I Eat Monsters In the Town Monster

Chapter 140: late night ghost

"I'm eating monsters in the monster town (!

In the picture of the ladies on the table, a lady holding a fan and fluttering a butterfly suddenly blinked and moved.

Immediately afterwards, a circle of ink halos appeared on the lady's picture.

It seems like a dark cloud covers the drawing paper, and it seems to open the mysterious door from the second dimension to the third dimension.

The maid holding a fan and fluttering butterflies passed through the ink halo, and from the lady's picture, she stretched out a small white and delicate hand.

There was no wind in the poor room, but the candles were shaking violently, causing the light and darkness to flicker and change.

Liao Lishi fell asleep, unaware of these changes.

But Zhu Xiucai didn't react at all to the changes in the surrounding environment.

Just widened his eyes and stared at the lady's picture.

Soon, a beautiful woman climbed out of the lady's picture.

The dress and even the appearance are the same as in the painting.

The ghost still appeared in the painting.

Although Shen Bin has been arrested, the brush has also been destroyed.

But Shen Bin was caught too suddenly, and it was too late to give new orders to the ghost in the painting.

In these pictures, there is a mysterious formation, which not only isolates the outside world from the detection of the ghosts in the paintings, but also makes the ghosts in the paintings unable to sense changes in the outside world.

So the ghost in the painting doesn't know that the brush has been destroyed.

Otherwise, it will definitely hide in the painting and wait until it escapes this wave of limelight.

However, after climbing out of the lady's picture, the ghost in the painting still noticed some abnormalities: the restraint and control of the brush on it seems to be much smaller?

But the ghost in the painting didn't think about it carefully, just thought it was caused by Shen Bin's lack of vitality.

What it cares more about at this moment is that there are two strong men in front of him.

The ghost in this painting has a lot of experience in the industry. He has not done harm to others before. He has tasted the taste of human blood and yang energy, and has long since eaten the marrow.

So the ghost in the painting planned to eat the two men in front of him first, and then study how to ease the restraint of the brush.

Let's see if I can get rid of the control of the paintbrush, and become my own boss, and I will have to turn in the blood and yang energy in the future.

Even without the control of the brush, without the coercion of Shen Bin, the ghosts in the paintings will continue to harm people.

Some things, once done, can't go back.

The ghost in the painting who climbed out of the lady's picture turned his attention to Zhu Xiucai and Liao Lishi beside the table.

Immediately afterwards, it was startled by Zhu Xiucai's wide-open eyes.

If people see it crawling out of the painting, it will inevitably bring a lot of trouble to its seduction, and it will consume more demon power and ghost energy.

However, the ghost in the painting soon discovered a problem: the man with wide eyes didn't react at all to it crawling out of the painting.

Taking a closer look, this person seems to be sleeping although his eyes are wide open?

The ghost in the painting even heard him purr.

"This man actually sleeps with his eyes open? What's wrong?"

The ghost in the painting was very speechless, and then he rolled his eyes and became happy again.

"It's good to fall asleep, so that I don't even have to act, I can directly **** their yang qi and blood."

Although from the ghost in the painting, Zhu Xiucai and Liao Lishi are a bit ugly.

But all came.

What's more, these two people, although they look ugly, but their yang qi and blood essence are very strong, it is estimated that the taste will not be bad.

The ghost in the painting turned around, leaned in front of Zhu Xiucai, and opened his mouth at the same time, ready to **** his yang qi and blood.

But before the yang qi and blood essence were sucked, he saw that the other party also opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue.

The ghost in the painting was stunned.

Looking at the look of anticipation on Zhu Xiucai's face, the ghost in the painting was actually a little frightened.

It took a step back and stammered, "You...you didn't fall asleep?"

"I was asleep, but as soon as you came, I woke up immediately."

After Zhu Xiucai said this, he opened his mouth and stretched out his tongue again, with a 'don't talk, kiss me' expression.

Seeing that he was not afraid at all in the painting, he couldn't help but feel a little surprised: "Didn't he see me crawling out of the painting?"

Thinking of this, the ghost in the painting felt a little relieved.

While complaining about Zhu Xiucai's **** for life, he put on a professional smile and introduced himself: "Master, I am..."

Zhu Xiucai interrupted just as he had just started.

"I know you are a good **** this street, because you admire my talent, so you want to have a good relationship with me... Eh, shouldn't you still feel cold? Want to take off your clothes and ask for a hug? Come on, let's Just be direct, and stop all the boring foreplay."


The ghost in the painting became more and more confused.

It's thinking is messed up a bit.

Although he felt that something was wrong, because of his confused thinking, he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

Just wondering: why does this man know our lines? Has he done our business before?

The ghost in the painting really wanted a wisp of thoughts, but Zhu Xiucai didn't give it the chance.

And it saw that Zhu Xiucai was rushing to be sucked out of the yang qi and blood, so it was not polite, smiled sweetly, and sat in Zhu Xiucai's arms.

The ghost in the painting was about to send a hot kiss and sucked Zhu Xiucai's yang qi and blood. Unexpectedly, Liao Lishi, who was beside him, was also awakened.

"Fuck, it's coming, it's really coming."

Liao Lishi was very excited to see the ghost in the painting sitting in Zhu Xiucai's arms.

I used to listen to Master Qin, but today I finally saw the real thing.

The ghost in this painting is really big and white.


Liao Lishi looked at the ghost in the painting, then looked at the picture of the lady on the table, frowned and asked, "Why are you the only one? Where are your sisters?"

The ghost in the painting was stunned for a while, thinking to himself, why are these two people who I met tonight so weird?

It didn't have time to think about it, and a professional smirk appeared on its face: "It's not enough to have one slave family? You still want slave family sisters? Are you a little too greedy?"

Liao Lishi shook his head sternly: "You are really not enough, we have too many people."

"A lot of people? How many people can there be?" the ghost in the painting asked.

Zhu Xiucai came back to his senses and hurriedly said: "By the way, I have to inform others... Lao Liao, it's hard for you to take a trip."

Liao Lishi wanted to say why you didn't go, but in the end he refrained from speaking.

Who let the other party be the patrol officer, and the flag will be raised soon?

The first-level official crushes people to death.

Liao Lisheng could only reluctantly run out of the business room and go to the Chase shop to call someone.

When he was leaving, he did not forget to urge the ghost in the painting: "Call all your sisters out."

Zhu Xiucai also agreed: "He's right, hurry up and call all your sisters out."

In the painting, the ghost's eyes are flowing, and the expression is sad: "Where are the sisters from the slave family?"

Zhu Xiucai raised his hand and pointed at the pictures of ladies on the table~www.readwn.com~ Aren't they? "

"You know I came out of a painting?"

The face of the ghost in the painting changed greatly, and he wanted to sit up from Zhu Xiucai's arms, but was pulled by Zhu Xiucai.

"Don't go. Of course I know you came out of the painting. Did we wait for you for two nights?"

The ghost's face in the painting became more and more ugly.

Waited for me two nights? What are you waiting for me to do? !

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