156. The reason for the breakup

“Ah… Where should I start talking…”

Clover, who was watching the carbonic acid bubbling inside the beer glass, found it very difficult to speak.

“No… It’s done. I’m crazy. “What are you talking about from the first meeting?”

“No, no! “If we leave people wondering like this and then hang up, it’s torture for us!”

Doa waved her hand and encouraged her to talk as soon as possible.

And honestly, at this point, I was also curious.

What on earth is this?

Why did you dump me on the day we were supposed to go on a double date and not another day?

Even if they break up, they usually break up among themselves, right?

“Uhm… Then… Taemin, you probably don’t know, so I’ll start talking from the beginning.”

“Yes, yes. Take it easy.”

“Mr. Taemin. “Is it okay if I just speak informally when talking about this?”

“Ah. Yes. You are older than me. Please talk comfortably.”

Because she was older than me anyway, speaking informally did not feel strange.

“I met that person five years ago… When I was just entering second grade. “My brother returned to school and entered third grade a year later.”

And so Clover’s love story began.

What does it feel like to spend all of your early 20s with the same person?

As if she knew my question, she sipped her drink with a very sad look on her face.

To begin with, Clover is a vertuber famous for her quiet talk.

She so naturally painted us a picture of how beautiful those times were.

I could tell even though I wasn’t shown a single photo.

The early and middle stages of her relationship were like a very warm spring.

“So me. “I waited until he finished his exam.”

“No! Aren’t you really just an asshole? Sister?”

“Ah… I’ve done so much to look after your back, but it’s a bit cold…”

When we who were listening protested violently, Clover instead calmed us down, as if telling us to calm down.

“No. “It’s not like she suddenly developed different feelings and ended up meeting another woman.”

The answer that eventually came out was enough to stop our excitement.

“The problem started when I started streaming.”

“Streamer? Why?”

“Because my brother was sincere toward me.”

It didn’t take long to realize what sincerity means.

“Oppa. “He wanted to marry me.”

Content that does not apply to us yet.

It felt like a very distant story to us, a couple who had lived together for less than a year.

“That’s right. “We’ve been together for this long, but it’s even weirder that you’re not thinking about getting married.”

A bitter smile represented her feelings.

“My brother, who became a teacher… Always wanted me to follow him and become a teacher. And I was going to do that from the beginning.”

“But what kind of trick is this? “Internet broadcasting is so much fun because I’m just about to graduate.”

“I was just looking at it all the time, sometimes even up all night. “It was a very surprising and new stimulus to me, who had lived my whole life without knowing anything about such things.”

“So I thought, coolly, I’d just postpone graduation for half a year and try this.”

“I don’t think I’ll ever be able to do anything else in my life unless I’m a student.”

Ah… I’m anxious…

No. I wasn’t that anxious because I knew the ending, but Clover’s story was full of content that made me sweat.

“At first, my brother also supported me. Try it. “If it’s what you want, do it coolly so you don’t have any regrets.”

“But… This job is more fun than I thought.”

When I looked next to her, I saw that Doa was chewing peanuts with both hands as if she were some kind of hamster.

“Actually, it did quite well. “Of course, she doesn’t earn as much as she does now, but even when she was doing her personal broadcast, she made enough money to live on.”

“But one day.”

Tears are flowing from the corners of Clover’s eyes.

“I still remember it clearly.”

“It was a summer day during the long rainy season.”

After taking a moment to catch her breath, she continued her words.

“My brother asked me how long I would be doing that.”

“So, when I asked him why he did that, he asked me if I was going to continue living as a streamer.”

“They asked me if I wasn’t going to go back to school this fall.”

From noble mtl dot com

“So I spoke honestly. This is what I’m doing now. “It was so much fun that I wanted to try a little more.”

“But my brother said this with a cold face.”

[I like human new lyricism better than streamer Clover.]

[You said we would become a teacher couple together. You’ve had enough fun playing as a streamer for over half a year. Huh?]

[But… You’re going to keep doing that? Do you want me to watch you live your life acting cute while accepting small amounts of money from boys whose names you don’t even know?]

[I held out for a really long time because you said you liked it. I have never liked your broadcast itself!]

[Come to your senses. Seo Jeong-ah. Do you think that if our parents found out about this, they would allow us to get married?]

[Why leave jobs with guaranteed retirement age and pension benefits! Why! You have to do it! Why on earth!]

She chews her fingernails.

I wasn’t scolded, so why am I so engrossed in listening to it?

It seemed like the same thing happened to Doa, as her hand tightly grasped my thigh.

“So… so what did you do…?”

“It wasn’t very good… It couldn’t have been good…”

We fight every time we meet.

We met and became so attached that we couldn’t let go of each other.

Clover, who sincerely wants to follow her dream and become a streamer.

Her boyfriend, tied to reality, tries to change her mind.

Two people who could not bridge the gap.

I wouldn’t have known it if the streamer didn’t do well, but Clover, who became even more popular after joining Clojure, said that now he couldn’t just quit.

“So today. “I said I would meet you guys.”


“I just wanted to show that the people I work with get along well.”

“It would have been better if Jennifer, who is older, had come, but she doesn’t have a boyfriend…”

What should I say to comfort you?

With my poor comforting skills, I couldn’t think of anything to say to soothe her heart.

You can’t just say, [If this has already happened, you’re going to get married to a rich Four Leaf, right?]

“Not all streamers are so thoughtless… But not all stupid people…”

The empty space next to Clover looked even bigger.

“Ahh. Sorry. Ah. “I’m really… sorry… guys…”

She seemed sorry for bringing up this story and apologized to us once again.

“No. Sister. “Don’t cry…”

Doa, who was already shedding tears, got up from her seat and went into Clover’s arms.

The two people suddenly became a sea of tears.

As I was watching it from the other side, I turned my head and looked out the window.

It’s spring and the weather is nice.

That person is also a bit cynical.

Clover collapsed, shaking his shoulders.

Doa held her hand tightly.

My throat keeps getting so dry that I end up gulping down beer that I don’t like.

Around the time when the alcohol hit my face.

The two people stopped wailing and came to their senses.

“Ah… Taemin… I’m sorry… Really…”

A face marred by tears.

“No. It’s okay.”

“Will this… Stop happening now? We?”

Clover said she was sorry for her rude behavior and went out with Doa’s support.

“Oppa. “I’ll take you to your dorm and come back.”

“Yes, yes. Come back. “It’s okay to stay longer if necessary.”

“Okay. Thank you.”

“Call me when you get home instead.”

After driving the two people to the bus stop, I just watched the bus go away.


Even if I try to forget, Clover’s tearful face remains so vividly in my mind.

I kept thinking over her words.

Of course, it wasn’t our story, but we keep making substitutions.

If Doa says she wants to continue living as a streamer in the future.

If she wants to quit school and live in Luca, what should I do?

Of course, unlike Clover’s boyfriend, I understood Internet broadcasting culture well.

I like it more than anyone else.

Nevertheless, the reason I was able to sympathize with the man’s story was because I was well aware that the reality in which we live is held to similar standards.

“How can they really be so different?”

Second meeting with Closer, which was completely different from the humouring experience.

I let out a deep sigh and felt depressed for no reason, pounding my chest with my fist and looking up at the night sky.

“Mr. Luca Kim.”

I take out my phone and look at Doa’s face on the desktop.

Twitter app floating at the top.

As soon as I press my thumb to log in, what I see is my favorite person with pink hair and a wink. Luca.

“But you know I’m rooting for you, right?”

At least I don’t think I’m putting up with you.

Yes. If that’s the case, we’re fine.

It was very late in the morning when Doa’s phone call came.

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