Nearly [-] million troops launched a comprehensive siege against the boundless corpse tide in front of them with ferocious firepower and piercing blade light.

The battlefield shrouded in the dark night is only the roar of artillery fire and the continuous echoes of howls~.

Among the zombies.

From time to time, several strong fluctuations erupted, and the human army masters were fighting against the advanced-mutants.

There are also several rays of light emanating from the whole body of different warriors, the luxurious white gold, the brilliant golden color and the bright silver color complement each other.

That's when the warriors were able to break through themselves and get their own leap in epic battles.

Everything is moving in the direction of victory.

Below the Tokyo Sky Tree.

Thousands of members of the Eastern Sharp Sword Team are wiping out the [-] advanced mutants.

In the absence of the threat of a perfect body, they have indeed shown their demeanor as a master.

Swords and swords covered the reinforced concrete ground around them, and the blood and broken flesh of the advanced mutant Yu Hei turned their feet into a slaughterhouse-like scene.

Under the rush of thousands of Eastern Sword Teams, these advanced mutants can only face their death.

Even those tens of thousands of dark warriors are just entangled with the members of the Eastern Sword, and there is no advantage to take.

In the battle with the perfect body, the members of the Oriental Sword consumed a lot of energy, but after all, they are also the most powerful and elite troops in the world.

Wu Xie, Wang Qingcang and other seven people looked at the situation on the battlefield without any slack.

Although the corpse tide on the battlefield was suppressed, there was still no sign of any reduction or retreat.

The thrilling battle with the ten perfect bodies just made Zhang Sanfeng and the others reminisce for a long time, and they even thought that if there were no seven deadly sins, then it was probably them who turned into ashes!

Among the boundless zombies, no one can say whether there is a more powerful inner perfect body hidden in it.

And Wu Xie's eyes did not fall on the frontal battlefield from beginning to end.

His worries are not on these advanced mutants. In other words, even if there is no army of [-] million, he and the Oriental Sword Team can annihilate these zombies!

His eyes have always been on the tallest building in Tokyo——

Sky tree!

A symbol of this new era in Tokyo.

Wu Xie can feel that the breath has become more and more restless, and the power it exudes has become stronger and stronger.

The master of that breath.

It is Wu Xie's real enemy.


on the battlefield.

The artillery fire continued to roar, and the shrill screams of the hordes of zombies were covered up by the rumble of the artillery fire, appearing weak and powerless.

Around the sky tree, swords, lights, swords and shadows turned hundreds, thousands of advanced mutants into dead souls under the sword.

The moment before the head was separated from the body, the fear of those advanced mutants had already exposed their failure!

A missile fell from the strategic carrier with a bright tail on the ground.

The whole ground trembled violently!

There seems to be something wrong with the power of this missile.

When the aftermath of the missile dissipated, a more violent shock occurred again!


Everyone realized that such tremors did not come from artillery fire at all!

Such tremors came from the rear of the battlefield, from the direction close to the sky!

The tremor happened again, from an unknown corner to the ground filled with gunpowder!

The direction of the sky, the medium connecting the earth.

Tokyo Sky Tree!

Tokyo Sky Tree!

Wu Xie and the six Tianbang experts looked at the sky tree behind the battlefield.

The entire tower of the sky tree is covered with colorful lights, and their brightness is suddenly multiplied!

Just like an LED light tube connecting the sky and the earth, the towering sky tree emits a dazzling bright light.

The bright light illuminated the entire rear of the battlefield as if it were daylight.

It is like a gorgeous movement composed of a light spectrum, greeted with the most gorgeous ceremony...

The most powerful god of death!

As countless lights suddenly turned on, the tower of the Tokyo Sky Tree began to tremble violently, no longer trembling again and again but continuously.

It was like the world-destroying Shura was about to break through the cage that bound him.

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