Except for some necessary anti-riot troops, most of the remaining Republic combat troops were ready for a Japanese-evacuation.

The Indian War is already in its infancy.

The Republic needs these most elite soldiers to go into the new war.


December 2018, 3.

The one-month-old Japanese landing war ended. With the full support of the Republic, Japan was liberated. At the same time, the infrastructure of all cities in Japan was in a state of rebirth.

Countless companies poured into the Republic, and numerous rebuilding efforts began in various cities.

On the sea, in addition to the countless, piecemeal cargo ships.

A week after the rebuilding began, hundreds of large military troop transports continued to emerge from the distant sea.

After fighting with millions of zombies, the Republic's army of more than one million needs a lot of replenishment in terms of personnel and materials.

All light and heavy weapons will be updated, and the ammunition of all types of weapons will be fully supplemented by the military industry department of the Republic.

This is also the result of high-level discussions in the Republic.

All troop members replaced all equipment in advance and returned to the country to prevent sudden changes.


Everyone knows that the world is in a wondrous state.


After the battle is over.

The remains of more than [-] soldiers who died were transported back to China by the Dragon One.

These soldiers sacrificed their lives for the country and sacrificed their precious young lives for the future of all mankind. The remains of all the sacrificed soldiers were escorted back to the country by special personnel.

Moreover, the old man has issued an order to die, and the remains of all the soldiers must be taken over by their immediate family members.

In the outskirts of Tokyo, Japan, the tombs built by the Japanese people were divided into a special piece of land for placement. This piece of land was specially erected for the soldiers. An unnamed tombstone.

The names of some soldiers whose remains could not be found are inscribed on the tombstones left here.

The huge cemetery is desolate and alive.

The deaths of the soldiers brought tears to the blood-stained battlefield. The heroic spirits of the soldiers always defended the land where they once shed their blood.


On the land of Japan, all kinds of work are in full swing.


Around the Indian land that also belongs to Asia, the armies of various countries have also carried out the final preparations.

The armies of various countries have been assembled on the surrounding land, and all the armies are ready to go.

After the Indian War Conference initiated by the Republic ended, the leaders of various countries witnessed the status quo of the outbreak of zombies in India with their own eyes. Share visceral fear.

Therefore, after the representatives of various countries reported the meeting to their respective leaders after returning to China, the leaders of their countries were not dissatisfied with Wu Xie's actions.

In other words, Wu Xie's approach even caters to the inner thoughts of the leaders of these great powers.

In other words, Wu Xie's approach even caters to the inner thoughts of the leaders of these great powers.

Unlike those smaller countries, world powers like the United States, England, Russia, and France do not care about these petty profits, those so-called resource allocations, those oil, industrial resources, and agricultural resources for the leaders of their countries. Said it didn't really matter.

The scene of India is what they saw with their own eyes on the screen, and that scene made them subconsciously start from the country to establish their own thinking foothold.

In their consideration, if the zombie spree in India breaks out, those billions of corpses are completely unimaginable!

Out of fear and the fundamental interests of their own countries, they are all willing to fully support all actions on the Indian battlefield.

Although those small countries are still for the industrial and agricultural resources of India to a certain extent, they also understand that if the zombies really spread to their own territory, they will also face extinction.

As for why the representatives of these big and small countries only considered the issue of resources and interests at the meeting?

That's why they can only be a representative and a leader can lead a country!

On the border of India, the military and civilian forces of dozens of countries have assembled to their designated positions.

And in India.

Countless zombies, a considerable number of high-level zombies, and countless mutants have filled every corner of the cities of India.

In the buildings of India, there is not even an indoor structure that can be seen. The blood of human beings and the blood of zombies have covered every part of the city and countryside!

0・・・For flowers・・・

A large number of troops were sent to the battlefield, and the temporarily summoned militia forces were sent to the battlefield to resist the mountains and seas of zombies without even receiving complete military training!

On the front line of the battlefield, the artillery fire all over the sky raised enough smoke to cover the sun!

All kinds of machine guns, rifles, pistols, and countless types of light and heavy tanks are all firing at the corpses in front of them. However, compared with the zombies in Japan, the scale and quantity of the zombies in India are far beyond that of Japan. .

And the military strength of India is far from the army of the Republic. All the soldiers of India are just a group of ordinary humans, and they have no resistance to the advanced mutants in the corpse group!

Even a small number of cultivators are helpless in the face of tens of millions of zombies besieged at every turn!

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