I Created The Salvation Organization

Chapter 430: : Observing the power of destiny

Lilac's words did not reduce the pressure on the hearts of everyone in the headquarters.

They actually already knew the end of this battle.

Because everything is going forward in accordance with the future observed by Lilac.

However, knowing the ending does not mean knowing the process, and at this moment, they are deeply in the shock of the process.

Such a huge figure, even if it is just standing still, is not so easy to destroy for human civilization, which requires countless weapons of mass destruction.

What's more, this kind of huge bug obviously won't stand still.

Just looking at the hard shell, it is not difficult to imagine that this is a terrorist weapon armed to the teeth. The huge size and the advanced equipment mounted on it will have a terrible suppressing effect on the entire battlefield.

Those in the general headquarters are all outstanding among human civilizations, and it is natural to see the horror in them.

They did not have the confidence to come up with corresponding means.

So... how do you win?

Many people's eyes began to focus on Lilac. They wanted to know how to get the result of victory in this situation.

And at the moment.

The front-line fleet was also in panic because of the appearance of the giant monster. The news they knew was much less than the high-level officials in the command headquarters.

So in their opinion.

The appearance of this monster can basically declare the failure of the mission.

The sacrifice of hundreds of millions of people, the destruction of countless fleets, all of these, ushered in an inevitable outcome, and even the fate of the entire human civilization, which was originally like a candle in the wind, was fading a lot in an instant.

Was shrouded in a huge shadow.

"The mission is no longer possible." Tang Xueer gritted her teeth and communicated with the general headquarters, "Apply to give up the mission and all members to retreat!"

If it is sacrificed under glory and victory, it is the glory of the soldier, but if she persists at this moment, in Tang Xueer's view, it is meaningless to die.

That's why she has such an application.

However, the application was rejected.

"The mission continues." Such a voice came from the headquarters.

"That kind of monster is not something we can solve at all! The gravitation alone is enough to shred all our fleets!" Tang Xueer didn't expect such a reply, she increased her voice and shouted loudly, " What's more, even if all our anti-matter bombs are thrown out, there is no way to destroy this monster. Can't you see it? That kind of spatial scales!"

Spatial scale armor, this is the name of the scale armor on the body of that kind of giant insect.

It exists on every Zerg battleship with Louis.

Same as the name.

The function is to form a space film of different dimensions, resisting all attacks from the outside. It is precisely because of this characteristic that Tang Xue'er can lock the position of these Louis, but if he wants to destroy them, he can only rely on special forces.

However, the body of a giant bug that is far larger than the earth in front of you is completely covered by this kind of spatial scale!

As for the special forces, it is impossible to find Louis inside a bug of this size.

So, at a loss.

This is the desperate situation.

Tang Xueer believed that it was impossible for the people in the command headquarters to fail to see this status quo.

Even in her heart, at the moment when such a nightmare-like killer appeared, this war is already impossible to defeat. Next, human civilization can only abandon the earth, scatter and flee, even if The possibility of escape is very slim, and this method can only be used to try to leave the flames of human civilization.

However, voices continued to be heard from the headquarters.

"Continue to fight according to the battle plan, this is the highest order!"

Tang Xueer's spirit was stunned, she had already heard that it was Ling Tian's voice.

It is the command of the supreme command of human civilization.

It is at this moment.

In that huge wormhole, a second monster of almost the same size began to crawl out, and then the third, the fourth...

Don't talk about Tang Xueer.

Even the people in the combat command were silently silent one by one.

They have never clearly recognized the gap in the background.

The cosmic monsters that need to consume endless resources and a long time to be cultivated are brought out one after another from the enemy.

Enemies want to destroy human civilization, they don’t need perfect tactics, they don’t need layers of conspiracy strategies, they just need to show their power, and then crush them like huge mountains, no matter where humans run from or what they are. Such resistance can not escape this huge shadow.


Ling Tian's voice continued to ring.

"The mission continues! If this battle fails, mankind will inevitably become extinct, and we have no room for retreat!"

He did not explain the language of the prophet, nor did he explain the hope of victory.

After a moment of silence, Tang Xueer shouted loudly:

"Yes! Continue to perform the task!"

In the command channel, the voices of the rest of the legionnaires were also heard.

"The 347th Army continues to perform its mission!"

"The 286th Army continues to perform its mission!"

"Fuck his grandma, brothers from the 879th Legion, this time we die together!"

"The 977th Legion... Give up the mission, everyone retreat!"


Not every corps commander has made the same decision. Those who are mixed in the command channel may continue the mission or give up the mission, and there are some corps commanders who do not respond at all.

In the face of true despair, enthusiasm is human nature, and withdrawal is also human nature.

However, the Supreme Command carried out a series of actions in a straightforward manner, including announcing the dismissal, regaining rights, and remote takeover and other military control methods to continue to preside over the battle.

All this is still in the future that Lilac sees.

Therefore, the human fleet is still desperately rushing in the enemy's troupe. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Look at the entire battlefield.

The purpose of the human fleet, obviously, is the location of the wormhole.

The massive zerg army also retracted toward the wormhole.

This is exactly the core purpose of cloves.

"Enemies are creatures with advanced intelligence. They have a set of command tactics that can be applied to various battlefields. They are sophisticated and versatile." Lilac's soft voice echoed in the command. "However, this set of command tactics has been in countless fate I’ve been able to fully understand the line, and now, they probably think this is our self-defeating counterattack."

Even those fleets that refused to continue their missions, or even escaped, were an indispensable part of the destiny planned by Lilac to paralyze the enemy.

It seems simple, but it is the power to observe thousands of lines of fate.


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