There was even a cold sweat on Gao Weiguo's forehead.

The last time there was a sharp increase in supernatural photons in the Bohai Bay, it attracted millions of sea corpses in the Pacific Ocean and bone dragons buried deep in the seabed.

This time.

The national average of supernatural photons has increased so much, and there are very few areas that are more serious and have increased even more.

For those of them who hold the nation's crisis and security in their hands.

They had to be 100% ready to arrange the military and police forces in various parts of the country, always ready and praying that disaster would not come.

"It has been 10 hours, and there is no supernatural phenomenon happening in the country at present, and there is no space crack or any monster you mentioned" 々."

Gao Weiguo's face was extremely pale, and he stayed up all night. His spirit was not good, and his thick hands were constantly flipping through the news uploaded to the computer from all over the world, with extremely fast efficiency.

This is a pair of unremarkable, but terrifying hands.

Gao Weiguo also stepped into the cultivation system early. Although he was not as good as Wu Xie and the members of 'Dongfanglijian', his strength had already broken through bronze and reached silver.

"Mina, have you confirmed that nothing abnormal has happened in various regions of the country?"

"Yes, the energy photons in the global air are only increasing, and there is no bad phenomenon. Except for the riots in some parts of India and the more serious T virus in Japan, there are no other changes in the world."

Mina's big ethereal eyes twinkled like stars, her eyelashes fluttered softly, and her furry silhouette was otherworldly.

very beautiful.

"Well, okay, the increase in the power photons in the air this time is good news for us. With the increase in the photon concentration, we will absorb more photons better, and cultivation will become easier."

"For us, this is an opportunity and a warning. I don't know when the next increase in photon concentration will be, but I know that day is getting closer, and the monsters of the abyss are already grinding their teeth, The danger is getting closer, and it's time for us to speed up even further."

"Let me tell you, contact the first-level alert, but the city's alert still needs attention. The army of the major cities will send a small team to cooperate with the Ministry of Public Security to station in the city, and the large force will be evacuated outside the city and continue to train."

Wu Xie's orders quickly spread to the whole country.

Wu Xie's orders quickly spread to the whole country.

Everyone also left the National Crisis Command Center on the 32nd floor, and the all-night arrangement had exhausted everyone's mental and physical strength.

After everyone knew it was a false alarm, they all left and went to their own homes to rest.

And what about Wu Xie?

Also left the National Dangerous Building.


The famous snack street in the capital university city.

Night falls.

The whole city is brightly lit, full of radiance, full of upbeat atmosphere.

This is a serenity that is far from impossible in the dark calendar.

Ong -!


The roar of a sports car resounded throughout the street, attracting the attention of countless people.

After a few seconds.

A red Alfa Romeo sports car appeared on the horizon on the horizon. It ran at an extremely fast speed under the lights and bustling streets of thousands of homes. It was like a soaring arrow.


The sports car stopped at the door of a Xiao Long Bao.

This is a famous bun shop that is famous in the whole university town, and even the whole capital.

When night falls, countless students and couples will line up here to buy all kinds of buns, including mushroom and pork stuffing, chicken winter bamboo shoots stuffing, Sanxian stuffing, fish stuffing, beef stuffing...

In short.

All kinds of buns you can't imagine.

in front of the store.

Countless student couples turned their heads in the direction of the sports car.

A young man with sunglasses stepped out of the car.


"This is Wu Xie!??"

"I (Zhao Haohao) like him so much!"

The sharp-eyed girl came out of Wu Xie at a glance, ignoring the face of her boyfriend next to her.


"Why did Wu Xie come here?"


One stone caused a thousand waves!

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