Generally speaking, the human brain does not allow people to bite off their tongues.

So many of the so-called tongue-biting suicides on TV are not very scientific.

But in the 012 containment room, the horse monkey managed to do this!

He bit off his tongue!

However, he did not do this in a state of wakefulness, but in a state of being affected by the spirit and his own consciousness is somewhat muddy.

But one way or another, he succeeded.

And also threw out the broken arm and the file!

Then, like a madman, he took half of his tongue out of his mouth and wrote on that score.

When his tongue ran out of blood, he began to self-harm, arms, thighs, fingers… Everything in his body can be destroyed, as long as there is blood!

Fortunately, the game does not keep players in this cruel and bloody state.

Because then the player may have a nervous breakdown!

At some point, the horse monkey is forced out of the game.

However, his “body” remained in the containment room, carrying out unfinished business.

Until the end, the “body” fell heavily!

In the meantime!

Teacher Ma watched from the outside of the room almost all the time!

He knew that the big horse monkey meant to let him leave with props and files.

He also knew that the horse monkey would definitely be fine, and would definitely force the end of the game in the end.

But when he saw the big horse monkey desperately throwing out the broken arm and file, his heart was still greatly shocked!

“I’ll definitely be able to get out!”

Teacher Ma’s eyes were a little red, and then he bent down with all his strength to pick up the file and broken arm on the ground.

Then he turned around desperately and approached the exit on the other side!

The influence of containment-012 seems to diminish with increasing distance.

Therefore, Teacher Ma has persevered until now with firm willpower.

And the water friends in the live broadcast room also saw everything that happened in the containment room, and countless people were shocked:

“Is that the power of that score? Make people involuntarily want to get close to it and use their own blood to complete it? ”

“Nima is terrible! I got goosebumps! ”

“I’m crying! Big horse monkey real man! ”

“Big horse monkey cow batch!!! Groove, I really admire this game! ”

“Brothers, I’m already on my knees!!”


Teacher Ma did not go to see the barrage in the live broadcast room, and his neck was full of protruding blood vessels.

He frantically wanted to move towards the exit.

But the strong spiritual influence still made him involuntarily turn his head to look at the containment room…

In the end, there were only two thoughts in his mind that were fighting madly!

One is the idea of approaching 012 and using blood to complete it!

The other is the idea of leaving here with props!

Seeing this scene, the water friends in the live broadcast room couldn’t help but hold their breath!

The barrage is even more unified, extremely rarely:

“Come on, Teacher Ma!!”

“Teacher Ma!! Come on!!!! ”

“I’m going to cry!! Come on Teacher Ma!! ”

“Come on, come on!!!, come on


Perhaps it was really the encouragement of the water friends that played a role, and Teacher Ma tried his best to finally leave the range of the metal door of the containment room!

After not seeing that tin box, that terrible spiritual impact was much less!

Teacher Ma continues to work hard.

Finally, he finally came to the exit and walked up the stairs….

At this point, the thought that seemed to be like a devil’s murmur finally disappeared!

Teacher Ma sat directly on the stairs, soaked with sweat!

“This is containment-012 …”

Teacher Ma’s whole face was miserably white.

He looked down and removed the file from his severed arm.

The file was stained with blood.

But the above can still be clearly seen.

“Containment-012, unfinished movement…”


PS: Balls and tickets!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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