I established Kua Kua Cult in Naruto

Chapter 454: Just do your own work and avoid most troubles

In the Kingdom of Rain, in a small gathering area, some thinly-clad civilians of the Kingdom of Rain are working hard to build houses. It is not summer yet, and there is a lot of rain here, and many civilians are so cold that their teeth are chattering.

Under such circumstances, it is extremely easy to get injured during any physical activity or sports, but they did not stop building. After all, it is undoubtedly cost-effective to bear a little risk of injury in exchange for a weather-tight home.

In addition to civilians, there are also some ninjas, most of whom are wearing ninja forehead protectors from the Land of Rain, and some are ninjas from ninja villages in neighboring countries.

"Big man, thank you."

A tall man more than two meters tall walked out of the house. An old man with a stooped waist was constantly grateful. The big man showed a shy smile, shook his head, and walked to another house.

"The fire is up! Everyone, come and warm up the fire, boil some water and cook some food."

At this time, in the central open space, a young man with purple-red hair shouted loudly. In front of him was a bonfire, which was very rare in the rain forest of the Kingdom of Rain.

After all, the wood here, whether it is fresh or dead and collapsed, has extremely high water content and is difficult to use as fuel, but for ninjas, this is just a little more effort.

But now, the warm bonfire made people forget this and gathered towards the bonfire. They no longer bothered about the difference between civilians and ninjas, but just enjoyed the rare warmth.

The young man also stepped away from the bonfire, making more space for the civilians. Seeing that everyone was resting, the big man put down the thick, long, and heavy log on his shoulders and walked towards the young man.

The young man walked to sit next to an orange-haired boy and said, "In two days, the construction here should be completed. Yahiko, where is the next location?"

"Thank you for your hard work." Yahiko looked at the young man and the big man who was approaching, and said, "Old Zi, Han, if it weren't for you, we would have spent at least twice as long."

Han waved his hand, picked a place and sat down. Even when he was sitting, he gave people an extremely tall feeling. He looked at the smiling people around the bonfire and said:

"I never knew that there were such difficult places in the ninja world."

"This is the helplessness of a small country. It is short of finances and limited funds need to be spent on central buildings. Only in this way can we ensure that the country will not be easily invaded. As for the civilians, they can only feel aggrieved.

Unlike a big country, Daimyo and Ninja Village both have funds and manpower for emergency disaster relief, and they also have enough resources to drive the development of the entire country, so that they will not be unable to provide food and clothing to their citizens. "

Yahiko said with emotion on his face: "My biggest dream is to let everyone at least have food and clothing. You see, just food and clothing is enough to make them smile happily.

The Land of Rain is a sad country. God seems to pour all the tears here, so people here don’t see sunshine or smiles, but I believe that everything will get better.

If the Land of Rain can also be filled with happy smiles, then other countries and other people also have ways to be happy, right?

Although this is not the first time Lao Zi and Han have been invited, and this is not the first time they have been rejected, I still want to ask, are you willing to stay and help us? "

Hearing this, Lao Zi put his hands behind his head and lay directly on the wet boulder. He activated the very simple ability in the past, but the rainwater under him was not evaporated. Only then did he remember that he It seems that the power of the tailed beast can no longer be used.

He sat up again and said: "Yahiko, your dream is great and touches me very much, but I am a ninja of Iwagakure Village, and I will not betray my village.

Maybe one day, I can be discharged and return to work, and I will also travel around the world, like you, trying my best to save the people I can help, right? "

Lao Zi actually said less. He is not only the ninja of Iwagakure Village, but also the tailed beast jinchūriki of Iwagakure Village. Maybe it is just a beautiful dream for him to be disarmed and return to the field.

He could be grateful to Yahiko for saving them, and choose to stay in the Land of Rain for a while to repay the kindness and enjoy it, but Iwagakure Village would not agree to staying for a long time.

Han also nodded and said: "I am the same as him. Don't forget that ninjas sometimes have fewer choices than civilians."

Yahiko nodded helplessly and said: "I understand that I am too greedy, but having you here makes me feel more at ease."

This is the penultimate persuasion planned by Yahiko. As for the last time, maybe it will be on the day when Lao Zi and Han decide to leave the Country of Rain and return to Iwagakure Village.

Lao Zi looked at the disappointed Yahiko and said, "Actually, you also know our identities, don't you? The time we can stay here is not something we can decide on our own.

