One after another orders were issued from Wu Xie's subordinates and mouths to the armies of various countries, and all work was carried out in an orderly manner.

Just under a day.

All the pre-war preparations in India are all ready!

Even some foreign generals who have experienced many battles are amazed at the efficiency of the Republic. All kinds of logistical work, medical work, battle scheduling and distribution, etc. are all concentrated in the command center.

The progress of the war has increased several times more!

At the same time as the preparations were carried out, the large troops of the Republic also arrived on the battlefield one after another from the sea.

When the majestic Dragon No. [-] appeared on the sea, the armies of all countries were in an uproar and exclaimed!

Ten giant transport ships docked.

A large number of the Republic's troops lined up from above in a neat line, and the strict military appearance made the generals of some countries even a little ashamed.

After the republic's army was assembled, the huge aura and the high fighting spirit made all the armies of all countries stunned!

The breath emanating from this army even made them feel depressed for a while!

During the process of assembling the army, the successive shouts of more than one million soldiers made the armies of various countries feel awe from the inside out!

on the sea.

The sound of the whistle again brought these foreign troops back from their great shock.

The Dragon is also followed by countless related military personnel transport ships, including countless material transport fleets.

A large amount of materials were unloaded from relatively small ships, and the comprehensiveness of materials completely exploded all preparations of various countries!

Because it is the first time to fight against zombies, the preparations of various countries still do not deviate from the thinking of normal war.

Therefore, in terms of material preparation, the battle-hardened Republic army is obviously far stronger than them.

In addition to the daily living materials and various ammunition supplies that must be obtained in the war, a large number of T-virus vaccines have also been carefully collected from the transport ship.

India's population is as high as [-] billion!

If it is not stopped in time, in case the zombies completely break through the current scope of activities or the T virus breaks out again on a large scale, the scale of the corpse group formed will be unimaginable!

Although Wu Xie had a tough attitude before and would not distribute the T virus vaccine to India, but now their republic is personally involved in the war.

Even if there is no sympathy for India.Wu Xie must also consider the interests of the Republic.

Taking [-] steps back, if India really falls, the difficulty of fighting and the wasted time and resources are unacceptable to Wu Xie!

The abyss crack has begun to stretch its claws toward the earth, and it is obviously very unfavorable for the entire human race to continue to delay on the Indian battlefield.

T-virus vaccines are also distributed to some countries' armies to prevent unexpected situations.

If a small number of infected people suddenly appear in the army and cannot be detected in time, the threat to the army will reach an incredible level.

At the same time, Wu Xie transported all the vaccines to the western and northwestern borders of India by air transportation.

There are also troops from various countries stationed there, and they also need to fight against zombies.

Wu Xie gave most of the T-virus vaccines to the armies of various countries in a certain proportion.

Wu Xie gave most of the T-virus vaccines to the armies of various countries in a certain proportion.

They were ordered to distribute these vaccines to survivors rescued on the battlefield while they fought

And also sent a member of the Eastern Sword team to the western part of India to distribute the vaccine to those threatened by the T virus.

Wu Xie also shipped the remaining T-virus vaccines to all parts of India to ensure that all people in India can receive T-virus vaccines in the shortest possible time.

After the day's preparations were completed, Wu Xie issued the final order.

Tomorrow, everyone will take a full day off, and all preparations will be fully completed. Starting from [-]:[-] the morning after the day after tomorrow, the troops of various countries will launch a clearing operation towards the nearby battlefield!

Under the dark night, the little cold stars cast little shimmers.

From time to time, a few birds chirped softly, and a few night bugs played music that belonged to the night.

On the second day, all the troops rested after a brief training session.

The generals of the Republic's army or the members of the Eastern Sword Team will explain the behavior characteristics and strength division of various zombies to the armies of various countries.

After all, only warriors who have really faced zombies can tell in detail the specific characteristics of each type of zombie.

Those theoretical divisions are just a vague concept, and the specific types of zombies are not just from low-level to high-level as they know.

After an afternoon of detailed understanding, the armies of all countries have a better understanding of zombies, and this information can allow them to reduce losses as much as possible on the battlefield.

From the afternoon to the evening, all the soldiers are preparing for the final battle, and all the generals are conducting the final pre-war mobilization.

Soldiers leave their wills to their families, brothers, loved ones!

After all, this war is full of unknowns, tens of millions, hundreds of millions of zombies are not just talk.

As for the soldiers of the Republic, their blood has already been hot, and their fighting spirit has always been high!They don't need a mobilization and don't need a will!They firmly believe in their victory!

They believe in themselves more!I believe that Wu Xie, who has created countless miracles, can make them return in triumph!

The night is like a deep lake.

Tonight, many warriors stayed up all night, and tomorrow they will face the vast monsters, and their hearts have long been affected and tightened!

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