Media and live broadcast platforms all over the world are reporting on this world-class showdown.

Experts from various countries lined up in long queues, waiting to play in turn.

Today, their positivity has been elevated to a new level across the board.

The organizer, the United States, issued an announcement, and will give corresponding money and resource rewards to the masters who have obtained nouns on every occasion.

Not to mention the resources.The tens of thousands of dollars alone is enough to make the blood of these masters boil.

They are all soldiers or officers in the armies of various countries. Most of the income in January can only be said to be sufficient to maintain a living, and they have never received such a one-time bonus.

therefore.In addition to the masters of the Eastern Sword of the Republic, masters from various countries are gearing up and eager to try.

The members of the Eastern Sword of the Republic enjoy almost the best treatment and resources in the world, so naturally they don't care about these dispensable things.

The members of the Eastern Sword of the Republic enjoy almost the best treatment and resources in the world, so naturally they don't care about these dispensable things.

People's unprecedented enthusiasm determines that today's arena will be a battle of dragons and tigers!

On the Internet in various regions of the world, the emotions of the audience have also been mobilized to a peak.

The richness of the reward made them, the melon eaters who were outside the event, jealous for a while.

At the beginning, the masters of various countries came and went, and they were evenly matched. During the battle, countless moves and skills were intertwined, which made every audience in the world feel unbearable.

They have countless fantasies about joining the army, about becoming cultivators, and about entering the Heavenly Ranking.

By the time the members of the Republic's Eastern Swords team began to take the stage, the audience's emotions were successfully aroused to a frenzy!

The dizzying moves, the sharp swords and swords in the hands are flying and spinning, swaying the swords and swords in the sky.

The power of the supernatural photon tore a soft blue ribbon in the air, with a poignant and moving sense of conquest.

This is what Wu Xie specially warned.

The army of the Republic must be desperate to protect the honor of the country outside, because when you go abroad, you represent the Republic itself.

Wu Xie specially ordered that he must show his best appearance in front of the people of the world this time!

Therefore, the team members of these Oriental Swords deliberately used their moves in this way of showing off.

The purpose is to allow all countries in the world to accept and recognize the fact that the Republic has become the world's most powerful country!

in the ring.The soldiers of the Republic jumped, their figures disappeared, and then, falling from the sky, easily defeated their opponents.

Or, the members of the Eastern Sword Team will use the swords in their hands to shed light like pear blossoms in the sky!

The whole ring scene shocked every corner of the world!

People looked at those oriental sword warriors with the same imposing manner as in myths and legends, and felt the exhilaration of their one-shot kill, and they were completely moved by inadvertently.

Whether men, women or children, their desire to become practitioners seems to be more and more unstoppable!

In the ring in the Hawaiian Islands.In a venue, a top player in England looked at the member of the Eastern Sword who jumped high and disappeared into the sky.The shock in his eyes is self-evident.

Suddenly, his knees went soft.Kneeling directly on the ring!

The huge coercion pressed him to the ground, and England's masters couldn't move at all!

The pressure on his body became heavier and heavier, and the knee of the English master fell into the alloy table!

"' 〃No! I admit defeat〃(Li Hao)ˇ!"

The huge pain came from his knees, and the England master immediately surrendered. His intuition told him that three seconds later, the rest of his life would be spent on crutches. .

Almost every ring in the Hawaiian Islands is playing the same scene --

The members of the Eastern Sword of the Republic pressed the masters of various countries to the ground and rubbed them at will!

This kind of mystery like killing people invisibly, and the blow of the force crushing the ground make everyone in the world unable to control their inner desires.

Many people are even packing their bags and preparing to go to the Republic for advanced cultivation.

In their opinion, the masters of the Republic are so perverted, it must be because of the unique power of the photon of the Republic.

As for the fact that the soldiers of the Republic have all learned to combine the power of psychic photons with martial arts, they do not know. .

Chapter 14 National Cultivation, Competing for Rewards (Chapter [-])

The members of the Eastern Sword Team of the Republic are also performing their own performances in the ring.

What they don't know is that because of their own power, the whole world.A new wave of national cultivation has begun!

Many people began to inquire about the basic exercises that entered the threshold of cultivation, and made breakthroughs in cultivation.

The military bases of various countries, the major military regions, and the gates are all crowded with people.

They were all inspired by the oriental sword, and they hoped that their strength could reach that level one day. There are many countries with relatively small populations, such as Canada, and the government had to issue an emergency announcement.

A large number of people's training and joining the army have paralyzed countless departments.

Due to insufficient manpower, the factory cannot continue to operate normally.Farmers left their farms and fields in large numbers, and there was a serious supply fault in the market!

As for the members of the Oriental Sword Team, they are like gods who go to Xinxing Village to abuse vegetables in the Hawaiian Islands.

By virtue of the combination of national arts and supernatural photons.The so-called masters of various countries are not worth mentioning in front of them!

No surprises.

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