035: What kind of divine domain is this? (1 more flowers!)

But soon,

Lin Yan turned his attention to the attacking team again.

Just by virtue of the defensive containment he left behind in the mysterious realm, it is impossible for these demigods to break through.

“Huh? This God’s Domain has been invaded?”

Lin Yan smiled: “We need to speed up.”


In fact, at this time, most of the students made their defenses well and started tentative attacks.

Mysterious Domain Frontier.

Two different teams of believers appeared outside the domain of God at the same time.

The numbers of these two believers are not large, each of which has only about a dozen or so.

Gnolls and Batmen.

The gods of the two believers suddenly snorted in disdain.

They are the two geniuses in Russell’s class.

Of course, if you say he is a genius, he is actually better than an ordinary student, but he can’t compare to Lin Yan at all.

Their divine realm was originally separated by several divine realms.

However, after Lin Yan broke through the next God’s Domain, their God’s Domain was actually refreshed at the adjacent location.

“My god has an oracle, the jackals, are you willing to unite?”

Suddenly, the leader of the bat people said.

“My God has already told me.”

The leader of the gnoll clan responded.

The will of a demigod can only be manifested in his own domain, so the communication between the two demigods needs to be done by believers.

Immediately afterwards, the two teams merged together and carefully stepped into the mysterious realm.

Once you enter the border of the mysterious realm,

The two teams of believers were shocked to discover that the surrounding environment suddenly changed.

As if entering a whole new world,

Dim, deep, and filled with fog.

It is completely different from the other gods they have encountered before!

The two demigods couldn’t help shivering at the same time.

This divine domain is so terrifying!


Suddenly, several gnolls screamed in surprise.

Immediately afterwards, they saw that where they were, the damp earth suddenly cracked a hole and almost fell down.


However, just as they were about to fall, the bat humans flying in the sky flapped their wings and quickly grabbed them.

The remaining bat people also grabbed the remaining werewolves and flew into the air.

The next moment, the poison curse erupted at a low altitude, and the purple air spread.

“Is the priesthood actually the god of tricks?”

The bat-human demigod chuckled.

The low-level god of tricks, the most commonly used priestly skill, is the trap.

However, the bat humans can fly, just to restrain this priestly skill!

After all, the low-level god of tricks, the priestly skill of trap, needs to be placed on the ground.

However, in this strange God’s Domain, there is fog everywhere, and he did not dare to disperse these bat people too much.

“My god has an oracle, the bat people, but let us go.”

Suddenly, the leader of the jackal tribe opened his mouth.

The group of gnolls immediately landed on the ground.

Gnolls have a slight perception of danger when they pay attention.

Just planted a trap, but not fully focused.


On the next journey, the two believers did not encounter any traps.

Some traps were directly warned in advance by the Gnolls and avoided.

“Gan! Isn’t the faith value of this god of tricks running out?”

Thinking of the previous warning of the jackals, their demigods couldn’t help but scolded.

In an area, all were occupied by traps!

I’m afraid there are dozens of traps closely arranged around.

This would probably cost tens of thousands of Faith Points!


At this moment,

In the depths of the fog, suddenly there were several extremely sad crying sounds!

“in danger!”

All the gnolls felt the danger in an instant, and the hair all over their bodies exploded.

They looked vigilantly in the direction of the source of the cry.

Then I saw,

In the depths of the fog, a figure seemed to curl up, squatting on the ground and crying.

This made both students tremble.

“What the hell is this? It’s scary…”


The surrounding fog suddenly dissipated, allowing the line of sight to pass through.

Immediately after,

they saw,

Countless slender humanoid creatures are curling up and squatting around.

The number, there are more than two hundred!

And around, there are more than 200 strange statues standing!

“What the hell is this realm?”

The two students were completely horrified.

Are the demigods of this divine realm so idle?

Forget these believers, why are there so many weird statues just to scare people?




However, the next moment, I saw those crying figures, suddenly turned their heads and looked at the gnoll and bat people.

Immediately after,

Holding his head and crying again.

The voice is extremely sad.

The gnolls and the bats immediately looked at each other.

What kind of believer is this?

Do you just cry?


The Gnoll Patriarch spoke.

He felt extreme danger!


next moment,

These slender figures suddenly stood up, and then at a very fast speed, they suddenly rushed towards the two believers!


Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for monthly pass!


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