I Don’t Want to Be a General, I Choose Buddhism

Chapter 729: Lineage factor-specific agents

- "I don't want to be a general, I choose the Buddhist system" Chapter 729 Specialized Medicine for Bloodline Factors

At the same time that the pirate group formed by Hawkins began to move towards the great route, there were many captains of the pirate group who had been secretly controlled by the organization a few years ago, and were specially trained to receive orders. .

"Let's set sail and turn the world upside down in the great route!"

Among the eleven supernovas in the original trajectory, almost most of them have been gathered by the revolutionary army under the deliberate search of Yan, and they have deliberately carried out corresponding fruit development and domineering training.

Of course, some supernovas that are extremely vicious and do not have the possibility of gathering are obliterated in advance!

And this is the plan that Ion began to prepare since he met Hawkins and noticed the new generation of pirates that would appear sooner or later.

"Damn, after so long, I can finally go to the great route?"

With fiery red hair and a rather cruel and irritable personality, Eustace Kidd spat out the bones in his mouth, and his empty left arm condensed a large amount of metal into an arm, and stood up domineeringly towards the cave. went out.

Outside the cave, led by Kira, who was covered in scars, a large number of pirates were also ready to go out to sea.

"Let's go, by the way..."

Kidd picked up a document passed by the organization, glanced at the kingdom name recorded on it, and said.

"By the way, to destroy a kingdom, as Lao Tzu's salute to the great route sounded."

In the royal palace of the Solbey Kingdom in the South China Sea, Joelie Bonnie, with long pink hair and an extremely hot body, looked at the bear in front of her with surprise and asked.

"Father, really? Can I start sailing as a pirate like you?"

The taciturn bear just nodded, then took out a document from his arms and handed it to Joelie Bonnie, saying. "It's your clearance and sailing itinerary, and some of the goals you need to achieve while sailing."

Joelie Bonney hurriedly picked it up, and then rushed outside the palace with great excitement.

Watching Joelie Bonnie's leaving back, there was an imperceptible tenderness in the bear's eyes.

"Bonnie, go sailing boldly..."

In the research institute hidden in the red soil continent on the side of the Upside-Down Mountain of the Great Air Route, Luo, who was wearing a white coat, calmly looked at a clone that was soaked in the nutrient solution in front of him, which was almost the same shape as Luo.

The next moment, baby-5's voice sounded in the direction of the entrance of the research room.

"Hey, Luo, haven't you finished yet? Mr. Yan has officially started planning."

Luo turned his head and glanced at baby-5, who had entered his research room without any courtesy, and was still smoking in the research room, reminding him. "Smoking is prohibited here."

In response to Luo's reminder, baby-5 turned a blind eye, and instead approached the clone soaked in the nutrient solution in front of him, as if he was carefully looking at every subtle feature of the clone.

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With a cigarette in his mouth, baby-5 turned to look at Luo, pointed his finger at the clone, and asked.

"Hey, Luo, do you confirm that the organs of this clone are perfectly replicas of your own, without any special and unnecessary modifications?"

Luo's face turned red, but his tone was very calm. "boring."

Immediately, Luo walked to one of the machines on the side, and started to control it in a hurry, and then said.

"The clones have been made perfectly, except that they do not possess the abilities of 'evil concubine' and 'surgical fruit', there is almost no difference, and they have also been injected with the highest-level 'specialized bloodline factor'. Next "It's time to test stability."

The next moment, as the nutrient solution that wrapped the clones was completely evacuated, the clones also opened their eyes and walked out of the cultivation chamber.

Luo's hand pressed on the clone's head, and the flesh of the palm extended to connect with the clone's brain, as if something had been transmitted, and then said.

"'klt-0', you will then go out to sea as a pirate under the name of 'Death Doctor' Luo, and collect stability data on the 'Bloodline Factor Specific Medicine'."

Seeing this, baby-5 on the side spit out a mouthful of smoke, and then said.

"Okay, okay, dawdling, hurry up and let 'klt-0' set off with me. I still have a lot of things that need to be urgently tested this time."

Immediately, baby-5 took 'klt-0' to the hidden port of the institute, but the whole person suddenly jumped towards the sea, and a large amount of dark steel began to appear on his body.

When baby-5 fell to the sea, the whole person had completely turned into a ship floating on the sea like a giant steel beast.

For a time, as the revolutionary army launched the "Storm Generation Before Dawn" plan, the entire sea began to become turbulent, and exaggeratedly strong newcomers pirates sprang up like mushrooms after a rain, and then gathered together towards the great Departure route.

When a large amount of urgent information was transmitted to the naval headquarters, the generals of the naval headquarters were almost all busy in order to deal with these incidents.

"Are you crazy? This sea, even in the years when Roger, the pirate king, was just executed was not so exaggerated..."

At the meeting to discuss the latest batch of pirate bounties, the admirals looked at the information on pirate newcomers and monsters piled up in front of them, and their expressions were extremely ugly.

In less than a week, pirate incidents such as destroying kingdoms, attacking naval bases, looting world government ships, etc. frequently occurred, and most of these incidents occurred in the first half of the great route controlled by the navy.

In contrast, such evil acts as climbing the Pirate King's execution platform and sinking warships are too inconspicuous.

At this moment, it gave these naval officers the feeling that suddenly the whole sea began to riot, and a large number of pirates emerged, and among them there were many monster-like newcomers who had not had one in the past few years.

And after the Navy Headquarters conducted intelligence collection and analysis on those pirate newcomers, it was amazing to find that the development of those new pirate fruits was amazing, and some even had mastered domineering abilities. .

In the past, almost all pirates who had reached this level of ability had reached the "supernova" level of the Chambord Islands in previous years.

Then, now, these monsters appeared near the entrance of the first half of the Great Route.

"Once these villains are given room to grow, it will inevitably lead to the deterioration of the intelligence. It must be punished in time to suppress the arrogance of the pirates!"

"Justice will win!!"

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