I Don’t Want to Be a General, I Choose Buddhism

Chapter 591: Married Charlotte Lingling

Text Chapter 591 Marrying Charlotte Lingling? !

"That's Charlotte Lingling, the crazy woman nicknamed 'Steel Balloon'..."

"You can, Corazon, you have to believe in your ability, you can stand it." Yan encouraged.

"How can I stand it? That crazy woman is only nearly nine meters tall, and her physique is terrifying. There are already about forty husbands who died at her hands. You want me to marry her?"

Corazon retorted with a ghostly expression. "Besides, isn't you the guy who once dreamed of marrying the 'strongest woman in the world'? You should go for it yourself."

"Come on, Corazon, calm down first..."

Ion said comfortingly in a gentle tone. "As your brother, how could I let you die?"

But before Ian could finish speaking, Corazon waved his hand and said. "Ion, I don't want to listen to you, otherwise I will be convinced by you."

This is one of the biggest experiences that Corazon has accumulated in the more than 20 years of contact with Ion.

This guy's tongue... is quite powerful, Corazon was very worried that he was really shaken, and then went to marry Charlotte Lingling.

It's not that Corazon is afraid of the woman Charlotte Lingling, but Corazon swears that he will never continue the sinful blood of the Don Quixote family.

Uh, yes, that's right!

I'm not getting married for my ideals, not out of fear of Charlotte Lingling...

Just when Corazon's eyes gradually firmed up and he planned to reject Ion harshly, Ion's next sentence completely froze Corazon's expression.

"I'm all here for Luo..."

Hearing Luo's name, who looked like a parent, Cora asked subconsciously. "Luo? What does it have to do with Luo?"

"You don't know that Kaido was sent to Luo's laboratory, and soon after, Luo's laboratory was attacked by the two dessert four generals of the 'big·mom pirates'..."

Ian sighed helplessly and said.

"Although Luo and baby-5 barely blocked this attack, it exposed a problem, that is, Charlotte Lingling holds Kaido's life card, and she has to find a way to take Charlotte away. The life card in Lingling's hand, otherwise Luo will only be attacked by Charlotte Lingling incessantly."

"I also considered letting Luo give up Kaido as an experimental material, but this experimental material is too important for Luo's experiment, so important that I can't even bear to say this."

For a while, Corazon's expression couldn't help becoming a little heavy, and his eyes were full of fierce struggle, as if he was a father who was hesitating whether to sacrifice his happiness for the future development of his child.

After a while, Corazon's lips trembled slightly, and he said. "Is there really only one way to marry Charlotte Lingling?"

Ion patted Corazon's shoulder and said.

"Corazon, don't worry, although there is no real blood connection between us, but in my heart you are like a real brother, how could I have the heart to push you into the fire pit?"

After a pause, Ion continued to meet Corazon's hopeful gaze.

"However, after many investigations, it is true that only you are married... ah no, the method of marrying Charlotte Lingling is feasible."

At this moment, Corazon's pupils seemed to be invisibly dilated.

"Of course, for you, I thought of a way..." Ion continued.

"What method?!" Corazon asked.

Ion's gentle and clean eyes looked into Corazon's eyes and asked sincerely. "Anyway... do you believe me? Corazon."


When Yan was in a coma and was temporarily unable to manage the g-9 branch, and could only be temporarily in charge of the cp0 team and Major General Hope who came to support, the complicated situation in Wano completely gave the cp0 team and Major General Hope a headache.

In addition to the threat and terrifying combat power originating from the revolutionary army, "Seven Wuhai" Corazon and Yamato, whose strength seems to be comparable to that of the naval admiral, are factors that have to be considered.

Of course, the same is true for the Revolutionary Army.

In the last two full-scale attacks by the revolutionary army against the g-9 branch, the results were all due to the intervention of Yamato and Corazon.

Therefore, when the cp0 team led the navy of the g-9 branch to repel several tentative attacks of the revolutionary army and began to win over Yamato, the cp0 team noticed that the movement of the revolutionary army seemed to have changed.

"The revolutionary army actually started targeting... the Don Quixote family?"

A cp0 member in a white suit and a white mask looked at the latest intelligence and muttered. "It seems that the revolutionary army's tolerance for Corazon, a spoiler, has reached the limit?"

"Captain, do you want to support the Don Quixote family? Otherwise, even if the revolutionary army is afraid of the existence of the g-9 branch and does not attack the Don Quixote family with all their strength, I am afraid that the Don Quixote family will not be able to stop the revolutionary army." asked a female cp0 member.

The cp0 team leader with long white hair looked around the cp0 members in front of him, thought for a while and said.

"There is no order from the commander-in-chief or Lord Five Old Stars, this support is necessary, and it is even possible that the revolutionary army is luring us to leave the g-9 branch, so as to take the opportunity to break the g-9 branch..."

"At least until Lieutenant General Ion has not regained combat capability, we cannot easily leave the g-9 branch. Ensuring the safety of the g-9 branch is our most important task at present."

After a pause, the captain of the cp0 team continued.

"It just so happens that we can take the opportunity to speed up the progress of contact with Yamato. As long as we can win Yamato completely and successfully, and then wait for Lieutenant General Ion to recover, maybe then it will be a good time to eliminate the revolutionary army."

When the rest of the cp0 members heard the words, they all nodded in agreement.

In the days that followed, the cp0 team continued to receive information about the Revolutionary Army targeting the Don Quixote family in the Baiwu area. The territory also began to be occupied by the revolutionary army.

Regarding this information, neither the Holy Land Mary Joa nor the Navy Headquarters meant to stop the Revolutionary Army.

In other words, neither the World Government nor the Navy wants to see Corazon and the Revolutionary Army unite again, and they also do not want Corazon to gain a firm foothold in Wano.

Therefore, the scene of the revolutionary army starting to target the Don Quixote family is very happy to see whether it is for the world government or the navy.

However, what everyone did not expect was that the "big mom pirates" suddenly announced to the sea:

"Nbom Pirates" Captain, Queen of Totland Kingdom in the Seas of All Nations, "Sea Emperor" Charlotte Lingling will hold a wedding with Don Quixote Rossindi!!!

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