"Xiao Wu, come here."

At the moment when he was about to wait for the bus, the old man stopped and turned around slowly.

With a pair of trembling hands, he clenched Wu Xie's hands.

The eyes of the old man are shining, and in his eyes, you can see hope and the future.

And that hope, the future—

It is Wu Xie!

"Xiao Wu, you have to be good, the future of the Republic belongs to your young people, you must be good."


All around.

The number is not a small number, and they are all the core classes of the Republic.

Right now,

Hearing the old man's words, he was moved.

This could mean-

alternation of eras.

The alternation of power!

The most important thing is the full trust of this old man!


The door of the car was closed by Wu Xie himself. He reassured the old man that he would definitely fight the disaster successfully for the Republic, survive the terrifying darkness that will come in the future, and become a real power in the world.


The engines of the cars rang, and the old man finally left.

The countless guards stationed around the guard finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The gate of the compound.

Wu Xie looked up at the sky alone, full of stars, very beautiful.


Gao Weiguo, Zhang Guoqiang, etc. did not disturb the future successor of the Republic.

They were silent behind Wu Xie and couldn't bear to break the silence at this moment.

Long night, cold wind is coming!


This country is guarded by someone!

(Thanks to 'Blood Emperor', 'Tang Da', 'hongmengaa', 'Fool' and 'aaa183' for their monthly support! Thank you).

Chapter 148 The National Crisis Strategy Team!Unimaginable expansion! (Second more)

[-]:[-] in the morning in the capital.

Day will dawn.


The entire capital city was silent, the wind was cold and the treetops were dead.

The cold winter is approaching, and the last few fallen leaves are lifted by the wind and fall to this piece of earth that carries countless weights.

The whole world is like a movie-movie CD.

Day by day, over and over again.


Yesterday was not an ordinary day, only a few people knew.

The alternation of rights in the republic has begun.

The old man had a long talk with Wu Xie, for seven or eight hours, one old and one young, just like that, decided the future of the republic and the fate of mankind.

Only a few people know.

How important was yesterday.

this day.

Destined to go down in history!



Now the entire Republic is like a huge, gigantic and precise machine, doing its own work everywhere.

The basic construction of hundreds of large-scale material reserves across the country of the national logistics management department has been completed, and the super warehouse is still in progress—!

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