"Those tens of millions of zombies are decorations? Advanced mutants are sitting and waiting for you to kill? How much do we have to pay to get this land?"


A middle-aged congressman slammed down the table and looked angrily at several arms business congressmen.

"What is the most missing thing in the world right now?"

"It's a resource!"

"America's status as the world's number one is declining. We must strive for enough resources to plan for our future! What's the harm in paying some price? How much does an island country bring us, do you understand?"

"Good! Good! I'll fuck your mother!"

This scenario occurs almost simultaneously in the conference halls of the world's great powers.


The entire conference hall was in chaos.

"Shut up!"

The President of the United States stood up and shouted loudly.

"I need to remind everyone that we must recognize the reality that our country is no longer number one in the world."

"The ancient country in the east has long been a sleeping giant in your imagination. Now, he has woken up, and there is an extremely terrifying person in this country."

"No matter how much each country in the world covets the territory of Japan, it won't help, because the boy in the republic has already taken it into his arms." Weng——!

The voice just fell.

The entire conference room was extremely quiet, and the atmosphere solidified to the extreme.


Three months after the republic was announced, a million-strong army pointed to the island country.

in fact.

Back in that time.

Wu Xie has regarded Japan as his own territory. .

The 158th "Oriental Sword" expansion plan is over!return! (3/5)

The Republic of One Million Army will attack the Japanese island after March!

This news has been widely circulated in the world more than a month ago, and the popularity has reached the extreme!

Almost no one in the world knows, no one knows.

Even the children on the street knew that the Republic wanted an army of millions to cross the East China Sea and come to Japan to fight against tens of millions of corpses.


for the great powers of the world.

The territorial rights of a country do have extremely fatal temptations.

In this age.

No country will give up the slightest bit of its own inherent territory, because this is the root.


America, Europe, Russia... all want a piece of the pie.

State media have reported.

It is hoped that a joint force can be formed to kill the corpse.


This idea is impossible to be approved by Wu Xie.

Wu Xie spoke in person.

Japanese invasion.

Only "[-]" can have a country to conquer.

That is the republic.

If any other country dares to participate, it will become a hostile force of the Republic.


This turmoil in which countries around the world compete for Sun Island did not end until the official department of the Republic released a message at noon the next day.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs changed its usual euphemism.

Directly copy Wu Xie's original words.

Immediately, everyone at the press conference was stunned.

When the news reaches the countries.

As the leaders of the countries had expected, the Republic would not agree, and this announcement completely shattered their luck.

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