We did not choose to leave now or earlier. In fact, we were escaping because we lost something very precious and we did not dare to return to the village until we got it back. "

"Well, I understand, I'm just a little reluctant to let go."

Yahiko nodded, Lao Zi stretched and said: "By the way, Yahiko, when you rescued us that day, did you meet the enemy we fought? I still don't understand how he defeated me and Han’s.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Han's eyes were also on Yahiko. Yahiko was a little panicked. As a disciple of Jiraiya, he had also heard the legend of Wood Release and knew that it was a power that could not be tolerated in today's ninja world.

But the one who possesses this power is Sakamoto Tatsuma, the big brother who saved them. Therefore, Yahiko tried hard to maintain his composure on the surface, shook his head and said:

"I'm not sure. When I arrived, the two of them had already fallen to the ground, and I didn't see anyone else."

"Is that so? It seems that the enemy moved too quickly."

Lao Zi did not press, but withdrew his gaze. In fact, he could guess that Yahiko should know the truth, and he also wanted to know what the truth was.

After all, he and Han were defeated at the same time, not to mention the four-tailed and five-tailed beasts, and it was to the extent that the power of the tailed beasts has not been revived for several months.

When they were awake, neither Shiroyasha Tatsuma nor the golden flash Namikaze Minato showed the strength to do this, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to deal with them at that time.

But what happened after they were in coma? Was it a new enemy coming, or what did Tatsuma do to his and Han's bodies, or the seal, after they were in coma?

Only by knowing Konoha's methods can they be prepared accordingly the next time they fight Tatsuma or others in Konoha. And those who know the truth are except the four-tails and five-tails who cannot respond, as well as the instigator. , maybe only the three Yahikos who rescued them know.

But no matter what Yahiko said, he still saved the two of them, although Lao Zi knew that since Konoha chose to let him and Han go, the danger to their lives had actually been eliminated, and they would still be alive whether Yahiko saved him or not.

But judging a person's good deeds should not be analyzed from the results, but from the behavior. It is a fact that Yahiko saved them, and also provided them with a space to rest, so as not to be questioned as soon as they returned to the village.

Therefore, since Yahiko refuses to tell the truth, they should wait a little longer. Maybe when the power of the Four-Tails and Five-Tails recovers, they can also learn the truth from the Four-Tails and Five-Tails, or maybe the village will find out through investigation After learning the truth, come and pick them up.

Seeing that Lao Zi no longer asked, Yahiko felt relieved. Lao Zi and Han both observed that Yahiko was only a teenager, after all, he was still too immature, but since he had made up his mind, he should not change his mind.

Lao Zi even took the initiative to change the topic and said: "Yahiko, do you know why daimyo and ninja villages coexist in the five major countries? Even the first generation Hokage Senju Hashirama, who was so powerful back then, only chose to establish one A ninja village, not a ninja nation?”

Yahiko shook his head. He hadn't thought about this problem. Maybe he didn't want the war to continue?

Lao Zi explained: "It's very simple, because the daimyo will be more active in developing the country's economy than anyone else, and the inheritance of hundreds or even thousands of years has allowed their roots to surround the entire country and touch every corner.

If the Daimyo are rashly banned, as Hanzo did back then, then the economic development of the entire country will stagnate or even go backwards.

Perhaps giving the ninja enough time can regain control of the entire country's economic lifeline and lead the country's development again, but during this transition period, no organization can resist it.

Even in the Fire Country back then, if Senju Hashirama rashly banned the Daimyo, then ninjas from other countries would swarm into the Fire Country to plunder. They might not be able to defeat Senju Hashirama, but they could defeat the Fire Country. country.

The same is true for big countries, and the same is true for small countries. You can save a hundred civilians or a thousand civilians with your like-minded ninja partners, but you can't save the entire country.

So you have to take a different path, a path that is at least different from Hanzo's. "

Yahiko opened his mouth and asked, "Then what should I do?"

"It's all up to you. I'm not from the Kingdom of Rain. My understanding of this place comes from others and what I've seen in the past few months. Only you who are from the Kingdom of Rain know this. How should the country go?"

Yahiko couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when he didn't get the answer. He lowered his head and pondered. Lao Zi reached out and patted his thin shoulder and said, "I hope there will be news about you in the ninja world in the future."

"I will definitely do it!"

Yahiko nodded vigorously and looked longingly at the gray sky. Among the gray rain clouds, two flashes of gold and silver were passing through.

"You two seem to be very relaxed, right? The ninja world is in chaos because of you."

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