174. The dream of a solo advertisement

[Ah, everyone~ Hello~]

[Ruha! Ruharuha!]


[Luca-tan ㄱㅇㅇ]

This wasn’t the first time Luca did an advertisement.

But the important thing is that this is her first time doing it on her own.

Although she was good at hosting, Luca seemed to have put some pressure on herself and started making noises, including deviating from the sound, from the beginning.

[Yes, guys~ The game we are going to play today is~ Wow! Everything is automatic? Level up automatically even if you just leave it alone?]

An idle RPG gacha game that most viewers are familiar with.

There were no unique or special elements, but it was noticeable that Luca was trying his best to explain.

[Now! You guys look so fun, right?]


[Wow it looks so fun!]

[Luka! This is how you do it, right?]

She nodded her head in agreement.

Even though I was worse than him, I joined the ranks and left a chat saying that the game looked really fun.

[Well, first of all, here is the flower of gacha games! Let’s try gacha!]

I thought I was not good at gacha content because it was a financial burden, but it was always fun to watch.

I’m not the one drawing the lottery, but I’m watching the person next to me draw the lottery.

It was a great condensed piece of life that could convey all the joys and sorrows in that short period of time.

[Then let’s go to 10 first! Eight!]

With a gorgeous golden effect, the cards that were turned over reveal their true identities one by one.

[C, C, B, A, SS, C, B, B, C, A]

Considering that SSS is the highest tier card, it could be said that it came out quite well.

There were many times when even SS level did not appear all at once.

[Is this good enough?]

The viewers told her that it was okay and that it was okay, so Luca nodded her head as if she was in a good mood.

[Then, shall we focus on training this SS level? What if something good doesn’t come out after this?]

[His avatar is also very pretty. Ah… But I wanted to pull out the blonde hair in that first screen.]

She thought it was a good option.

If you just don’t treat him well, you’ll be able to clear most things.


[Huh? Guys? Why is this like this?]

A slightly different effect than before.

Pingtuk members who know what this means have already started shouting the word.






[Huh? Why? Huh?]

Luca, who had no idea what the meaning was, was only able to understand its meaning after opening his cards one by one.


Because it was already a broadcast tone, the voice rose so high that it was impossible to tell where it would end.

[Wow! Guys, did SSS come up? This is really good! It’s the strongest one!]

[I’m tired~ Wow! Everyone, isn’t this a god game? Realu?]

However, the chat window received more criticism than response.

[It’s a real dog…]

[ㄹㅇ This doesn’t make sense unless it’s Suzaku hahahaha]

[I got the money hahahaha]

Doa continued her explanation as if she was in a hurry.

[No! This is an advertisement… So I accepted it, but they said I was the one who chose it, right? This is not a masterpiece!]

[I saw you creating a new account too!]

[No. Because it’s not?]

People who criticize other people’s success exist everywhere.

It was a fate that could not be avoided even if it was a broadcast by Closer, a large network broadcaster.

[Ah! Even if it’s not true!]

Even when we tried to proceed further, too many people said it was a fake move and made harsh comments.

Even though it seemed like the managers were banning in real time, the chat didn’t seem to go away.

The level of the chat window was so high that even I would frown when I saw it.

Luca’s pink-haired avatar with his smile gone.

[Everyone… I really just picked it by luck…]

[I was just trying to make it fun, but why are you saying such harsh things…]

[I didn’t harm anyone…]

Hey… Doya…

Are you really crying…?

When a sound that seemed to be choking was heard, the members of the Polar Pingtuk group who were watching quietly took out patas as if they could not stand it any longer.

[Ah! Get out of here! They said it’s not Suzaku!]

[Why not just shut up and watch?]

[Let’s proceed with the broadcast! Oh really;;; What are you doing;;;]

[Why are you making Luca cry, you bastards!]

Being caught in the middle of that group and chatting was an offense, but I was more worried about Doa than that.

I prepared really hard even before going into my first solo advertisement.

When I remembered her talking about her game introduction right next to me, I felt bad and started fiddling with her phone.

Ah… I think it’s already in bad condition.

[Ah. I’ll just proceed… Shall I…? Guys! Stop! Stop!]

