I established Kua Kua Cult in Naruto

Chapter 443 Invitations that are not delivered to the door in person should be regarded as asking fo


In the Senju Clan, Tatsuma, who was sitting on the porch, was holding a shuriken and making strange noises at Shisui who was brought to the care by the wind on the grass. Shisui was also quickly attracted and kept staring at it. The shuriken in Tatsuma's hand.

Just when Shisui wanted to reach for it, Tatsuma threw the shuriken in his hand. Shisui jumped up and wanted to reach the shuriken above his head, but his fingertips were still an inch away from the shuriken. Difference.

However, if someone has good eyesight, they will be able to see that as long as Shisui makes up for this height difference, his fingers can smoothly penetrate the hole in the middle of the shuriken and completely grasp the shuriken.

But this height difference was deliberately controlled by Tatsuma, so Shisui could only watch the shuriken pass over his head, but without any hesitation, he turned around and ran towards a certain point on the shuriken's flight path. .

When the shuriken was about to hit the ground, he stretched out his hand to catch the shuriken. Then with an excited smile on his face, he ran back to Tatsuma and handed the shuriken back to Tatsuma.

"Tatsuma bullies Shisui too much! He is indeed a bastard!"

Not far away, Kushina, who rarely came back to the Senju clan for dinner, looked at the evil deeds Tatsuma did to Shisui, and said to Minato next to her: "In the future, we must not let this bastard Tatsuma touch our child!"

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

With a gentle and sunny smile, Minato gently smoothed Kushina's red hair that was about to fly. As for Tsunade, she stretched her body and said, "Aren't they all so funny to children? Second grandpa was like this back then."

"How is this kidding a kid? This is clearly a dog tease!"

Kushina said angrily, Tsunade's stretching movements froze, and the rope tree that was doing one-finger handstand push-ups suddenly fell to the ground, sat up with a look of horror, and looked at Tsunade.

Seeing the reactions of the siblings, Kushina was also stunned and said, "Don't you think so?"

"Sister, when I was little, you teased me like a dog?"

".Your second grandfather did the same to me."

Tsunade and Naoki's siblings suddenly showed expressions of despair, Kushina also fell silent, and Minato also suppressed the gentle smile on his face.

At this moment, Nonoyu, who was carrying a plate of fruit, came out with Shizune, who was also carrying fruit. Nonoyu said:

"Maybe Tatsuma just doesn't know how to make children happy. He is also a very gentle person."

"Is he gentle?"

Kushina looked at Minato. Faced with this question, Minato, a close friend, pursed his lips and said, "Maybe. It's not too gentle."

Nonoyu quickly changed the subject and said: "However, Tatsuma actually used real shurikens. This is too dangerous. What if little Shisui is accidentally cut?"

"So even so, you still think he is a gentle person?"

Kushina looked at Nonoyu with a suspicious look on her face. Nonoyu just needed to wear glasses. Didn't you hear that he was blind?

This time, even Nonoyu was silent. How could a responsible adult behave like Tatsuma? Even with filters added, it still looks unreliable! ! !

Tatsuma on the other side had already tied a thin steel wire to the shuriken, pulling the wire and pulling the shuriken, making Shisui anxiously crawling on all fours to chase after him.

Looking at Shisui who was covered in mud on the grass but still happy, the few people became more and more silent, feeling sorry for Master Uchiha Kagami.

Tatsuma is also very happy. He can see that Shisui's eyesight, speed, physical agility and coordination are far superior to other two-year-old children. Playing with such a child is a real stress reliever.

After a while, everyone became more and more silent as they watched Tatsuma turn the shuriken and the wire into a yo-yo and "chase" Shisui.

Is this a crime? This must be a crime, right? ! Isn't this proper child abuse?

But Shisui, don’t smile so happily! As long as you cry, your uncles and aunts will seek justice for you!


Finally, Shisui fell to the ground, and Kushina, Tsunade and Naoki all stood up eagerly, ready to teach Tatsuma a lesson.

But Shisui quickly got up again and said with regret, "I lost."

Tatsuma waved to him, and Shisui ran to him. Tatsuma rubbed his Jiraiya, which made Tatsuma feel very familiar, and said: "I have a special mission that makes me so strong. From now on, you You have to work hard, Shisui!"


Shisui nodded vigorously. Tatsuma listened to the "ding~" sound in his mind, and his smile became brighter and more sincere. Although he only lost a little [speed], it was Tatsuma's happiest harvest in the past two years. .

Tsunade, Naoki, and Kushina: Be brave, Shisui! Cry a little!

"Come on, wash it off."

Looking at the dirty Shisui, Tatsuma raised the hand that was stroking Shisui slightly, injected a little Boiling Chakra into the Water Release Chakra, and activated the Water Release Water Wave Hand.


The hot water washed down, washing Shisui cleanly, and then the Chenma seal changed the viscosity of the water attached to Shisui's body and clothes. This is the technique of water escape and wave riding.

The water with its viscosity reduced to the lowest level quickly slid off Shisui's body. In just a few seconds, Shisui's body surface and clothes became dry again.

"Who taught him to use ninjutsu like this?"

Tsunade looked around, and Naoki said weakly: "Isn't his teacher you?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I never taught him Water Escape! This is all down to Grandpa Second!"

Tsunade quickly denied that ninjutsu is a method of ninjas. If everyone behaves like Tatsuma, the prestige of ninjas will be gone! Civilians would fear a ninja, but there was no reason to fear a bath master.

Minato: The beginning of spring seems to be particularly cold this year.

