I Eat Monsters In the Town Monster

Chapter 252: Kung Fu and Murderous Qi

Inside the box is a book.

The book is not thick, only a thin volume, and there is no title on the cover. When Qin Shaoyou took it out, opened it and turned to the title page, he saw three words—Shuang Mantian.

The font is rigid, with an air of awe, which makes people stand up in shock just by looking at it.

"This person who writes, has integrated his own momentum into his words."

Qin Shaoyou was amazed and couldn't help guessing, could these three words be written by Zuo Qianhu?

He could see that the person who wrote these three words was not malicious.

Otherwise, with the ability to integrate the momentum into the words, it is possible to hide the murderous aura in the words and stimulate it when people read it, which can not only hurt people's spiritual consciousness, but also cause harm to the body.

At the same time, based on these three words alone, Qin Shaoyou judged that this book is definitely not simple.

He sat upright and looked back.

After reading a few pages, Qin Shaoyou just realized that this is actually a hidden weapon secret book.

He couldn't help but recall the night outside the Guanyinyan Station.

At that time, Zuo Qianhu released a lot of hidden weapons. In the dark night, the silver light of the moon was reflected on the hidden weapons.

The name 'Shuang Mantian' is very appropriate.

Moreover, the hidden weapons released by Zuo Qianhu were not only numerous, but also very powerful.

Maybe 'Moonfall' can't reach it, but there is absolutely no problem in letting 'Wuti'.


"Zuo Qianhu taught me his hidden weapon technique?"

While Qin Shaoyou was surprised, he was also a little excited.

He has long wanted to learn hidden weapon techniques, especially after the Taoist priest of the Jade Emperor Temple developed the light smoke bomb, this idea became more and more intense.

He had thought about asking Zhu Xiucai for advice, but unfortunately Zhu Xiucai's hidden weapon technique was inherited from his teacher. Without the consent of his master, Zhu Xiucai did not dare to teach others.

In Luocheng Town Demon Division, although a few hidden weapon techniques were collected, they were all relatively crude and not very powerful, which made Qin Shaoyou look down on them.

At this moment, the frost book sent by Zuo Qianhu is a bit of a gift for Qin Shaoyou.

When Qin Shaoyou looked through Shuang Mantian's secret book, he realized that despite the fact that this book is very thin, there is a lot of content recorded in it.

There are not only hidden weapon techniques in the secret book, but also three aspects: hiding, attacking, and hiding.

The so-called Tibetan method refers to the method of hiding hidden weapons.

The main purpose is to teach people how to hide more hidden weapons on their bodies without being discovered, and how to quickly find suitable things to replace hidden weapons in the surrounding environment when the hidden weapons they carry are used up.

Qin Shaoyou touched his chin and pondered: "In other words, when I practice Tibetan methods to perfection, like Jackie Chan in the furniture city, I can find hidden weapons anytime, anywhere?"

Looking at it this way, the Tibetan method is still very useful.

As for the attack method, there is no need to go into details, that is, the use of hidden weapons, teaching people how to release hidden weapons quickly, accurately, ruthlessly, and more.

The rule of hiding is a set of body techniques.

According to the book, those who can attack should also be good at defending. In order to defeat the enemy, in addition to fierce offensive and strong defense, the movement of maneuvering and dodging is also very important.

After reading the details of the dodging method, Qin Shaoyou felt that this movement method has many practical uses, not only to avoid hidden weapons, but also to evade various attacks of the enemy, especially when surrounded, its power can be maximized instead. Play!

In the secret book, in addition to its own content, there are many notes written by Zuo Qianhu himself.

Some of them are lessons and experiences that he summed up when he practiced when the sky was full of frost.

Others are revisions and improvements he made based on some mistakes and deficiencies in the frost.

Although Qin Shaoyou has not studied carefully, but from Zuo Qianhu's densely written experience, experience and revision plan, it can be seen that Zuo Qianhu's research on Shuangmantian is very thorough.

Otherwise, it would not be possible to write so many words.

After roughly flipping through the secrets, Qin Shaoyou was not only happy and excited, but also a little puzzled.

"Zuo Qianhu gave me this secret book, is it just compensation for my credit? Or is it something else?"