If it had been a regular broadcast, it felt like he would have just turned it off and watched it, but Luca had a sense of duty and wanted to take responsibility until the end.

Nevertheless, Luca, who gritted his teeth and pretended not to notice the pouring pressure, somehow cleared her stages and even succeeded in defeating Ae, who was her mid-boss.

[hahahaha! Everyone~ Did you enjoy it? Because it’s such a fun game! Everyone, be sure to go into the store, install the app, and enjoy the adventure~ Hello~]

The broadcast ended immediately with that.

…Is there a part 2?

Actually, there should have been a part 2. It’s only 10 PM and there’s no way the broadcast will end now.

Even when she started broadcasting today, she said that the first part would be advertising and the second part would be communication or other games.

She thought everyone thought it was a hidden camera, but Luca really didn’t come back.

In her anxious mind, when she calls the number, what she hears is her girlfriend’s crying.

[heheheheeng oppaaa.]

I immediately put on only my slippers and ran toward Doa’s studio.

“Haa… Haa…”

How many men would stay still after hearing their girlfriend’s voice cry?

I climbed the stairs three at a time and knocked on the studio door, out of breath.

Soon, the door opened and Doa hugged me before I could ask a question.

“Uuhuhuhuh oppa…”

“Ah. Are you okay. It’s a doya. Huh? “It’s really okay.”

After taking off her shoes and carrying her to her sofa, I patted her back calmly.

Doa sniffles and swallows her nose.

I wondered if it would be this sad, but comfort came first.

“Are you so upset that you’re not doing part 2?”


The first thing she said to me after wiping away her tears with her sleeve was…

“…I. “Did I do that wrong?”


“No. “Did I really do that wrong? I could have chosen the gacha a little better… Heee…”

Crying sadly was something that needed to be comforted, but why?

Why is it so cute?

This is happening.

Doa cried, shaking her delicate shoulders, and she looked so small that it felt like her doll was crying.

“No, you know what they did. “Why are you doing this when it’s only been broadcast for a day or two?”

“But… This is my first commercial today… I’ll be scolded by the advertiser…”

If this had been broadcast live, it would have become a clip and become a legend.

It may not have been the advertiser’s intention, but it looks like it’s going to be floating around the internet with an amazing clip.

“The company will also understand. And if all the bad guys are eliminated this time, the chat window will also be clean.”

“Did you… Think… That I was Suzaku?”

Honestly, it doesn’t make sense.

I will look after you because I am you.

“No. It might come out. Why.

“Right? I guess so… Ugh. But why are you cursing me…”

Sure enough, Doa’s cell phone rings.

After confirming that it was the manager, Doa’s face turned pale and he put his index finger to his mouth.

“Be quiet… I’m there…”


“Ah. Yes.”

“No… It’s okay… Ahahahaha.”

“But part 2 is just a bit… Okay…”

“Ah. “I thought… The advertiser might feel that way.”

“Yes, yes. Yes.”

“Ah. Thank god. Thank you sister.”

I couldn’t hear what was being said, but fortunately it seemed to have gone well.

“Is the company okay?”

Instead of answering, she nodded once more and motioned towards me as if to come here.

I opened her arms, thinking she was asking me to hug her, but my eyes widened at the pain I felt in my side.

“Hey. Hey. “Why are you hitting me?”

“…Oppa Pingtuk represents me. Today.”

“Hey. I stayed quiet! “You didn’t even suspect it.”

“I know, but just for today, please just be class president.”

Doa swinging her small fist wildly.


Still, I could feel her anger fading in real time, so I let her do whatever she wanted, out of concern for her child.

Her physical strength was not that good, so she fell exhausted from the challenge.

From noble mtl dot com

“Are you okay now?”

“…I don’t know.”

“Still, aren’t I an SSS-level boyfriend?”

I thought she was in a good mood, so I tried to make her joke, and she poked me on the cheek.

“My brother is a bit like that.”

“Which one is it?”

“Hmm… A character that eats up a lot of resources and is SSS level, but can only be used in certain situations?”

…Did you just say that he was a piece of sh*t? This?

I had already decided to look after him, but today I decided not to tackle him until the end.

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