【People's Park on the outskirts of Saha City】

Silence all over the place!

The air is so quiet!

Nearly [-] soldiers dressed in clean and tidy uniforms stood on both sides of the square under the park with solemn expressions.

Under the square, the crowd was crowded, and thousands of survivors looked at the 128 tombstones in front of them and fell silent!

When people saw the last tombstone, many people were deeply shocked!Because those are the twenty-eight monuments of the Unknown Soldier, the young lives will stay here forever, and because of the secret nature of the special forces, not even a name was left in the end.

All have!

stand at attention!

On both sides of the square in People's Park, countless people under the square suddenly saw a flag of the Republic appearing under the steps of the park!



The ceremonial team walked straight and walked slowly through the crowd with the national flag.

Behind the etiquette team, [-] special forces followed closely, holding clean and tidy special combat uniforms in their hands!




There is no music, only the sound of cold guns ringing from time to time!

There is no noble ceremony, only the solemn attention ceremony of nearly ten thousand people of the Republic!

The flag is mounted on the flagpole.

Under the operation of the flag-bearer, it slowly rises into the sky!

da da da~

da da da da da~

Above the sky, 12 Wuzhi Shicheng flight formations flew by slowly!

bang bang~


Dozens of Republic soldiers armed with Type 92 rifles fired into the sky!

The five-star red flag fluttered in the air, extremely dazzling, and the twenty-eight sets of military uniforms were even more dazzling!The soldiers took off their hats and raised their right hands in greeting!I stood in front of the tombstone for a long time, salute for a long time.

Long live the nation!

Long live the Republic!

Long live the People's Army!

Under the square, thousands of surviving Saha citizens shouted.

On a hill not far away.

More than [-] unkempt and ragged special forces, with two lines of hot tears streaming down their smoky faces, raised their hands to salute the national flag...

Behind these special forces, a young man slowly turned around, looked at the national flag, looked at the twenty-eight sets of military uniforms, and fell into silence.

Behind these special forces, a young man slowly turned around, looked at the national flag, looked at the twenty-eight sets of military uniforms, and fell into silence.

Wu Xie never expected the outbreak of T virus in Saha City!

The dozens of mutant species that appeared in Saha City—the lickers were also something that Wu Xie never thought of!

Because of his negligent judgment, twenty-eight young warriors remained forever in this place where Gesang flowers were everywhere, not even a complete corpse!

That silent morning.

Wu Xie stood on the top of the mountain for 3 hours without moving.

【Temporary Armed Command of Saha City】

"We must do a good job of confidentiality! The superiors have repeatedly stressed that this incident cannot be spread to the society, and everyone must sign a non-disclosure agreement!"


"Leader Wu! The central government has received the news and has sent someone here." The 024 brigade commander looked at Wu Xie with awe and even admiration!

After all, not everyone has the courage to risk their lives and enter the sea of ​​corpses for their brothers!


Wu Xie nodded in response.


three hours later.

The central commissioned inspection team arrived at the temporary armed headquarters of Sakha.

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