I Don’t Want To Be a Hero

Chapter 340: Ye Zai has fans too, and he's out around!

(It’s the third update today, and there is a high probability that it will be the third update tomorrow. In fact, I think it will be the fourth update, but the brain capacity is really limited. I beg you to subscribe to me (′▽`)

"It's Ultraman Saiyan! He has come to help Tiga again."

The newly-appearing giant of light, the members of the victory team all know it, because the opponent helped Tiga last time.

Unexpectedly, after half a year, when they fell into a crisis again, the other party appeared again.

Moreover, the newly-appearing Ultraman Saiyan dispelled the darkness with his gestures, allowing everyone to see hope.

Kirielod saw that a new Ultraman appeared again, and rushed forward without saying a word, imagining that he would defeat Yezai as if he was beating Diga.

But because of the loss of the dark aura of the gates of hell, coupled with the strength of Ye Zai, it was much better than Tiga.

So there is no doubt that the Kirialod, who was above Tiga in terms of speed, strength, and energy, was easily suppressed by Yeza at this time.

But I have to say that this monster does have something. In addition, it has just dispelled the darkness and used a lot of Yeza's power, so at this time, although Yeza suppressed the opponent, he could not defeat the opponent in a short time.

And Ultraman cannot exist for too much time on this planet. This is the iron law of this world, and even Yezai cannot change it.

In the end, the ice that froze the gate of **** began to crack gradually. Once it was blessed by the dark aura, even Ye Zai would fall into a bitter battle.

After kicking the Kiri Elod with one kick, Yaza did not pursue the victory this time, but came to the fallen Tiga.

Distribute Diga the power of transforming the "light of hope" the child has just given him into "light".

With the infusion of light, Tiga's blood resurrected, and the red light flashed on Yezai's energy timer.

Yeza nodded to Tiga, motioned him to solve the monster with his eyes, and deal with the gate of **** in the air by himself.

Tiga nodded and said that he understood that this time, under the cover of all the light in the city, his combat power directly exploded, and the Kirialolds who did not have the blessing of Hell's Gate were greatly defeated.

But Ye Zai came into the air, looking at the door of **** that had completely shattered the ice and continued to slowly open, stretched out his empty hand, and the big sword wrapped in ice was caught from the empty space again.

Seemingly aware of what Yezai wanted to do, a transparent Kirialod flew out of the gates of hell, and they rushed towards Yezai.

"Go back to your world, this radiant world is not something you dark minions can get your hands on.

As Dagu said, human beings are not fragile! "

The big swords on both sides shattered the wrapped ice, bursting out extremely bright light in the dark night, like a small sun.

Those Kirialods who had not had time to get close, had not yet approached Ye Zai's side, and when they came into contact with the dazzling light, they suddenly felt like the sun was melting snow, and they were completely blown into flying ashes.

Ye Zai also held swords in both hands, as if opening up the world, slashing several slashes directly in the air.

The light blade slashed through the gate of hell, like a hot knife slicing butter, the gate of **** instantly broke neatly into several pieces, and disappeared into the air.

On the ground, the monsters of Tiga and Kirialod were still fighting like a raging fire.

At this time, Tiga was placing his hands in an "L" shape, releasing Zapeliao's light, intending to destroy the monster with one blow.

However, the Kirialods were not to be outdone, and shot light from their arms. At this time, they were colliding in the air just like Diga's Zapelio light.

Although it seems a bit unkind to disturb the confrontation between men, it is not the time to be hypocritical.

Both he and Tiga belonged to Ultraman, and they could only stay on this planet for a few minutes, and the other party was a monster, and there was no such restriction.

Regardless of whether it was Yezai or Tiga, the energy timer in his chest had already reddened at this time.

No longer hesitating, Yeza once again set up a big sword in the air, and struck the Kirialod who was facing Diga on the ground, which was a cross-cut.

The blade of light pierced the night and rose up against the wind, directly cutting through the light released by Kirialod, and bombarding Kirialod.

Dijia's Zapeliao Ray also came afterwards. Under the double attack, the opponent directly died and couldn't die again, completely exploding into a pile of fragments.

After the Kirie Rods were completely resolved, the two also nodded to each other, and then each flew to the sky.

After the Kirialods were defeated, those who were under control also regained their sobriety, not understanding why they believed that Diga was a demon such a stupid thing before.

After this storm, people also knew that besides Tiga, there was actually another Ultraman guarding the world.

Unlike the previous Gazot incident, there were not many witnesses because of the crowds driving away from the airport.

This time, the "Ultraman Saiyan" appeared directly in front of the public, and more people knew the Ultraman directly.

Even Ultraman Saiyan has just appeared, but a considerable number of fan groups have directly appeared.

I have to say that although Ultraman Saiyah only played once, the scene was too shocking.

As soon as it appeared, it was like a sword of light, piercing the darkness and dispelling the darkness that enveloped the entire city.

Immediately afterwards, with his own power, he directly turned the tide of the battle, and also saved Diga. Its powerful strength and handsome posture instantly captured the love of a large number of children.

Some merchants have even begun to sell a series of peripherals of Ultraman Saiyan for profit.

Moreover, there are not a few merchants doing this, and they all took advantage of this enthusiasm to make a fortune.

On the way to deliver fast food, Ye Zai smiled casually when watching several children playing role-playing games.

The role-playing that a few children played at this time was Bump Man fighting monsters, and the quarrel at this time was obviously a monster that no one wanted to be defeated.

One of the children raised the plastic sword in his hand~www.readwn.com~ and said that he must play Ultraman Saiya, because he has the Ultra Sword, but the other friends do not.

The other little friends also cooperated quite well, putting their enviable eyes on the plastic sword in the little boy's hands.

But what regrets those businesses and children is that Ultraman Saiyan, who was completely on fire as soon as he appeared, never appeared again after that incident.

Now as long as a monster appears, it is still solved by Ultraman Tiga, and Ultraman Saiyan seems to have disappeared, and has never appeared again.

And all this did not affect Ye Zai's life in the slightest.

He originally came here with the idea of ​​vacationing, and Tiga is the protagonist, who can be a good salted fish, why have to fight the little monsters exhaustedly.

Da Gu actually went to spend the night too, thinking that he was wasting his life like this, and using his ability to deliver fast food was simply overkill.

If you have such a strong ability, you should do more to protect the world.

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