I Created Cthulhu In Naruto

Vol 12 Chapter 705: port city in fantasy

Looking up at the sky every day, as if the world over there is the real world, and here seems to be the Konoha Village that gets along with each other day and night, but it is not the world in the impression.

In order to confirm whether he was in a dream or not, or someone's illusion, Tian Tian gave himself another mouth and tried ordinary illusion solutions.

But if you touch your mouth and face, you will feel pain, indicating that it is not a dream.

The surrounding environment of using the illusion solution has not changed, indicating that it is not an illusion, but it is more likely that the level of this illusion is too high to be solved by one's own abilities.

"I can't be stuck in this place, I have to go..."

Looking up at the sky world that might be the real world every day, the words in his mouth choked.

Tian Tian thought of Cthulhu and his star family on the battlefield of Lalaiye again.

That is not an existence that human beings can defeat at all, so what if you return to the human world that is on the verge of collapse?

I am not a powerful ninja, neither can I save my companions, nor can I save the world.

It's better to indulge in this false world of harmony and harmony, forget all the horrors, and live forever with the friends of Konoha Village as usual.

Even if it's just a sweet dream, it's better than going back to face the terrifying real world...

Thinking of this, Tian Tian's pair of hands that made the illusion release slowly put down.

Terrifying truth...

Or is it false beauty?

What do you choose?

What will happen in the future has deeply troubled the heart of this eighteen-year-old girl.

Forget it, let's wait until tomorrow.


When he got home, he washed quickly as if he was running away every day, changed into his pajamas, and jumped on the bed.

I thought I would fall into a long period of thinking, tossing and turning and couldn't fall asleep, but as soon as I touched the bed, every day I felt as if I had been tired for a long time, and I fell asleep when I touched the bed.

In the drowsiness, Tian Tian dreamed of some bottomless stairs.

The dark stairs stretched down for an unknown number of steps, because there was only one passable road around, so Tian Tian could only walk down these stairs as if summoned by fate.

And just when Tian Tian in the dream was repeatedly walking up the stairs, Tian Tian on the bed actually rose slowly!

Like being under hypnotism, Tian Tian's body is straight and straight, and the thin blanket on his body automatically rises to the ceiling without wind.

The moment he touched the ceiling, Tian Tian's body directly passed through the ceiling like a nihilistic existence, only the thin blanket seemed to be filtered, isolated by the ceiling, and fell back on the bed.

Tian Tian's body passed through the layers of ceilings, flew outside the building, continued to climb upwards in the sky, and flew towards the world suspended above Konoha Village.

As Tian Tian's body became smaller and smaller in the air, swallowed by the huge projection of that world, everything in Konoha Village instantly freezes, fades, and collapses, until it turns into nothingness.

Since the dreamer has left the dream, why does the world in the dream exist?


It seems a little cold...

Has the weather turned colder?

The bed board seems to be a little hard.

Tian Tian felt discomfort in his body, his eyelids trembled slightly, and he wanted to reach out and pull a blanket over his shivering body.

But after groping a few times every day, the surrounding is not a soft bed, but a cold, pothole stone floor.

Tian Tian was suddenly awakened by this incredible touch, and suddenly sat up straight.

But in Tiantian's vision, this is not a familiar home, but a completely unfamiliar environment.

This place seems to be the deepest part of a certain street and alley. The surroundings are almost completely dark, and only the entrance of the alley in front is dimly lit.

Tian Tian hurriedly got up and checked to see if there were any missing parts all over his body.

Fortunately, there are not many arms and legs, but he is still wearing pajamas, and he is still barefoot.

Am I being robbed?

But I remember that I was sleeping at my house in Konoha Village. How could I be robbed?

Tian Tian was extremely puzzled, so he could only walk out of the alley to find out where he was.

Walking out of the alley of the street, Tian Tian was immediately stunned.

Because in front of him, it turned out to be a sea.

It was dark at this time, so no matter how blue the sea was, it could only be dark in front of him, but the sound of the sea and the salty and wet sea breeze made Tian Tian understand that it was a sea.

On the sea near the port, dim yellow quaint street lights illuminate several black three-tier multi-galley sailing ships docked on the coast.

Although these things are not rare in the ninja world, they are very rare.

Especially this seaport, even if the entire country of fire does not have such a grand seaport, I am afraid that only the land of water in the south has such a huge seaport facility.

Am I in the land of water?

But why?

Tian Tian remembers that the place where he is fighting in reality is indeed the land of water, but now the entire land of water is under a complete martial law, and business travel is banned, how could there be any docked ships in the port.

With the purpose of figuring out where this place is, he jumped to the roof of the house next to him every day to search for reliable information.

In the ups and downs of the city streets in the middle of the night, I feel a little cold on the soles of my feet every day, but fortunately there are still some gains.

First of all, this is a huge seaport city with several towering black towers built of basalt.

Overlooking the whole city from the top of the black tower, you can see that the streets arranged between the black towers are dark and boring, without charm and vitality.

In the streets of the city, the most common facilities found every day are bars.

This is a facility similar to an izakaya in Konoha Village. It doesn't stop operating even late at night, and from time to time, people with different skin colors and strong statures walk out of the bar.

And what's even more suspicious is that when I see the words on these bar plaques every day, I can instantly read the meaning and understand what the people in the bar say.

Obviously, the language used here is not the language of the ninja world at all!

On the huge sign erected by the port, Tian Tian found the name of this city.

The city is called "Dilas-Lin".

Very strange city name, at least I have never heard of it every day.

Suddenly, one of the crowded bars by the port opened the door, and several humanoid figures walked out of it, walking towards the pier.

Tian Tian glanced around vigilantly~www.readwn.com~, then quickly crossed the middle of the road in the dark and hid in the alley of the next street.

Tian Tian kept his figure hidden, and stuck out his head to look at the group of people.

They wore roughly uniform uniforms, as if they were sailors on a ship on the shore.

When these people get closer, Tian Tian can finally see the appearance of these people.

Their mouths are surprisingly wide enough to fit a small wine bottle, and the turbans wrapped around their heads are also strange, bizarrely bulging two small packets on their foreheads.

And the shoes on these people's feet are also surprisingly small, and the short and narrow boots and trousers are seamlessly connected, completely blocking the things inside.

Suddenly, one of them seemed to be drunk, and his feet did not step firmly for a while, and the boots on his feet fell off accidentally.

Inside the trousers wrapped around the boots, there was something that even in a nightmare could not easily imagine.

That's a tentacle!

The dingy, sticky tentacles flung out of the white trousers and bent to support the ground.

Seeing this picture, Tian Tian was so shocked that he was about to open his mouth and breathe out.

But at this moment, a hand covered Tiantian's mouth from the darkness behind.


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