At this time, Tatsuma looked at the people approaching and asked curiously: "Do you also want to play and play with Shisui?"

Tsunade and the other three shook their heads, but Nonoyu greeted loudly: "Come over and eat some fruit."

Tatsuma nodded and walked towards that direction. Shisui ignored Tsunade and the others who wanted to "vent their anger" for him, and followed Tatsuma step by step.

After all, whether his parents or the fat Grandpa Fengfeng asked him to follow Uncle Chenma, he must follow his lead and be obedient.

Just when Tatsuma was eating fruit, a Ninja Eagle suddenly flew over. Tsunade, who had just returned to her seat, stood up instantly. As a "veteran" jounin, she was very familiar with the gathering brought by the Ninja Eagle. .

When Tsunade was thinking crazily about what would happen recently, Tatsuma said: "That was raised by the Hyuga clan, don't be nervous."

Hearing this, Tsunade frowned and looked attentively, and indeed saw the family emblem of the Hyuga clan on the Ninja Eagle, and then she felt relaxed.

The ninja eagle circled for a while, and seemed to have finally found Tatsuma. It curled up its claws and opened it, and a small scroll fell down, landing very accurately in Tatsuma's hand.

After seeing Tatsuma catching it, the Ninja Eagle circled twice more before flying away.

"What business could the Hyuga clan have with you? Aren't you not familiar with them?"

Tsunade asked doubtfully, Tatsuma opened the scroll and said: "It should be related to Uchiha Fugaku's marriage. We can realize it, and the Hyuga clan can also realize it, but... it is really annoying and arrogant."

As he spoke, he unfolded the scroll. It was an invitation, an invitation for Tatsuma to go to the Hyuga clan for a tea party. He just glanced at it and remembered the time and place. Tatsuma started to roll it up casually. Scroll, while saying:

"Uchiha Fugaku's invitation came in person. Hinata didn't ask the clan leader Hinata Ying or the eldest son Hiashi to send it. Someone should come, let a bird come."

Minato nodded and said: "It does mean a bit of contempt. Just because you are Sento's boss, Hinata shouldn't treat you like this."

If it is an urgent matter, such as asking for help, there is nothing wrong with having Ninja Eagle deliver it, but for invitations to this kind of banquet, it is a bit rude to use Ninja Eagle to send it when you know that both parties are not busy.

It's like using WeChat to send wedding invitations to friends who live nearby. It's just a gift, not a sincere invitation.

"Do you want to go then?"

Tsunade also frowned. The Senju have declined, but they are not dead. Tatsuma is now the representative of the Senju. What Hinata did

If Hinata treated her like this, Tsunade would definitely ignore her, let alone attend. But now Senju's affairs are handled by Tatsuma, and Tatsuma's way of doing things is very different from hers.

Sure enough, Tatsuma nodded and said: "I must go. If I go, Hinata will be unreasonable. If I don't go, everyone will be unreasonable. Invisibly, we will lose our reputation."

Naoki scratched his head and asked: "The young leader of the Uchiha clan is getting married. Why did Hinata invite you to a tea party?"

"Uchiha Fugaku is getting married, and my attendance at the wedding banquet means that Senju has narrowed the distance with Uchiha. This is something Hinata doesn't want to see. After all, Hinata and Uchiha have equal status in the village and are the two ends of the highest scale.

And now, at least in Hinata's eyes, Senju is only worth the weight of a weight. If we, Thousand Hands, have an advantage over there, we seem to have forgotten that Thousand Hands was the hand that controlled the scales back then. "

After hearing Tatsuma's explanation, Naoki also showed an unhappy look, and finally understood why his sister looked so unhappy.

Tatsuma didn't have so many ideas, he just rubbed his eyebrows and said, "I have to pick out gifts again. By the way, didn't a batch of potted plants come in recently? After the plants were transferred to the soil, are the pots still there?"


Tsunade nodded, and Tatsuma said: "Just give me that. There is no need to spend money on this kind of tea party."


Tsunade didn't feel that her disciple had gone too far at all. It would be nice if she didn't come to the door and cause trouble, let alone giving gifts.

Two days later, at a tea party where everyone else was giving away at least one expensive vase, Tatsuma appeared carrying a flowerpot that was gray with a hint of dark red and seemed to have some mud spots.

The expressions of the two brothers Hizashi and Hizashi who were welcoming the guests instantly turned ugly, but Tatsuma didn't care. He threw the flower pot away and said, "Which table should the person who sent you the second-hand flower pot sit at?"

After catching the flower pot, Nizu's face turned green and white after being thrown all over. His white eyes almost turned into Sharingan eyes, but he still held back his anger and said: "Father will entertain Mr. Tatsuma alone, please follow me." Come."

Following Hizu, Tatsuma came to a tea room. Hinata was already waiting. Seeing Hizu's appearance, he also knew that Tatsuma had embarrassed Hinata, but he was more calm after all. He invited Tatsuma to sit down and drank happily. He brought the tea to Tatsuma and said:

"This is a period of life, let's talk for a while."

Chenma knew that Ri Xiangying was telling him that there were not many opportunities for the two of them to meet and talk, so that he should be more respectful and serious, or this kind of arrogance that made people uncomfortable.

Tatsuma gently pushed the tea cup, looked at the tea soup, and said: "The old leaves are called moss, and the young leaves are called tea. Your Excellency, I don't like to drink old tea."

I don’t want to drink tea, so I don’t plan to talk. In addition, Ri Xiangying’s face darkened during the first half of the sentence. To translate Chenma’s words, that’s...

"Old guy, I have nothing to talk to you about."

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