“Groove! Little peanut is like a ghost, suddenly appeared to frighten labor and management! ”

“The group of five is officially one less person!”

“Hahaha, Teacher Ma, they are all frightened by the little peanut!”

“It scares me to death! Suddenly appeared! ”


The barrage in the live broadcast room is frantically refreshed.

And the mentality of Mr. Ma in the game was almost frightened!

Originally thought that everything was going well, several people subconsciously relaxed their vigilance, but suddenly the little peanut rushed over and directly killed the stupid little girl!

This sudden fright is really difficult to describe in words!

Fortunately, the remaining four people saw the little peanut for the first time, otherwise it would be another group ending!

Teacher Ma swallowed his spit!

“Everyone takes turns blinking, I’ll come first, let’s walk slowly towards the metal door!”

The three of Sister Zhou nodded.

At this time, no one dared to look at the corpse of the little girl on the ground.

The game is very realistic, and in team mode, even if a teammate dies, he will leave a corpse.

Teacher Ma and the others slowly moved behind the metal door at the end of the passage.

Just like that, the four people did not dare to interrupt their line of sight.

After Teacher Ma closed the metal door, several people let out a long sigh of relief!

“Let’s go!”

The little girl has already quit the game, there are still four people left, and this game is already a little suspended.

It seems that you still can’t let your guard down, I don’t know what terrible monsters are hidden in this game map!

Teacher Ma and Sister Zhou began to walk back.

The next goal is to process the equipment they acquired with the containment-914!

Because of the walk, several people are no longer stuffy and have a clear direction.

But when they were about to return to the 914 containment room, the four people actually saw the eared bear again!


Sister Zhou’s face turned white all of a sudden, obviously she hadn’t forgotten the horror of growing ears on her body!

“Run! Then close immediately! Fast! ”

Teacher Ma made a decision immediately!

The four people immediately pulled their legs and ran, quickly passed the ear bear, and after coming to the end, Teacher Ma quickly opened the door, and after waiting for everyone to enter, he closed the door again!

But it’s still late!

The ear bear screamed again!

The terrifying sound wave made all four of Teacher Ma squat on the ground with their heads in their arms before the door was completely closed!

After the door was completely closed, a few people were considered better, and they waited for a while before relieving themselves.

“Let’s go! Don’t meet a metal bear! ”

Teacher Ma stood up, very worried!

Metal bears, although on the surface do not look as scary as eared bears.

But metal bears chase people!

Once encountered, it’s hard to shake it off!

Fortunately, the next journey was very smooth, and the four of Teacher Ma did not encounter containment again!

Even that rotten old man didn’t come out to make trouble!

Finally, the four of Teacher Ma successfully arrived at the containment hall of the original “containment-914”!

“Okay, students, the metal door is going to be opened next!”

Teacher Ma was very tired, but his expression was still full of excitement!

Next, they’re going to upgrade their equipment and start rushing to the heavy containment area!

There is a card reader on the wall next to the hall.

Teacher Ma took out the level 2 permission door card, and gently swiped it against the card slot of the card swiper!


The door to the containment room of containment-914 began to slowly open to both sides….

The scene inside is gradually revealed….

The barrage in the live broadcast room has also decreased, and many water friends are waiting with bated breath!

A few seconds later, a fairly large containment room was revealed.

The four of Teacher Ma are facing the body of containment-914!

A big machine with a strange shape!

There are many components of the machine, such as transmission screws, conveyor belts, pulleys, gears and so on!

The overall floor space is also large!

The most important thing is that at both ends of the machine, there are also two large metal compartments!

And with a label on it!

One is “Enter”!

The other is “output”!

“Is this containment – 914…”

Teacher Ma and several people were a little shocked.

Although I have already learned about it in the “Giant Panda” post before.

But when I really saw it at this moment, I still felt a sense of shock and wonder!

Teacher Ma took a deep breath.

Then he and Sister Zhou and the others entered the containment room!

In the slightly dimly lit containment room, the huge containment-914 is like a living steel behemoth, quietly watching them!

“There’s a file over there!”

Teacher Ma looked around.

Then he saw a table in the corner of the containment room, and a file on the table!

He walked over, picked up the file, and read it carefully.

“Containment – 914, universal converter …”

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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