In the end, what was supposed to happen still had to happen. The interrogation started, and a thick voice sounded in the small interrogation room, and there were even some echoes.


Wu Xie chuckled, and the next sentence directly choked the two interrogators for a long time without a word.

"To save you!"



Chapter 10 The Thirty Soldiers of Tianshan, Meet the Old Ones Again!

Once human nature is wiped out, all that remains is horrific darkness.

——Zhang Juqing, master of Chinese martial arts

Dark calendar 47 years.

Two years before the sixth tide came.

Above the Tianshan Mountains in the northwest, a 30-person Republic team was stationed.

The northwest has always been the hardest hit area in the end of the world. It is vast and sparsely populated. The only large city, Wuxia City, needs to face numerous abyss monsters on the entire plateau.

The Republic has the most regiments stationed here, and likewise the most sacrificed.

The end of the 47th year of the dark calendar.

Millions of people in Wuxia City are enjoying a brief period of peace. People live and work in peace and contentment, and vaguely have returned to their pre-apocalyptic life.

But they didn't know how much drastic changes had taken place in the Tianshan Mountains twenty kilometers away.

September [-]st at [-] am.

Tianshan has not yet dawned, and the two Sentinel soldiers on duty were still dozing off.



Under the Tianshan Lake, the wind is surging, and under the deepest cracks, one after another abyss monsters continue to emerge.

The surface of the lake was instantly filled with lickers, predators, elemental devourers...

The most suffocating thing is that they possess intelligence.


The silence is terrifying, and the needles can be heard falling.

"not good!"

drop! !

The alarming alarm sounded instantly, and tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, of monsters in the abyss no longer flinched, and rushed out of the water like a tide to the fragile military camp in the wind.The countdown to death has begun.

Thirty warriors' lives have already begun to pass.


"Li Erdan!"


"Ride a bicycle to report the letter immediately! Use your milk strength, you must be fast! I only give you 10 minutes! Is that clear!?"

"Report, I want to stay!"


A slap sounded.

"Sergeant Li Erdan! Carry out my orders. Time is pressing now, and there are millions of people behind us. What will be the consequences if the news doesn't spread!?? Do you understand?"

The majestic voice seemed unusually strong in the wind.

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task!"

In the dark years of the apocalypse, people cannot use all communications, including radios, satellite phones... Everything goes back to the original, and they can only rely on manpower.




The sound of gunshots was quickly drowned out among the monsters in the abyss.

Twenty-nine Republic soldiers used their lives to buy enough time for the rear of Wuxia City.

Twenty-nine Republic soldiers used their lives to buy enough time for the rear of Wuxia City.

When countless monsters from the abyss flocked to Wuxia City, what awaited them were the guns of heavily armed Republic soldiers, and tens of thousands of cultivators ready to go...

But the twenty-nine warriors left their young lives forever on the Tianshan Mountains.

A shrill cry rose in the sky, resounding throughout the Northwest.

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