The old man made a move that shocked the whole country and even made Wu Xie a little unresponsive.

An old palm, with five fingers together, slowly raised to the eyebrows.

This legendary old man of the Republic, in front of the people of the whole country today, gave a solemn salute to Wu Xie, the also legendary [-]-year-old lieutenant general!

The whole army, those officials on Tiananmen Square, and most of the people in the country fell into silence.

An [-]-year-old legendary old man expressed his respect to an [-]-year-old boy who was also a legend with military etiquette!

The old man slowly turned around, approached the microphone again, and said the following declaration word by word.

"Wu Xie! Put down the zombies in Japan! Lead all mankind to defeat the corpse tide in India! From now on, he will be officially promoted to the general of the Republic!"

After the old man finished speaking, he faced Wu Xie again and presented a solemn military salute again!

The cheers from all over the country are like a turbulent tsunami, and the republic celebrates together, witnessing the coronation of an admiral!

On the Tiananmen Gate, Wu Xie also slowly raised his right hand, responding to the military's highest etiquette towards the legendary old man he admired the most.

The picture seems to be completely frozen at this moment.A young general, an old man in his [-]s, stood opposite to each other under the gaze of more than one billion people across the country.

All eyes.

They, one created the future of the republic, and the other, will inherit the republic, and even the future of mankind!

General of the Republic!

Wu Xie! .

Chapter 5 The Seven Masters (First Update)

General of the Republic - Wu Xie.

On the Tiananmen Square of the Republic, millions of troops raised their right hands together to pay the highest respect to the [-]-year-old general of the Republic.

the next day.

The people of the whole country are still immersed in the warm atmosphere of yesterday, and Wu Xie and the seven masters of Tianbang already have their tasks.

Although the research and development of in vitro bone strengthening technology can greatly improve the human body's capabilities in all aspects, because the research on the power of supernatural photons has just started, such black technology cannot be mass-produced.

Excluding the one that was necessary for the experiment on mice before, plus the one that Wu Xie used, now there are only eight remaining potions in the whole country.

In this case, good steel must be used on the blade of the knife.

In the abyss battle soon after, practitioners alone cannot ensure that humans can resist the attack of abyss monsters.

The only way is to first cultivate masters who can resist monsters in the abyss, and buy enough time for the road of human enhancement.

After experiencing the huge ascension brought about by exoskeleton reinforcement technology, Wu Xie decided to use these medicines on Wang Qingcang and other seven experts in the sky.

In the early morning of the second day of the triumphal ceremony, Wu Xie called them to the experimental site located under the Guowei Building.

He personally handed Wang Qingcang a Barrett heavy sniper rifle and motioned Wang Qingcang to fire at him.

"Boss! You want to..."

Wang Qingcang was very surprised by Wu Xie's meaning. As the original military god, Wang Qingcang knew Barrett's power very well.That is a monster that can smash a human body with one shot!

Immediately, Wang Qingcang said in a panic, "Boss! We can talk about it slowly, but don't..."


Wu Xie's face is full of black lines. Is it possible that this guy has read too many novels?

When Wu Xie conducted the experiment, Wang Qingcang and the others were still cleaning the battlefield in India, and they did not understand the specific role of the exoskeleton technology.

Therefore, Wang Qingcang subconsciously thought of the bad aspects.

Before Wang Qingcang could finish speaking, Wu Xie ordered loudly, "Wang Qingcang!"



Wang Qingcang is holding Barrett, and he will never do it. He doesn't understand what the boss is going to do, but he will never do such a thing!

"Report! I refuse to obey orders!"

Before he finished speaking, Wang Qingcang's fingers had already pulled the trigger.

A huge muffled sound was emitted from the barrel of the gun, and the bullet hit Wu Xie's right chest with the bright firelight!

Wu Xie knew that even if he killed Wang Qingcang, a stubborn guy, he wouldn't shoot, so when Wang Qingcang wasn't paying attention, he directly controlled his finger to pull the trigger when Wang Qingcang wasn't paying attention.

The huge recoil pushed the defenseless Wang Qingcang to the ground. This was because he was a high-level cultivator. If an ordinary person shoots like this without a brace, his lumbar spine may be broken.

The remaining six looked at Wu Xie in shock, while Wang Qingcang jumped from the ground and was about to rush over.

But when he got up, he was completely dumbfounded like the other six.

In addition to leaving a huge damage on Wu Xie's clothes, the bullet was pressed on the chest by Wu Xie!

Wu Xie threw the bullet on the ground and took out a black alloy box from behind, which contained eight strengthening potions.

Wu Xie opened the box.He motioned Wang Qingcang to wait for the seven people to come over. The seven people were still stunned in place, and they had not yet recovered from the sudden change in the painting style.

Even with the protection of the power of supernatural photons, they dare not try to resist the power of Barrett!

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