“The containment that can move is the Euclid level, and the one that can’t move is the Safe class! Do you think I guessed right? ”

Sister Zhou was very excited, she felt that her guess was the truth nine times out of ten!

But the water friends in the live broadcast room are not all agreed:

“There’s some truth in that… But I think such a large organization can’t use such a simple method to classify containments, right? ”

“I also think so, if it can move, even if it is Euclid level, then kittens and dogs, and even humans can move!”

“I think this level division must have its detailed rules, maybe whether the old woman said will move or not is also one of the reference conditions?”

“Ah, I feel that this game is really getting more and more mysterious, and I am more and more interested!”

“If what the old woman said is right, then the rotten old man that Teacher Ma met is also an Euclid-level containment?”


There is a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room!

Sister Zhou shrugged her shoulders!

She just guessed casually!

It doesn’t matter if it’s right or not!

“Okay, okay, brothers, the level doesn’t matter for the time being, what should I do now? I can’t open this door, I can’t see the machine…”

Sister Zhou waved her hand, paused the discussion, and turned her head to look at the steel gate next to her.

Behind these two doors is containment – 914!

It’s a pity that they can’t get in, otherwise they could have taken a good look at this strange machine….

There is nothing you can do about the water friends in the live broadcast room.

The only way is to look for the permission keycard.

Sister Zhou walked back and forth in front of the gate several times, and finally thought thoughtfully:

“Perhaps, if this game wants to clear the level, it needs to pass this big machine?”

“Do you think it will be a key prop?”

When Sister Zhou said this, the water friends suddenly realized:

“Oh yes! This containment may be a great help in clearing the level! ”

“Yes, yes! I just don’t know what this machine is for, but unfortunately I can’t get in…”

“Makes sense! Old women can! ”

“Hurry up! The old woman went to find the door card, came back and opened the door to go in and take a look…”


Looking at the barrage, Sister Zhou smiled very wisely!

“Haha! I just said that I am very strong in the game, and I can definitely beat the level in one life! ”

Then Sister Zhou took a deep breath and prepared to go out and continue exploring the game map.

Although she said it easily, she really wanted to go out, and she couldn’t help but beat some drums in her heart!

But the game has been played to this point, you can’t quit!

Therefore, Sister Zhou paused in front of the door for two seconds, adjusted her emotions, and opened the door and went out.

As far as the eye can see, it is still the same hall.

This time, Sister Zhou thought about it and chose the passage on the right-hand side.

The entire hall was silent.

Only the sound of Sister Zhou’s breathing and footsteps sounded!

In this atmosphere, the player’s heartbeat will involuntarily speed up!

Before and after coming to the metal door on the right-hand side, Sister Zhou carefully pressed the red button, and the metal door opened, revealing a passage.

Sister Zhou immediately stepped into the passage.

This passage has a concrete wall on one side and a metal door on the other.

Sister Zhou looked at it, and also needed a permission key card to open it.

And inside this door seems to be a containment room.

There is a sign on the wall next to the door.

Similar to the previous containment-914 logo!


This is the containment -012!

“What kind of containment is this…”

Sister Zhou asked curiously.

The picture above the logo shows a weird, unfinished sheet music!

It has red handwriting on it, like blood.


The level of this containment is actually Euclid!

The barrage in the live broadcast room was also quickly refreshed, and the water friends were very curious about this newly appeared containment:

“This is a sheet music, there is actually this kind of containment!”

“It’s really weird! This containment is supposed to be immobile, right? But its level is actually Euclid level! ”

“Hahaha! This shows that the theory that the old woman just said is wrong! The level of containment here is not calculated according to whether it will move or not! ”

“Well, that makes sense! It’s that this score seems to be more dangerous than the big machine just now…”


Sister Zhou looked at it seriously for a while, then looked at the barrage, and said helplessly:

“Brothers, we can’t go in if it’s dangerous, we haven’t found the permission card yet!”

“Let’s go, keep shopping!”

After speaking, Sister Zhou continued to move forward!

At the end of this passage, it is still a metal door.

At this moment, because she did not encounter too terrifying monsters, Sister Zhou’s mood relaxed a lot!

She secretly prayed in her heart that she would not encounter any monsters next….

Press the red button again, and the metal door in front of you opens!

This time, Sister Zhou was no longer a straight aisle in front of her.

It’s a “T” shaped location.

There is a passage on the left and right!

Sister Zhou looked at it and was surprised to find that the one on the left was actually an elevator!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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