133. Mr. Luca

[Mr. Luca! We are going to start confirming the concert as scheduled. Have you arrived?]

Only me.

A map created just for one person.

Of course, I could use this sauce for other members’ concerts in the future, but even so, I couldn’t help but feel my heart pounding.

Log in to VR World and accept the invitation.

After the standby screen, what unfolded before my eyes was…


Is this… A virtual idol…?

As I got up on stage, the manager’s suit-clad avatar waved his hand at me.

[Hello! Mr. Luca!]

[Ah! Yes Hello sister!]

[How do you feel about the map?]

My face right now must be conveying a lot of information.

Unfortunately, I didn’t know if this would be expressed well in VR.

[It’s really awesome.]

I thought it would be a good idea to just use all the words that could be used.

The concert hall was actually designed in a way that singers would perform at the end of the year, and behind me there was a large screen with Luca’s illustration on it.

[Now fans will be able to actually watch it in VR right here in front of us.]

[How many people are there?]

[I think I can give you a definite answer only after talking to the person managing the server.]

[I see.]

[Then shall we go see Avatar now?]


The next thing to check after the map is the avatar.

Honestly, since joining the company, the quality of my avatars has never disappointed me.

Maybe it’s because I had a hard time working as an individual, but no matter what I prepared, everything looked pretty, and the Pingtuk group always cheered and said I was cute.

Let’s connect with an invitation to another map. There were already people there who prepared the avatar for me to wear.

[How do you feel?]

[I’m really looking forward to it, right?]

My heart is already pounding.

What is new now are two types of forms.

One of them had short hair that was closer to an apple than usual, and the other one was really serious.

The very cute and mini avatar was dancing in front of me, shaking its buttocks.

[I thought it would get a good response if you wore something like this and posted a short shorts video.]

[Yes! Ah. My heart hurts.]

It was funny that I reacted like this because I thought my avatar was cute, but what could I do if I was actually cute?

[Hmm… There is one more concert avatar in the making, and the most urgent priority for the rest is original songs.]

Original song.

A homework assignment that I, not the group, must complete from start to finish.

I wasn’t very confident in singing, so I was nervous but couldn’t hide my anticipation.

[Has progress been made?]

[Ah. Sure. The last contact said that the accompaniment has already been filmed and a guide is being put together, so they will contact you soon.]

[Wow… I’m nervous…]

[I told you who the composer was, right?]

[Yes! A famous person belonging to that group.]

[You can look forward to it! Then, if there are any updates, I will contact you.]

[Yes! Thank you!]

After taking off the headset, I stamped my feet in joy on my computer chair.


Can I do well?

Ah. But the avatar is so cute.

Among the many Pinttuks, this is my favorite Pinttuk.

My brother’s face came to mind.

I pick up my cell phone and try calling him.


[Huh? Why?]

[Why? I can’t even call you?]

[No? That’s not true, we’ll see each other soon so I was just wondering if something happened.]

Today is the day of the long-awaited hanbok date with my brother.

I was at the studio for work and had to quickly go back and get ready to leave.



[I think this show will be a huge hit!]

As I spoke with excitement, a pleasant sound of laughter was heard from the other end of the phone.

[Really? Looks like something new has come out.]

[I saw the new avatar in person today. But really, this is ridiculous. Kawaii itself.]

[…Do you have any pictures?]

It was a sticky and greedy voice.

[No. I don’t have this. Kavi.]

[Okay. Then you can leave by 2 o’clock later, right?]

[Yes. See you later at home.]

[Yes~ I’m taking a shower now!]


After hanging up the phone, I quickly put on my padding and ran home.

Take a shower and dry your hair.

I’m not going to film today, but I’m planning to take a lot of pictures, so I wanted to pay extra attention.

I think this is enough for the base, and I think a lighter version would look better with hanbok, right?

I drew my eyebrows and then colored them with a light pink tint.

Good. It would be perfect to wear Hanbok.

As I went outside, happily thinking about what kind of hanbok to wear for my brother, I waved her hand at my tall boyfriend standing in the distance.

“Mr. Kim Jin-eun!”

Greetings with a vicious joke.

“Ah! Luca-tan!”

