I Eat Monsters In the Town Monster

Chapter 143: Shen Bin's story

"I'm eating monsters in the monster town (!

"Shen Bin has always been making money by painting for a living.

However, his previous painting skills were not very good, and he was full of craftsmanship. It was completely incomparable with the paintings sold at the market in the past two days, so he could only paint roof beams and murals for some temples and ancestral halls.

Six months ago, Shen Bin received a job.

It is to go to Shixian County, which is next to Fucheng City, to paint a statue of a **** in a village temple, and then paint a few murals.

As a result, halfway through, he encountered bandits, not only was his entanglement looted, but he was also hacked to death by the bandits.

But after the bandits left, the paintbrush that Shen Bin had been carrying around, exerted a mysterious power to bring him back to life.

No, it shouldn't say resurrection. The paintbrush sealed and imprisoned his soul in the flesh.

Let his soul die, but his body dies, becoming a living corpse. "

When Qin Shaoyou heard this, he couldn't help but interjected and asked, "Where did Shen Bin's brush come from?"

Xu Baan replied: "Shen Bin said that the brush was taught to him by the teacher who taught him painting skills and passed it on to him on the day he left the school. So he always carried it on his body and regarded it as a treasure. After he was hacked to death by bandits, because of the brush It was stained with his blood, and the bandits didn't know the goods, so they weren't taken away."

Qin Shaoyou frowned slightly.

Shen Bin's paintbrush is a very strange paranormal object.

Not only can people's souls be restrained and enslaved as ghosts, but they can also be used to paint pictures with ghosts, and ghosts can be enclosed in paintings.

Shen Bin's teacher, was willing to pass such a supernatural item to Shen Bin?

This teacher, I am afraid it is not easy!

Thinking of this, Qin Shaoyou asked again: "Shen Bin has an explanation, who is his teacher and where is he?"


Xu Ba'an nodded and said, "According to him, his teacher was a country painter, nothing special. And he died not long after he left the teacher."

Qin Shaoyou pondered the analysis: "Shen Bin's apprenticeship was also when he got the paintbrush. But his teacher died not long after he gave him the paintbrush. Isn't this a coincidence? It's his teacher. , was also resurrected by the brush, but he hated the life of being a living corpse, so he gave him the brush and chose to die. It was his teacher, what other oddities, after giving the brush to Shen Bin, Get out by dying?"

Having said that, he reminded him seriously: "Brother Xu, although Shen Bin said that his teacher is dead, I suggest to send some people to check his teacher!"

Xu Baan looked at Qin Shaoyou and said with a smile: "That's right, brother Shaoyou, let's think about it with us. Don't worry, we will send someone to investigate after finding out this clue. If there is really something wrong with Shen Bin's teacher , no matter whether he is really dead or faked, the people we send can find out some information."

Qin Shaoyou gave a thumbs up and said half-jokingly and half-seriously, "Jiang is really old and hot."

"How do I feel that you are praising yourself in disguise?" Xu Baan also joked.

Then he continued to tell the story of Shen Bin:

"When Shen Bin was first resurrected, he didn't know that he had become a living corpse, he just thought it was because the bandit's knife didn't hit his vitals, so he was allowed to survive.

Looking at the wound on his body again, although it was still there, it was no longer bleeding. He thought the injury was not serious, so he tore a piece of cloth from his clothes, wrapped the wound, and was about to flee home.

But after walking very far, I felt that I couldn't go back like this.

Because his entanglements and food are gone, it is impossible to walk back to Luocheng like this. In comparison, it was closer to the village temple where he was invited to paint.

After some psychological struggle, Shen Bin finally decided to go and do the work in the village temple.

At least when he was working, the villagers had to cover him with food and drink, and when he left, he could also get paid, so that he could return to Luocheng with trouble.

At the village temple, Shen Bin began to color the statue and paint murals.

As a result, within two days, Shen Bin found a corpse odor on his body.

Looking at the wound again, not only did it not heal, but it also began to rot.

At the same time, there were also some corpse spots on his body that the dead would have.

The situation terrified him.

Not only that, he also found that when the villagers came to bring him meals, he was not interested in those meals, but had an appetite for the villagers.

This series of changes made Shen Bin realize that he is probably no longer human!

Just when he panicked, the brush once again showed a magical change, allowing his soul to enter the world in the painting.

It was a picture of an **** palace that he painted not long ago.

Because there is still a part of this painting that has not been finished, he took it with him, thinking about using the spare time to paint murals for the village temple, after finishing the painting of this **** palace, it will be easy to sell after returning, and exchange for some firewood, rice, oil and salt..."

When Qin Shaoyou heard this, he couldn't help but sighed: "Drawing a **** palace in a temple... This Shen Bin is also a talent!"

Xu Ba'an continued: "This **** palace picture, together with Shen Bin's entanglement, was taken away by the bandits.

Bandits naturally don't understand art, they are only interested in the people and postures of those who don't wear clothes in the **** palace pictures.

After entering the world in the painting, Shen Bin found that his soul could also be attached to the person in the painting and manipulated to change into the person in the painting.

So he possessed the woman in the painting, went out of the painting, and seduced the bandits.

His original intention was to take revenge, but after killing the bandit, he found that he could absorb the yang energy and blood energy of the bandit to delay the decay of his body and even heal the wound.

So he used this method to trap and kill the bandits one by one. "

Qin Shaoyou couldn't help widening his eyes and asked, "Shen Bin pretended to be the woman in the painting and trapped the bandits?"

"That's right." Xu Baan nodded.

Holy crap, what is this, women's clothing boss?

Qin Shaoyou thought of the ghost in the painting he had encountered.

I also thought of the ghost in the painting that Zhu Xiucai and others managed to guard out last night.

He couldn't help pondering: "These two ghosts in the painting are not also big men in women's clothing, right?"

If it is really a big boss in women's clothing, the statue of the ancestor of Jiutian Dangmo saved Zhu Xiucai and others.

Otherwise, it is really uncertain who is on whom.

Xu Baan didn't know what Qin Shaoyou was thinking.

He continued: "After Shen Bin killed all the bandits, he discovered that he not only absorbed yang energy and blood energy, but also turned the bandits into ghosts through his brush.

At the same time, he is also sure that ~www.readwn.com~ is no longer human.

If he wants to live as a 'human', he must absorb yang qi and blood qi as nutrients.

So he drove the spirits of the bandits to attach to his previous paintings and murals in temples and ancestral halls to seduce and absorb the yang and blood of others. "

"Those bandits and ghosts, all disguised as men, pretending to be women to deceive people?"

Qin Shaoyou was more shocked when he heard this.

Is it so hard to be a ghost these days?

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