I Created The Salvation Organization

Chapter 581: : The miracle has come

I have not forgotten that my own billions of compatriots, and even billions of human beings in the world, are still under the threat of war, and they may encounter the cruel fate of mass extinction at any time. ?m.

"I already have a general understanding of the crisis you are encountering." Shen Yi did not stop his actions, as if they hadn't noticed the tension of the two, but continued in a calm tone, "We think, even if it is Given you advanced science and technology, powerful spiritual inheritance, and spiritual resources, you will still be unable to defeat the alien race or save yourself within a short period of time. In this case, we will adopt a special contract."

When Lei Weiguo heard a term that he didn't understand at all, he couldn't help but feel a little uneasy, and even reflected this uneasiness in his expression.

In contrast, Ru Yi needs to be more calm, knowing that the other party will explain.

He just looked at Shen Yi engrossedly, including his demeanor, unwilling to let go of every detail.

Special contract.

This has appeared many times among the civilizations currently saved by the Association.

In fact, Shen Yi is considering putting the special contract into the formal procedure.

Because, the appearance of it means that even with the support of the association, human civilization cannot rely on its own efforts to overcome disasters.

In this case, the association will determine the will and potential of civilization.

Those who are judged qualified will be given a special contract. Under this contract, the association will intervene more deeply.

Including but not limited to directly providing large-scale support, and even directly addressing certain crises.

But I have to say.

As the level of disasters increases, human beings become less and less resistant when facing the end.

The burden of the association will also increase.

Some procedures and programs for simple and difficult worlds may no longer be suitable. Special contracts are actually a flexible system. While respecting established systems and rules, avoid the inability to save the world due to rules.

At this time, Dingxiang had already told Ru Yi and Lei Weiguo about the content of the special contract.

And took out the specific contract paper.

The above is some specific support content formulated by Shen Yi based on the situation of the world, planning the responsibilities of both parties, while providing support, guide the development of civilization itself and the cultivation of the will of civilization.

Both Ru Yi and Lei Weiguo watched carefully.

He didn't even want to pull down a word.

Their expressions gradually became agitated.

"The association is really willing to send the strong to help us solve the foreign strong on the battlefield?" Lei Weiguo couldn't help even raising his head and asked, as if he couldn't believe it.

"It is to solve those strong who are beyond your own ability." Shen Yi emphasized, "The association will not directly help you win the war. We are just passing by for this universe, and for you, it is just human beings. Savior and development leader, your future status and glory in this universe still have to be won by your own efforts and struggles. As required by the contract, we must see your struggle, your will, you s future!"

"Enough, enough!"

Lei Weiguo was so excited that the palm of his hand was trembling slightly, his face was full of vigor, even a little energetic.

"You are still willing to give us practice inheritance, guide us in practice, and provide advanced technology...If we can't survive this way, then how can we be worthy of the warriors who died in battle, how can we be worthy of the people who support us like that!"

He can't even wait to step on the battlefield right now.

Roar of revenge towards those alien races!

Ru Yi next to her hasn't spoken yet.

She was still carefully watching every sentence on the contract, word by word.

It wasn't until the last word was read that he exhaled a long breath.

"Thanks that I can no longer describe my mood at the moment..."

She turned her head to look at Shen Yi, biting her red lip with her teeth, and holding the palm of the document, indicating the excitement of her mood at the moment.

But in the end, I tried to calm my mood and asked with some curiosity:

"This treaty is very complete, and all aspects have been taken into consideration...Before, were there civilizations that were saved by the Association under such a contract?"

"Of course." Shen Yi smiled, "The doctor you met just now is the same in her world."

The doctor came from Su Yao and their world.

It is also the civilization under the special contract.

After that battle with aliens, the association has become quite mature in this regard.

Ru Yi was a little surprised.

She recalled that kind doctor just now, it was really unimaginable that the other party’s original civilization,

Have you encountered such a disaster?

"The people in the association, whether they are residents or full members, are all from the human civilization saved by the association." Shen Yi seemed to see what Ru Yi thought, and said softly, "They used to be rescued, now they are rescued. A similar destiny unites everyone together. We select elites from human civilizations who have experienced the crisis of the doomsday in order to continue the great mission of protecting humanity."

"Everyone is..." Ru Yi shook her mind.

Thinking back to everyone I met along the way just now, I only feel that at this moment, the distance between her and them has become even closer.

No longer just a member of a powerful force.

But like her, compatriots who can understand each other.

Even a trace of yearning emerged in her heart.

Lei Weiguo even murmured subconsciously: "I don't know if I live here one day."

"Then you have to work hard." Shen Yi laughed, "Live, fight for the protection of humanity, fight for the future of civilization, and become a hero of mankind. When your world truly returns to peace, I will I invite you personally—as colleagues."

This sentence is undoubtedly a huge inspiration.

Even Ru Yi's white face was flushed with excitement.

What a beautiful and glorious future Shen Yi painted.

"I will sincerely look forward to that day." Ru Yi looked down at the document in her hand, and carefully smoothed out the creases in the corners. Maybe even she herself was not interested. What kind of beauty is contained in her smile at this moment. .

Shen Yi even wanted to take pictures of the scene at this time.

In the future, a memorial hall will be established in the city.

Record and exhibit the meaningful pictures of the association in the process of saving the world.

It should increase the sense of glory and cohesion of the people in the association.

"President—may I call you that?" Ru Yi suddenly raised her head and looked at Shen Yi.

"Of course." Shen Yi nodded lightly, "We don't care about the address."

"President, I want to take this document back as soon as possible and tell our comrades in arms that the miracle we desire has come." Ru Yi held the document in her arms, her eyes shining brightly.

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