I Don’t Want to Be a General, I Choose Buddhism

Chapter 197: One-sword style · Bi Zi Ji Zhan


The battleship that was slowly approaching the port of the Kingdom of Dresrosa suddenly quaked, as if it had been hit hard by something.

"It was reported that the bottom of the ship was damaged, and the closed doors in the relevant area have been opened..."

In less than a few breaths, the elite navy soldiers reported the related injuries and had already responded.

"There is something underwater!"

Gion frowned and suddenly felt thorny.

After all, the combat power deployed on this warship does not have the ability to deal with underwater attacks.

Generally speaking, a warship like this kind of steel behemoth is difficult to cause damage even if it is a normal sea king, and it is only possible to capsize when facing a super large sea king.

However, the strength of the unknown attack originating from underwater easily smashed through the bottom of the steel cast.


Soon, Gion guessed what the enemy might be.

And this is also the most difficult part of the Murloc clan. Being in the sea, the murloc clan’s combat power has doubled, and most of the human powerhouses have no one in ten when they enter the ocean.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Before Gion could find a way to respond, one after another roars continued to sound on the bottom of the sea, one after another the hull appeared damaged, and the sea began to pour in.

"Major General Ion, what should I do? This should be the Don Quixote family judging us as enemies and preventing us from approaching the port."

At this moment of facing a huge choice, Gion asked Ion.

"If we turn back now, the attacks of the Don Quixote family should not continue to attack the warship indomitably..."

Before Gion finished speaking, Ion interrupted directly. "Speed ​​up."

Hearing this, Gion reminded. "Major General Ion, accelerating the advancement will likely lead to intensified attacks, and the accumulation will cause serious damage to the warship."

What Gion meant was that after forcibly docking at the port of the Kingdom of Dresrosa, if the follow-up talks with the Don Quixote family collapsed, the naval warship might not be able to support their retreat at all.

Once besieged in the Kingdom of Dresrosa by then, I am afraid it will be either death or the result of being captured.

Facing Gion's reminder and Wu Lao Xing's side monitoring, Ion hardly hesitated to firm up his position and said.

"We are the navy, how can the justice we bear allow us to retreat? Not to mention that we are shouldering the task of the five old stars. At this important juncture, no retreat is allowed!"

"Go forward, target the Kingdom of Dresrosa!"

Ion's tone was extremely firm, like a rock above the constantly shaking battleship, stabilizing the morale of all the navy soldiers.

At this moment, although the mantle that Ion wore behind his back was covered with the two characters "Buddha", many of the naval officers who were waiting on the deck saw the word "Buddha" vaguely. Under the word "justice".

Even the five old stars who are still in the power of the Holy Land Mary Gioia, listened to Ion's words that seemed to be from the heart, without fear of life and death, they couldn't help but nod slightly.

"This child is the son of the Marshal of the Warring States Period, right?"

"It is really rare in the navy to have such an awareness."

"Well, it's not bad indeed!"


Naturally, Yann couldn't hear the discussion and evaluation of Wu Lao Xing.

At this moment, Ion stood firmly at the forefront of the battleship, but his not sturdy figure was like a firing pin facing the wind and waves, guiding the direction of the battleship.

"Don't worry about the attack from the bottom of the ship, go ahead at full speed!"

In an instant, this steel behemoth, which was still somewhat slow in action, broke out in an instant, the roar of steel suddenly increased, and it swiftly moved towards the port of the Kingdom of Dresrosa.

"Boom boom boom..."

In between successive crashes and vibrations, the damage that appeared under the battleship gradually increased, but the distance between the battleship and the port was also rapidly shortening, and even the navy soldiers could see clearly where they stood on the port with their naked eyes. The distance of the person's appearance.

"Don't think about it, Navy!"

At this moment, a shrill, feminine voice suddenly sounded, and the stone mountain at the corner of Dres Rosa's port shook suddenly.

The former highest cadre of the Don Quixote family, "Spade" Pikka, has taken action. Those with the ability of "Rock Fruit" can easily assimilate and manipulate a large number of rocks to carry out various transformations and attacks.

Suddenly, a huge giant made of rocks formed, and a huge slap about the size of a battleship slapped it towards the battleship.

"What is this?! It's terrible"

"Attack, attack..."

"Don't let that palm come close, otherwise the battleship may sink on the spot."

Facing such an attack that was enough to destroy the battleship on the spot, many elite marines almost subconsciously launched an attack towards the rocky palm.

However, relying on the power of ordinary naval soldiers, there was no way to destroy the rocky palm, and could only watch it cover the sky overwhelmingly.

At this moment, Gion could no longer hold back his shot, and his figure jumped up, "Navy Six-Style · Moon Step"!

Just as the distance between Gion and the palm of the rock quickly narrowed, the "Famous Knife Jinpiro" flashed out from his waist, and a brilliant flying slash was released and went straight to the palm of the rock.

"One-sword style, Pi Zi extremely cut!"


The two collided and roared!

Countless rubble flew around, almost densely packed like raindrops covering the entire area.

However, just as the morale of the marines on the warship rose, a huge body like a cannonball crashed towards Gion.

"Boom! Hundred Tons Bais!"


Under the huge impact of Mahabasi, the "ton of fruit" ability, which is as high as 100 tons, Gion's body shape is particularly petite, as if a rabbit was hit by a meteorite in the air.

In an instant, in the stunned eyes of Ion, Gion was slammed into the air, traversing an arc like a cannonball and smashed down towards the Kingdom of Dresrosa.

? ? ?


Is Corrazon crazy?

Why did you attack Gion like this? Didn't he know Gion when he was on Swallow Island, did he know that Gion had a relationship with me?

Suddenly, Ion's expression twitched slightly, and he looked at the majestic Corason who was standing at the highest point at the port in a daze.

And Colasson watched Yanna react in a fake and real way, admiring his younger brother's acting skills, and also blinked in a vague response.


What does it mean?

After noticing Corazon's cryptic expression, Ion's thoughts became messy for a while, trying to remember whether there was any design in his plan.

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