In Qin Shaoyou's eyes, Shen Bin was indeed haggard, and could even be said to be haggard.

And Qin Shaoyou could also see the cause of the withering.

It was Shen Bin's skin, which lacked the nourishment of blood.

Although the blood vessels were pulsating under Shen Bin's skin, they looked weak and weak, like a dying person.

Moreover, the subtle substances in the blood must also be insufficient, which is why Shen Bin turned into this withered appearance.

It's just that Shen Bin looked fine yesterday, why did he suddenly become so haggard and withered today?

Just because you didn't keep up with eating, drinking, and resting, so you were malnourished and lacked qi and blood? there something else that hasn't been discovered yet?

Just when Qin Shaoyou was thinking about it, Xu Lishi, who was in the crowd, quietly came to them.

Because Shen Bin was not far away, Xu Lishi didn't salute, just nodded slightly as a greeting.

Qin Shaoyou nodded in response, not looking at Xu Lishi, so as not to be noticed that they were communicating.

He still looked at Shen Bin in the crowd, and at the same time asked in a low voice, "How is it, did Shen Bin eat and drink today?"

Xu Lishi didn't watch Qin Shaoyou either.

Like the people around him who were watching the excitement, he looked up at Shen Bin.

It seemed that Qin Shaoyou and Qin Shaoyou didn't know each other. They had nothing to do with each other, but they happened to be watching Shen Bin on the side of the road.

But in his mouth, he quietly and quickly reported:

"At noon, Shen Bin was drinking and eating.

The water is a scoop of ordinary cold water, and the food is a piece of wheat bran cake, all given to him by the neighbors.

We checked it secretly before the neighbor sent it, and there was no problem with the water and bread.

However, Shen Bin's appetite was a little small, he only ate a small piece of cake, but he drank all the water. "

After a pause, Xu Lishi continued to report:

"After eating bread and drinking water, Shen Bin went to the thatched hut.

After he entered the hut, we immediately followed him and determined that he was peeing and pooping, but we couldn't tell what it was.

Because their thatched hut is shared by several families around them, and there is no time for excrement, so there is a lot of stock in the pit, and we can't tell which one was pulled by Shen Bin..."

Xu Lishi's remarks made Zhu Xiucai and others frown.

It's not that he thinks that his actions are unfavorable, but that what he said is not only tasteful, but also very offensive.

Although they didn't experience this personally, just listening to Xu Lishi's remarks made them feel like a stench entered their noses.

Very smoky.

"Lao Xu, it's really hard for you."

Zhu Xiucai spit, and after slowing down, he said with emotion.

If it wasn't for the fear of being seen by Shen Bin and causing suspicion, he would have wanted to pat Xu Lishi on the shoulder as a sign of comfort.

These night watchmen, they are not afraid of ghosts, nor are they afraid of hard work.

Tasks such as investigation and tracking are easy to say no matter how hard or tiring.

But this kind of work of checking feces and urine is really bad.

Even Qin Shaoyou praised: "Xiusai is right, Lao Xu, you have worked hard."

"The responsibility lies, not to mention hard work."

Although he said so, it can be seen from Xu Lishi's expression that he was very happy and relieved to be praised by Qin Shaoyou and Zhu Xiucai.

After sighing, Zhu Xiucai said, "Don't worry, Lao Xu, today I will help you burn high incense, and by the way, I will help you beg for a son."

Xu Lishi thanked him, and then he was a little dazed: "I don't have a wife yet, why are you asking for a child for me?"

Zhu Xiucai said: "Marriage has also helped you to beg. When the time comes, the wife and children will come together, and the double happiness will save you trouble. How wonderful."

Xu Lishi was a little confused.

Qin Shaoyou glared at Zhu Xiucai, and said to Xu Lishi, "Don't pay attention to him, you are stalking, do you have any other findings?"


Xu Lishi responded, and then reported, "Shen Bin slept in addition to eating, drinking and leasing today. But he didn't sleep for a long time, and he slept very unsteadily. As long as someone approached, he would wake up immediately."

Zhu Xiucai raised his brows slightly, and said with a sneer, "Is it restless to sleep? Is it because he is afraid that someone will steal his paintings, or does he have a ghost in his heart?"

Qin Shaoyou asked, "Have you tried Shen Bin? Didn't he suspect him?"

Xu Lishi replied: "Don't worry, my lord, Shen Bin's reputation as a lover has spread throughout the city, and many people come to see him every day. We pretend to be idlers watching the fun. He should will not be suspicious."

Zhu Xiucai couldn't help frowning: "A lot of people ran to watch Shen Bin? No wonder he didn't sleep well."

Qin Shaoyou agrees with this statement. No matter whether Shen Bin has any problems or not, it is indeed difficult to sleep peacefully when many people are watching.

It seems that this doubt should be put aside for the time being.

"There is one more thing, which is also quite strange."

Xu Lishi added: "In the process of stalking, we found that several crows appeared near Shen Bin's house, chased them away and came back again... It was as if they were staring at Shen Bin. When Shen Bin saw these crows, He looked a little panicked."

"The crow was staring at Shen Bin? It made Shen Bin panic?"

Qin Shaoyou raised his brows, looked at Zhu Xiucai, and asked, "What's there to say?"

Zhu Xiucai didn't understand, so he could only shake his head.

So Qin Shaoyou pondered for himself: Crows are scavengers, what are they staring at Shen Bin? Shen Bin is clearly still alive and alive... Could it be that there are things like carrion and carrion hidden in Shen Bin's house? So he panicked because of the crow's appearance?

Thinking of this, Qin Shaoyou hurriedly asked, "Shen Bin came out to sell paintings, did you send someone to sneak into his house to search?"

"No." Xu Lishi shook his head.

"The things in his house have long since been burned by the fire. Even the scooter he pushed was borrowed from the neighbors. All his things, except the clothes on him, were only the paintings on the scooter. Outside the ruins, there is nothing else."

Qin Shaoyou did not blame Xu Lishi.

First, because Xu Lishi and the others have few people, if UU Kanshu leaves someone to search Shen Bin's house and follow them, it will definitely have an impact.

Second, if Shen Bin really had something hidden in his house, he would have taken precautions.

However, he intends to take advantage of Shen Bin's opportunity to sell paintings to check the situation.

Qin Shaoyou was about to greet Zhu Xiucai and others to leave when he heard a commotion inside the market.

But it was Shen Bin who picked up the scrolls on his scooter and started selling them.

These paintings include figures, landscapes, and marketplaces.

Although it was a bit far away, Qin Shaoyou and a few people still vaguely saw these paintings.

The wrestlers immediately began to discuss.

"These paintings seem to be really good."

"It's really good, the painting is very good."

"You all have commented on it? Do you know how to draw?"

"I don't know, but I just think these paintings are pretty good."

Qin Shaoyou and Zhu Xiucai also felt that Shen Bin's paintings were really good.

According to Shen Bin, after the accidental death of his wife and children, he pinned his nostalgia for his wife and children in these paintings.

That's why I can paint these paintings so well.

There was someone who knew painting nearby, who helped and said, "It's no wonder that these paintings are full of charm, and they are full of true feelings. Only because of this, these paintings are qualified to be handed down!"

Hearing the experts' comments, many people were moved. Shen Bin, who was surrounding Shen Bin, either asked for the price, or directly paid for the painting.

Qin Shaoyou was outside the crowd, frowning slightly.

He found that Shen Bin's paintings all had one thing in common...

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