At the same time, Yizhou Town Yaosili.

After Zuo Qianhu sent away Ye Zhiqiu, who had returned to return to his life, he put down the pen in his hand for marking the case file, and got up to move his muscles and bones.

Afterwards, he looked at the hall where the statue of the Nine Heavens Dangmo Patriarch was enshrined, and said in a low voice, "If you want to investigate this case, you need a few more life-saving means...Are you right?"

The statue of the Nine Heavens Dangmo Patriarch in the main hall neither said a word nor reacted, as if he did not hear Zuo Qianhu's low voice.

Zuo Qianhu didn't care either. After smiling, he continued to sit down and review the files and documents.

In the inn, Qin Shaoyou looked at the secrets of Shuangmantian from the beginning, studied hard, and pondered carefully, until Xue Qingshan came back and knocked on the door to call him, and then he stopped studying.

Qin Shaoyou put the secrets away, opened the door, and asked, "Brother-in-law, why did you go out early in the morning and only come back now?"

Xue Qingshan explained: "I can't help it. In the State Town Demon Division, in addition to reporting to Lord Qianhu, I have to report to several other departments. It took a lot of time just to wait in line. I met a few more acquaintances and chatted with them for a while, and naturally I came back late."

"Really? Didn't you go to the brothel?" Qin Shaoyou asked suspiciously.

Xue Qingshan's face instantly turned ugly: "Don't talk nonsense. I went to the brothel for work and entertainment. I went there because I had to. Do you think I'll be happy when I go to the brothel? I..."

Before he could finish speaking, Qin Shaoyou interrupted and asked, "I can't imagine your happiness at all?"

"Yeah... ahhh, that's right, right, I'm not happy at all in the brothel." Xue Qingshan gritted his teeth and said, almost didn't shout: I'm not in the brothel anymore.

But Qin Shaoyou didn't believe him at all, just sneered.

Are you not happy in the brothel? What about coaxing ghosts? Do I really think I haven't been to the brothel? Don't know how fun it is in there?

Xue Qingshan looked at Qin Shaoyou's expression, a little embarrassed and a little guilty, and hurriedly changed the topic: "It's getting late, you prepare, we'll set off, go to your fifth sister's house."

Qin Shaoyou didn't embarrass Xue Qingshan too much. After nodding and agreeing, he went back to his room to pick up a few gifts he bought on the street after coming out of Yizhou Town Yaosi in the afternoon, and went to the fifth sister's house with Xue Qingshan.

On the way, Xue Qingshan remembered something and asked him, "I heard that in the afternoon, Zuo Qianhu sent someone to give you something?"

"Yes." Qin Shaoyou nodded, "A secret book."

"Secrets?" Xue Qingshan was a little surprised.

He didn't ask what the secret was, but just muttered in his heart: I haven't even received the secret from Zuo Qianhu, but Shaoyou actually received it. Did he get into Zuo Qianhu's eyes? That's right, he and Zuo Qianhu are indeed quite similar in many ways...

Xue Qingshan was a little jealous in his heart, but more than that, he was happy for Qin Shaoyou.

The two walked through the streets, and after a while, they came to the fifth brother-in-law's house.

"An Xiucai, open the door."

Xue Qingshan stepped forward to call for the door, grabbed the door knocker, and knocked with a 'bang bang'.

"Come here." An Mutong's voice came from the door.

Soon the door was opened~www.readwn.com~ An Mutong appeared with a smile and invited the two to the house.

"I counted the time, and you are almost there. Haha, it's really not wrong."

Immediately afterwards, he stretched out his hand to take the gifts brought by Xue Qingshan and Qin Shaoyou, and complained, "Oh, just come here, why do you bring so many things? It's too foreign."

"Why, fifth brother-in-law, don't you want it? Give it back to me, and I'll take it away."

Qin Shaoyou said jokingly.

But as soon as the voice fell, his hair stood up.

Because he felt a killing intent and locked him.

I was just joking and said that I was going to take the gift away, so how could someone kill me?

Without waiting for Qin Shaoyou to speak, a little cold light shot out of the room and went straight to his face.

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