I Don’t Want to Be a General, I Choose Buddhism

Chapter 441: I did it when I was sixteen

Just as some doubts arose in Ion's heart, the Warring States Marshal said a name Ion was quite familiar with.

"Don't say that your kid doesn't know the famous knife·Witherwood and the famous knife·Sakura Ten. When Shiji escaped from the Great Undersea Prison, he obviously carried these two famous knives."

Hearing this, Ion finally remembered.

Golden Lion Shiji, that man like a golden mad lion, Ion naturally did not forget.

But the encounter with Golden Lion Shiji, it was all fifteen or six years ago.

At that time, the golden lion Shiji escaped from the great undersea prison at the cost of serious injuries, and later in the battle with Ion, the proud golden lion was finally consumed alive.

After that, as the swords of the Golden Lion Shiji, the famous sword · Withered Wood and the famous sword · Sakura Ten became the trophies of Ion and were thrown into the warehouse of the castle in Xiao Jin's body.

This loss, more than ten years have passed, even Ion has completely forgotten the existence of the famous knife·Withered wood and the famous knife·Sakura ten in the corner.


How could these two famous knives be placed here?

Ion pushed his glasses, and cast a glance at Xiao Jin who was standing curled up on his shoulders.

Immediately, Ion understood that the two little **** of Sora and Ying were definitely not just as simple as sabotaging in Malin Vandor while he was out fishing.

The Warring States Marshal put his hands on his chest, staring at Ion and continued to speak.

"Since Shiji escaped from the Great Undersea Prison, the Navy has been tracking his whereabouts, but in the past ten years, it has not been able to find any traces."

"The last person who had contact with Shiji that year was you, Ion, don't you think it is necessary for you to explain it?"

Ion appropriately showed an unidentified expression, and secretly, he crazily recalled the reason why he fooled the Marshal of the Warring States Period.

It's just that, just as people don't remember how many meals he has eaten, Ion can't remember how he fooled the Marshal of Warring States casually back then.

In the end, Ion could only answer dryly. "Maybe... died somewhere, right?"

"Then why are all his sabers in your hands?"

Lieutenant Crane asked with a smile. "Did the Golden Lion Shiji already died of you back then?

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On your hand? "

"Um, Lieutenant General Crane, we are familiar with each other, so it's not appropriate to put credit on my head indiscriminately?" Ion replied.

"Then...explain." The Warring States Marshal pointed at the two famous knives again and asked.

The corners of Ion’s mouth suddenly twitched slightly. The most difficult problem is not that Ion can’t make any suitable excuses, but that I don’t know if the two little **** Sora and Ying reveal anything that shouldn’t be leaked. .

"Or, let me ask Kong and Ying first, maybe they know something?" Ion suggested.

"Are you planning to collude with a confession? Don't bother to think about it, otherwise you think why we are waiting for you in your courtyard, just to prevent you from preparing in advance..."

After a pause, the Warring States Marshal took a step forward towards Ion and shouted. "Answer immediately, Ion!"

Facing the pressing questioning of the Warring States Marshal and Lieutenant General Crane, plus General Polusalino, General Kuzan and Lieutenant General Karp sitting aside watching the show.

For a while, Ion couldn't help feeling a rare embarrassment, as if... as if being forced to slap himself in the face.


Ion sighed long and spoke. "I confess, I did get these two famous knives from Golden Lion Shiji."

Zefa, who had not spoken on the side, heard this, finally couldn't help standing up, and asked. "So... the Golden Lion Shiji died in your hands that year?"

Just like the three most outstanding navies in the navy at that time: Warring States, Karp and Zefa, the most terrifying big pirates of the same era are Roger "One Piece", "Golden Lion" Squi and "White Beard". "Edward.

Among them, General Zefa and "Golden Lion" Shiji have fought countless times.

In response to the many staring gazes in front of him, Ion nodded slowly.

In fact, given Ion's current status, there is nothing to hide from this kind of thing.

The reason why Ion hid this fact back then was just because he didn't want to attract the attention of the world government and get promoted suddenly.

Today, Yandu has the status of "Navy Hero", and even his rank is lieutenant admiral. Even with this contribution, he won't be promoted to general... right?

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And with Ion's nod, almost all the expressions of the high-ranking navy in the audience showed a somewhat unconcealable change, and even the fake Kuzan couldn't help but open his eyes.

Shock! ! !

Even through the comparison of "Famous Knife·Withered Wood" and "Famous Knife·Sakura Ten", and compared with the report recorded that year, these high-ranking navy officials already had some speculation.

However, it was truly affirmed by Ion, and still couldn't help being shocked!

That's... "Golden Lion" Shiji!

The captain of the flying pirate regiment that crossed the ocean and across the sky almost destroyed the pirate regiment of the King of Pirates in the "Ait Vol Sea Battle", and was a legendary man who dared to monopolize the Marine Headquarters Malin Vandor alone.

波鲁萨利诺 brown sunglasses will face down the pressure of the pressure, eyes fixed on Yann, as if like a new understanding of Yann, said with emotion.

"It was not ah, when Yann brother was sixteen years old, right? Monster men in general."

This word, is completely say the presence of all the voices.

Sixteen kill the "Golden Lion" history-based, this reputation is enough to make any man instantly famous sea.

And compared to just appear in the legends of ancient weapons · Pluto, "Golden Lion" history-based reputation and strength more popular.

Warring States Marshal chest vaguely modest ups and downs a little, he asked. "Yann, then why hide this thing?"

"Because of the strength of the year ...... I simply can not bear this level of fame ......"

Yann threw your hands up, truthfully he said.

"I was too weak and small! Frail physique, superficial arrogance, lack of combat experience, it was not me that age sixteen affordable for fame."

Listen Yann's remarks, senior naval presence can not help but look weird again.

Weak? superficial? Scarcity?

So ...... get rid of the "Golden Lion" history based?

Ultimately, the crane will still want to lead a possibility, he asked. "At that time, not kill you alone 'golden lion' history group?"

By now, it is simply to acknowledge Yann down. "Well, no, I am a person is doing."

? ? ?

Navy senior.

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