The King of the North, Chen Xuanba, the most powerful soldier in the Eastern Military Region, has no one. He has a 5-year career in special forces. During his tenure in the army, he won the first place in the Eastern Military Region's entire army competition for five years. His physical fitness , combat awareness, etc. are rare in the army for decades.

Because he has been away from home all the year round, his daughter-in-law gave him a hat. In despair, he applied to come to the edge of the border, freezing his heart.

"Comrade Chen Xuanba, I have come from the capital for thousands of miles. I sincerely hope that you can join us. Now the country is facing an unimaginable crisis. You have extraordinary strength and the country needs you."

Gao Weiguo put a document in front of Chen Xuanba and said sincerely.

The entire dormitory was silent.

Everyone looked at Chen Xuanba, who was sluggish in the center, waiting for his choice.

After ten minutes.

The king of the north signed his name.

Chapter 37 Emergency recruitment, [-] elites in the elite! (Second more)

At an altitude of [-] meters, Gao Weiguo's frown finally relaxed a little.

After nearly a week of non-stop rushing, the 200 places given by Wu Xie have been basically completed, from "the first powerhouse in the dark calendar" to "the king of the north" to "national martial arts master", and "the whole army competition" First", "Ace Intelligencer", "Top Demoman", "The Strongest Special Forces", "Ace Agent".

With one after another powerful titles, honorable strongmen are rushing to one place one by one from the world.

It can be said that in order to screen these [-] people, Gao Weiguo spent a lot of time. From the northern border to the South China Sea, from the northwestern border to the eastern theater, the only rest time was on the plane.

But the results of the battle are also worth celebrating. Gao Weiguo can pat his chest. These people who are currently selected can be said to be the [-] most capable individual soldiers in the Republic.

"it is finally over."

Gao Weiguo put the heavy materials in his hand on the corner of the table, looked down at Xu Xu Baiyun outside the cabin, slowly closed his eyes, and fell into a deep sleep.


Third Ring Road of the capital.

The dawn is dawning, the light is slightly exposed, and the autumn wind is gentle in the early morning of October.

At 5:[-] in the morning, the entrance of the Guowei Building was already filled with soldiers one after another, and there were constant soldiers trotting in outside the door.

No sound.

There was no extra noise, even though there were nearly two hundred people in the team, no one moved at this time.

Soldiers with resolute faces and piercing eyes, looking ahead, waiting for orders.

There is no commander here, everything is conscious.

This is the quality of soldiers.


A noisy voice came from a distance, slowly from far to near, getting louder and louder.

Da da da da

da da da da

da da da~

A helicopter flew over the heads of everyone and finally stopped in the mid-air, seven or eight meters in front of the team.

Everyone's eyes lifted slightly, and they looked at a figure at the door of the cabin.


This figure slammed down from the helicopter in mid-air and jumped straight in front of everyone's eyes.


The sound of sucking in cold air sounded, and the pupils of the ace of certain military regions, troops, and armed police units could not help shrinking.

At this height, in the absence of any safety protection measures, the lightest jump is a fracture, and the serious one can even be fatal. You must know that the normal height of ordinary people is only 2-3 meters, even the trained special forces have the most. 4 meters.

At this height, in the absence of any safety protection measures, the lightest jump is a fracture, and the serious one can even be fatal. You must know that the normal height of ordinary people is only 2-3 meters, even the trained special forces have the most. 4 meters.

But this person seemed to have nothing at all, clapped his hands, and stood up easily.

He turned around slowly, and there seemed to be a terrifying divine glow in his eyes.

His eyes!

In an instant, it seemed to be on fire, and it was extremely bright!

This person is none other than Wu Xie, who hurriedly came from the military region in the suburbs.

Today is the seventh day that he and Gao Weiguo agreed, and the day it ends is also the day when the special action team, the Oriental Sword, was established.

Looking at the nearly [-] soldiers in front of him, Wu Xie put down some of the burdens in his heart, and finally had an action team that could take action.

"Everyone has it, stand at attention! Take a break! Stand at attention! Take a break."


clean!tidy!No dragging sound at all.

"Hello everyone, I'm the person in charge of everyone - Wu Xie, don't be surprised, yes, it's me, a relatively young person, or I can tell you the truth, I'm a freshman."


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