The most worrying thing has appeared. The emergence of a mutant species proves that there will be other mutant species. He does not know the exact number. If he does not evacuate in time, there will be great losses.

"Wu... team leader!"

An exclamation came from Wu Xie's ear!

In the parking lot of the large shopping mall on the left side of the team, an unknown number of zombies stayed where they were, without roaring or panicking, all their heads turned to the team.

seems to be waiting.

Awaiting... orders.

This kind of feeling is like having a hand that gathers the zombies that were scattered all over the place, waiting for them intentionally!

"not good!"

Wu Xie's amazing vision clearly saw more than a dozen green lights in the corpse group!

A dozen lickers!

This is simply not something their team can resist at the moment.

"Call the command, call the command, we are in big trouble, request a response, request a response!"

"Command received!"

The armed-10 helicopters that had just finished refueling took off and headed to the location!

Accompanied by a drone, it passed through the clouds.

bang bang

bang bang bang

bang bang bang


Boom~~~ Boom!

When Wu Xie looked at the eyes deep in the parking lot, the battle had already started!

When the countless zombies in the parking lot got the roar, countless zombies filed out, rushed out of the underground parking lot, and rushed towards the crowd.

bang bang~

Bang bang bang!


A dozen men in full armor had already started firing.

"Team One, Team One gathers urgently at the front of the left side of the team, and prepare for the strongest firepower!"

"Zhou Weiguo, Zhou Weiguo! Lead the second team to move the survivors forward rapidly! There is less than one kilometer left of the evacuation point!"


"Machine gunner, machine gunner hurry up!"

"Put the corpse down on me!"

Chapter 22 National War!Face death!Soldier: Report sir, I request to leave the cover force to evacuate (the third update)


Bang bang bang!

Nearly 92 special soldiers did not hesitate to block the left side of the crowd. The muzzle flames of the shooting were clearly visible, and the Type [-] in their hands continued to heat up, even a little hot.

da da da da da~

da da da da da da~

Five helicopters hovered in the air, and the two machine gunners kept shooting the corpses at the open door of the cabin.

Several drones penetrated deep into the corpse group and fed the latest intelligence to the headquarters.

Although it was only a short distance of [-] meters, with the cooperation of the special soldiers led by Wu Xie and the air planes, the attack of the zombies was barely suppressed, and no zombies crossed the red line!

"Quick! Let's go!"

"Everyone hurry up!!"

"Mom, where's my mom? I'm looking for mom."

"Xiao Ming, Xiao Ming, where are you?"


The zombies came, and countless people rushed forward. The team was already in chaos, and many people were scattered in the team.

"Hurry up! Time is running out!"

Wu Xie kept giving orders.

Although the mad attack of the corpse group was barely suppressed, the energy of the soldiers was limited. The 92-type rifle kept firing, the temperature of the gun had reached an unimaginable level, and the gun could get stuck at any time.

And the gap between changing bullets will also make the corpse more rampant!

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