I Created The Salvation Organization

Chapter 437: : A fleet of ghosts

Humanity Guardian Association!

This name is in today's human civilization, but it is a well-known name, almost to the extent that no one knows it.

Even vaguely, it seems to be stronger than the highest ruling institution of human civilization-the Supreme Council.

After all, human civilization can develop to the present level in this short period of more than ten years. It can be said that it is completely dependent on this Human Guardian Association.

An endless stream of technical means, all kinds of advanced guidance knowledge.

And, the most unforgettable horror weapon that established the victory of mankind in that battle four years ago also came from this Human Guardian Association.

Even the most ordinary human being.

Everyone can vaguely know that if it weren’t for this Human Nature Guardian Association, at the normal development speed of human civilization, it would be impossible to hold on to such a terrifying enemy for too long, let alone to be strong again and again, and obtain A crucial victory.

If this association comes from another advanced civilization in the universe, it is really not surprising at all.

Can be biased.

In the public introduction to the Humanity Guardian Association, it was very clear.

This is an organization formed by humans with the purpose of protecting the survival of humans.

all in all.

Mysterious, powerful, unimaginable, adored...

This is the impression of mankind on this guardian association.

And now.

Has this organization not only provided technology and weapons, but also started to take out the fleet?

"Since the mission says so, then we must obey the mission." Wen Wei said, breaking the silence, and then re-igniting his cigarette, staring at the vast universe in front of him with deep eyes, and said with a little excitement. "I have a hunch that this time, the Human Rights Guardian Association will once again surprise us all."

He still remembered that he experienced a comprehensive upgrade of the culture fluid and learning machine when he was still in the training tank.

Not only makes him healthier.

Even within the learning machine, he can begin to understand the emotions of being a human being.

And that time, it was the Humanity Guardian Association that upgraded the culture fluid and learning machine.

Wen Wei still remembers that sense of wonder. It was the first time he felt a sense of wonder and joy for something.

And just when they were sitting and preparing for battle.

The so-called silver-white fleet suddenly appeared before their eyes.

There were no traces of wormhole transitions, and no instruments detected any traces. This huge fleet, which is not many in number, just appeared.

Wen Wei and the others were taken aback.

At this distance, if the opponent launches a sneak attack, they will not even have a chance to make a jump, and they will be instantly destroyed.

"It's like a ghost." A person couldn't help sighing.

"Ghosts, ghosts can't be so beautiful!" Wen Wei's voice was clearly amazed.

Indeed, beautiful!

This is the only adjective that can describe this fleet.

Different from the aliens, the human fleet is dissatisfied with all kinds of armors, all kinds of cannons, and all kinds of devices.

Every warship in this fleet is as bright as a liquid on the surface.

It's just like a big silver-white sword.

Full of the most primitive and simple beauty.

This design completely does not meet the needs of interstellar battleships. After all, what the battleship is pursuing is use, and the battleship in front of you can't even see the muzzle, not to mention the inevitable Klein three-dimensional barrier launcher and wormhole jump. sensor......

However, no one questioned this.

Only amazed.

Wen Wei and others are not stupid. This is the battleship of the mysterious Human Guardian Association. What's more, the silent appearance just now has explained a lot.

"Sure enough, the technical level is far beyond our fleet." A person sighed, but also a little jealous, "I don't know how many good things the Human Rights Guardian Association has."

"Leave it." Wen Wei sneered, and continued to look obsessively at the silver-white fleet in front of him, "No matter how many good things, they are not our human beings, I'll be good, how did they appear, even the Zerg The fleet can't come to us so quietly..."

Just as they marveled.

The communication channel in front of him was suddenly opened by a higher authority.

What appeared in the picture was a beautiful "girl" with sky blue hair.

The reason why the girl wants to fight is naturally because of her perfectly flat figure.

"I am Grey Wind, the commander-in-chief of the Silver Fleet." The voice from Grey Wind is more towards female voices.

"Yes! Commander Grey Wind!" Wen Wei's expression was solemn, and he instantly turned into a war-fighting general, "I have received the order and will fully obey your command!"

The rest of the commanders are equally serious.

Because of this sentence, it means that they have completely handed over the command to the unknown commander in front of them.

Even if they are required to play the role of cannon fodder, or to undertake the task of ten deaths and deaths, they cannot refuse.

It must be fully implemented.

It is equivalent to surrendering one's own life, one's own glory, and everything to the other party.

And they.

It is indeed ready to sacrifice for human civilization.

Because what we have to face next will be a difficult war.

"Very good." Grey Wind also looked solemn, "If there is a demand, I will notify you."

This sentence made Wen Wei and others completely stunned.

If there is a demand?

This sentence sounds... as if it is not needed now.

But the prophet didn't notify them. Isn't it necessary for them to complete difficult tasks that will bring great sacrifices?

However, Grey Wind really just said such a sentence.

The call was closed.

As if just came to say hello.

Moreover, the entire silver-white fleet of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com disappeared in front of Wen Wei and others.

Yes, it is disappearing!

It is not a wormhole jump, nor is it speeding to leave, but just disappearing silently, as if they appeared silently, all the instruments did not respond!


This word suddenly flashed across Wen Wei's mind.

Although the appearance is so beautiful, it really looks like a fleet of ghosts, so mysterious and terrifying.

However, Wen Wei and others' hearts gradually agitated.

Can such a ghostly fleet bring the fear of a ghost to the enemies of mankind, and can it bring real hope to this life and death battle of human civilization?


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