From noble mtl dot com

Not to be outdone, my brother immediately tries to gank.

It was a joke made after making sure no one was around, so we burst into laughter as soon as we saw each other face to face.

“Hey. “Who told you to call me that?”

My brother nibbles on my cheeks like rice cake.

“Ah. You just put on makeup! “Let go of this!”

Mr. Lee. How much effort did you put into it?

After checking my face again with a hand mirror, I looked up at him with an embarrassed expression.

“Let’s go.”

He holds out his hand to me.


I held his hand and only then did I realize that he was carrying a bag.

“What’s in the bag?”

Because it was an item I didn’t normally carry, I was curious about what was inside.

“I have something I want to do with you later.”

…What do you want to do with me?

“What are you saying?”

“It’s no big deal.”

“If it’s nothing special, just tell me.”

“100 Questions and 100 answers.”

I tilt my head at the unexpected answer.

“100 Questions and 100 answers?”

“Yes. “The company said they were going to make a YouTube video about this?”

“Oh… Really…?”

Oppa’s new activity begins!

It was a small-scale drama, but Oppa received good reviews.

Although there has been an issue of school violence, it has not yet spread that maliciously.

We firmly believed that YM would do a very good job.

“Then let’s all wear hanbok and hang out later and then go to a cafe.”

“Yes. “I was already going to do that.”

After taking the bus for about 20 minutes, we were able to get off right in front of the palace.

“Still, I’m glad the weather isn’t that cold.”

I thought it would be a waste to pay my own money to wear Hanbok and shiver.

Perhaps the sky helped, but the sunny weather was a little less cold than usual.

“I see. “Quickly go and borrow it.”

Many stores that cater to foreigners overcharge, so we made a reservation through a store we had researched in advance.

As we entered the rental store, an employee came out and welcomed us.

“You can choose from here to here. If you want to try it on, let me know and you can change over there!”

I grabbed my brother’s wrist and thought about choosing what I wanted to wear for him first.

“Wear what I choose.”


“My brother also decided on my outfit, so it’s only natural that I should do the same.”

My brother didn’t seem to have much room to complain, but he was obediently led by my hand and walked up and down the fitting room.

“…How do you feel?”

Ha… Well… This…

“Oh my! “You look so good together, don’t you?”

The corner of my mouth twitches at the employee’s praise.

Ha… Isn’t my brother so handsome?

Ah. You really are so handsome.

You might be used to it by now, but why does it look like it was ripped out of a cartoon?

I didn’t want to show my expression, so I covered my face with one hand and answered in a low voice.

“Let’s just do it.”

My brother, wearing a light purple hanbok, really had the look of a handsome man that you would only see in an oriental webtoon.

“If I don’t like it, I can try something else?”

He is walking towards us hurriedly.

As I kept unable to make eye contact due to my trembling heart, he pulled my chin with his hand and turned it towards my face.

“Namja. “Where are you looking?”

…I heard you go to an acting academy and they teach you things like this!

“Ugh… Ugh… Just wear that!”

His face turned so red that I couldn’t stand it, so I pushed him away and ran towards the women’s hanbok section.

I choose a jeogori that is as similar as possible to the Luca hanbok that my brother ordered.

I will take revenge.

I will take revenge. Taemin Han.

I will hold you accountable for harming the girl’s heart so badly. I’ll be better.

“Are you wearing that?”

As I chose the hanbok, my brother, who was standing behind me, looked at me with a very sinister look on his face.

Look at me. That horrible old man is smiling brightly because I told him to do it for me.

“Yes. “I’ll be wearing this right away, so would you like to wait right in front?”

I came up with a good idea to pick on him and forced my brother to stand in front of the fitting room.

Take off the clothes you are wearing and put on your underpants.

I was dressed in a skirt and jeogori as the staff member told me, and I steadied my voice.

“Hmm… Hmm…! Brother. “Can you help me for a second?”

“Huh? “What’s wrong?”

“Yes. “Please come inside for a moment.”

The voice was only audible to my brother, so the staff probably couldn’t hear it.

When my brother sneaked inside, I smiled as seductively as I could.

“Could you take the girl’s pus?”

My brother’s open mouth showed no sign of closing.

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