An official announcement, a press conference.

The two meetings lasted no more than an hour in total.

However, these two short announcements have caused all countries in the world to fall into a heated discussion.

good.In their hearts, they have silently accepted the objective fact that the Republic has taken over Japan, otherwise they will not allow the Republic to send troops and build comprehensively to Japan.

However, that is also their subjective consciousness.

But now, once the official announcement of the republic has been issued, countries around the world have had a certain debate on this matter.

In an environment of overall peace in the world, the Republic is openly expanding its territory. In the words of those politicians, this behavior is engaging in hegemony!

Of course, there are also some countries that maintain a supportive attitude towards the Republic.

The republic cleaned up the zombies above, built a piece of ruins for you, and sent troops to station there. Isn't the Japanese country still a public property if it doesn't belong to the republic?

However, these people are also whining.

Even the humanistic documentary about Japan has been described as a pure cultural export by some keyboard warriors on the Internet and those brick home beasts in various countries.

Its purpose is to convince people to join the ranks of the Republic.

Such words may be hard to hear for some officials and citizens of the Republic, after all, they are for themselves.The reputation of the country is still very important.

Now, with so many people indiscriminately vilifying the Republic, it's natural for them to fight back.

However, when these things spread to Wu Xie, Wu Xie didn't even say a word.

In this regard, Wu Xie's attitude is firm and simple——

Since the Republic has announced that Japan has been included in its territory, it must have the confidence and strength to do so.

As for what they call film culture infiltration.

Wu Xie has always believed that as long as it does not affect the internal stability of other countries, the cultural export of strong countries to weak countries is inevitable.

In other words, the Republic is now a well-deserved first power, and it is understandable to show the power of the country to the world!

Three days after Wu Xie's press conference, although the world's major networks are still discussing these two things, it has long been impossible to do.

that's it.

The Republic has successfully incorporated Japan into its own territory, and the filming of the film has officially started! .

Chapter 20 Japan at dawn!All-star lineup! (first update)

Public opinion in the world continues to ferment.

Many speculators are taking this opportunity to hype wildly in order to increase their popularity.

What's more, they started to launch some demagogic ~ remarks.

such as--

"The Republic is going to dominate the world, rule the earth by annexation war-."

"The sea of ​​corpses in Japan was deliberately cultivated by the Republic, and the purpose was to take the opportunity to occupy Japan."

Various remarks are circulating online.

However, Wu Xie and the top officials of the Republic are still arranging various tasks in an orderly manner.

As the pillars of the Republic, they certainly cannot be affected by this remark.These keyboard warriors are just following suit.

When the army of the Republic enters Japan, the overall construction of Japan has been completed, and when the Republic actually begins to implement the management of Japan, these rumors will naturally disappear.

While the construction of Japan was going smoothly, the filming of the movie "Japan at Dawn" also officially started.

Filming took place simultaneously in the capital's third ring road, in the northern grasslands of the Republic, in Yokohama and Tokyo in Japan and a series of other areas.

Countless domestic first-line film workers, and even veterans of the film and television industry who have retreated behind the scenes, have become the staff of this film.

These actors, directors and screenwriters are all the most popular representatives of all walks of life selected by Wu Xie through a referendum in various parts of the Republic.

They don't have any remuneration requirements, and they don't have any treatment requirements.

For this film, they participated completely unconditionally and made their own contribution to the filming of the film as a volunteer.

As a true entertainer, it is their lifetime honor to be able to make a film for the country.

Don't look at them on the surface, but only they themselves know the difficulties of the artists.

Except for those who are truly influential in the world, or the veterans who have contributed to the development of film and television, those so-called stars do not actually have that much status.

To put it bluntly, in the eyes of ordinary people, they are stars, but in the face of real power and money, they are just actors!

How humble is such a status!

However, this time they are wearing the national flag and serving the country.

This kind of opportunity is already a kind of recognition of the country to itself, proving that they have won the favor of the people and the government.

Unlike previous invitations from media companies, this time they accepted the invitation of the people of the whole country.

An artist can gain the support of their own country and their own people. What could make them more proud than such an achievement?

During the filming of the film, every staff member did their best, no matter how powerful they were in the film and television industry, they all came here with a diligent attitude.

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