and mother, then is it equivalent to resurrecting one's own parents?

No, there is still a soul, but even this technology has been mastered by Konoha,

Why was he born in Sunagakure Village? If I was born in Konoha, then maybe I could openly learn the mysteries of the human body from Tatsuma and Orochimaru, and then obtain the technique that can bring back the soul from the pure land, and truly resurrect my parents.

Scorpio's eyes became gray, but soon became firm again, and he had more reasons to attack Konoha.

Kill Sakumo Hatake, possess the techniques of Tatsuma Sakamoto and Orochimaru, and plunder the forbidden technique of reincarnation in dirty soil.

The two came to a temple. There were many Suna ninjas guarding the place. It was said to be a temple, but the doors and windows here were stronger than a prison. The Suna ninjas on duty here were also very serious.


Seeing the arrival of the Sandaime Kazekage, the Sand Ninjas saluted one after another. As for the Scorpion behind the Sandaime Kazekage, they were ignored. After all, no matter how talented he is, he is only a teenager. He is not as talented as Sakamoto Tatsuma, so there is no need to go overboard. Notice.

Scorpion was not annoyed at all by the disregard of these people. He moved his fingers hidden in his sleeves, and the Sandaime Kazekage waved his hand, ordering them to open the door, and then walked into the temple with Scorpion.

The temple is very large, or very empty. In the large hall, there is only one old monk. He is kneeling on a futon, with his hands clasped together and reciting scriptures. In front of him is a damaged Buddha statue.

The sutras that made people sleepy after hearing them seemed to fail to help the old monk himself. He looked extremely tired, and his sunken eye sockets were filled with bloodshot eyes.

But he is unusually peaceful. If he were an ordinary person, he would become irritable even if it was just because his eyes were bloodshot and itchy because he rubbed his eyes twice too many times, not to mention that it was caused by insomnia.

But the old monk seemed completely unaware of his physical condition, and all his energy seemed to be spent on reciting scriptures.

"Share the blessings."

It wasn't until the old monk's recitation of the sutra came to an end that the Sandaime Kazekage spoke, thus interrupting the old monk's idea of ​​reciting the next sutra.

Fenfu stopped, took a few long breaths, and said, "Who are you, the donor? It is really inappropriate to blaspheme the dead in this way."

After hearing Fenfu's words, the Sandaime Kazekage calmed down, and Scorpion behind him took a step forward. At this time, Fenfu released his clasped hands, propped himself on the ground, and slowly turned his withered body.

The moment he saw Xie, Fenfu's eyes sunk deeply into his sockets, and there was a hint of confusion. He didn't recognize this child.

It's just a child, but it's like this

Xie showed a strange smile. The upper half of his face did not change at all due to the influence of his lips. It looked like a puppet's smile. He looked at Fenfu and asked:

"Afterlife? Does it mean dead? But isn't he still alive? He can still breathe and his heart is still beating. How can he be said to be a person who has passed away?"

"All living beings have three thousand sorrows and thoughts, and an empty soul is not alive. A dry tea cauldron cannot be called a pot of tea, right?"

Fenfu looked at the third generation Kazekage, who looked directly at the Buddha statue with bright eyes and looked like a worshiper. His messy eyebrows were trembling. After living for so many years, he still couldn't understand what Kazekage was in now.

"There is nothing in the first place, so where can we get dust?"

When he heard Xie refuting himself with a verse, Fenfu was not angry, but just shook his head. He had long passed the age of debating scriptures with others.

Many times, there is no need to distinguish between opinions or things that can coexist, because there is a high probability of losing.

After shaking his head, Fenfu asked: "What does the donor want from the humble monk?"

"Shukaku must participate in the upcoming Third Ninja War."

Xie also suppressed the raised corners of his mouth. It was obvious that Fenfu gave up the argument. Logically speaking, he won, but he didn't feel anything at all.

When Fenfu heard Xie's words, he lamented, as if he was lamenting the continuous war, and then said: "Ignorant monk, I won't go."

"no problem."

Xie nodded. Now he was a little confused about the blessing. Before he could ask any questions, Xie said to himself: "Anyway, all I want is one tail. As for sharing the blessing, it doesn't matter."

Sunagakure Village also learned the name Shukaku from Fenfu. However, due to too many people's misunderstandings, Shukaku had already become another name for Fenfu. When Xie mentioned Shukaku just now, Lianfenfu Subconsciously I thought it was referring to myself.

It wasn't until Xie stressed that Fenfu reacted. A smile appeared on his withered face, and he clasped his hands together again. Xie faintly saw that his hands seemed to have writing on them, but he didn't see clearly. Fenfu's hands had already been clasped together.

"I understand, poor monk, please do as you please."

Fenfu closed his eyes and listened to the sharp and noisy voice deep in his soul, angrily scolding himself as a liar and a traitor. Deep in his heart, he only left an apology.

Faced with death that was very likely to come immediately, Fenfu had no fear or relief. He seemed to be just dealing with a normal thing.

Just like welcoming the morning, watching the birds leave, or the dust flying under the sun, there is no emotion involved.

Looking at the blessing that looked more like a dead person than the Sandaime Kazekage, Xia tilted his head and was silent for a while, then took out the scroll that recorded the information and said:

"Let Shukaku decide. If he agrees, you can escort him there. If he doesn't agree, I will kill you again."

Fenfu opened his eyes and looked at Xie with even more confusion. Xie seemed different from anyone he had ever seen. It seemed that there was no such thing as good or evil.

He spread his hands and took the scroll handed over by Xie Xie. Xie Xie could also clearly see the words on the palm, a word "shou" and a word "heart". Inexplicably, Xie Xie felt like he could feel the hug of his longed-for parents.

Fenfu slowly unfolded the scroll and let Shukaku look at the information on it through his own eyes. However, not only was Shukaku in his body roaring like crazy, but also Fenfu himself, the expression of Furui Muha. , all moved.

"It is inhuman to eat living creatures."

Hearing the sigh of blessing, Xie twitched the corner of his mouth and retorted: "Haven't you also eaten a living body? Isn't it a bit narrow to judge life by the so-called "spirit"? Or is it too lazy, even the essence of life Didn't even think about it.

The statement I prefer is that all stable substances with energy metabolism are life as long as they must undergo birth, growth and death. Or does the Buddha have a different view and thinks that life also has levels? "

Regarding the obviously provocative issue of Scorpion, Fenfu did not ignore it as before, and even began to think about it seriously. After a while, he said: "The donor is right, it's the monk who got the appearance. Whose thought is this?" "

"Tatsuma Sakamoto."

"Tatsuma Sakamoto?"

Fenfu opened his mouth slightly, looked at the scroll in his hand, then at Xie, and then back at the name on the scroll. For a moment, he didn't know how to process this information.

It is really hard to understand that a person who seems to have no respect for life at all actually has a direct understanding of life. This young man from Konoha whom I have often heard about in the past seems to be an interesting person.

A person who is just like the kid in front of me, even more interesting than him.

After a while, Fenfu nodded, looked at Xie, and said: "I am willing to go to the battlefield and meet Sakamoto Tatsuma."

Xie was very satisfied with his understanding of sharing blessings, nodded and said, "Then you line up behind me."

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