655: VolcaronaVSmega

Countless flame energies flowed along the body surface of the flaming cockroach and rushed to both sides of its mouthparts. In an instant, a dozen huge fireballs ignited.
ground shaking,
There was a scorching heat in the air.
The audience stood up in awe,
Looking at the red centipede as huge as a mountain on the field in amazement.
“This is the mega transformation! This is the mega move! What a terrifying power, I gradually understand everything!”
Cthulhu-style carnival.
“It’s impossible to beat, this is beyond the limits of the Gym class, and even… the quasi-Elite is not necessarily its opponent.”
“Jiang Xiao player is going to lose!”
“Mega giant burning flame… It turns out… Lin Qing is the biggest dark horse at this giant wood conference!”
“It’s really not for nothing!”
“It took me half a year of money to get the tickets, it’s really worth it!”
“Come on Lin Qing! Smash Volcarona!”
“Rush rush!!”

The audience is boiling,
Rao is the host and the two special guests are also dumbfounded.
“It’s terrifying… This power is already approaching the Elite level, right?” The special guest Luo Jun opened his mouth and looked up in surprise.
The same goes for Lolita on the side.
“I think we might be able to invite Lin Qing to join the alliance investigation team.”
“If successful…”
“With his strength, the above will definitely reward us.”
Luo Jun suggested.
Lolita, who was wearing a small umbrella, nodded, and unexpectedly reached an agreement with Luo Jun.

The huge fireball fell, like the sun falling into the world.
In a short moment,
One after another deep pits were smashed into the ground, and the scorched earth spread to the feet, and the entire stadium became a paradise of flames.
Mars fills the air,

Taking a little inhalation, the throat felt a burning pain.
as if scorched by wildfire,
Scald waters.
at the same time,
Volcarona, who was floating high, was trapped in a red-colored flame cage.
It tried to break through, but the flames rising from all around, with a clatter, suddenly skyrocketed, bouncing off Volcarona, who was touching the wall,
fell on the hot sand.
The sand was smashed into a fire pit.
The golden flame and the Red flame are intertwined, Constrict, but they are canceling and engulfing each other, and neither will let the other.
The huge cage formed by the huge fire and burning wild,
Trapped Volcarona.
If it weren’t for the fire attribute Pokémon,
The flames that are constantly rising in the cage alone can burn it to ashes.
A few times the wind blade Tackle sounded, but the flame cage was still strong, and there was no sign of breaking.
Fire borrows wind,
Even burning more and more vigorously.
Volcarona’s breakout failed. Had to make another plan.
And this time,
The flaming beetle, which forcibly pushed Volcarona into the flame cage, also moved.
on the field,
The Red Centipede, which is over 70 meters long, moves slowly.
The earth trembled,
The venue of the Giant Wood Conference also fell a lot of dust from the top of the head, and it was sprinkled on the incomparably huge body of the burning cockroach.
like moving mountains,
Or Red’s natural disaster fire dragon.
Jiang Xiao narrowed his eyes.
Even though he knew in advance that Lin Qing’s trump card was the Mega flaming cockroach, the moment he saw it with his own eyes, he smacked his tongue secretly.
It’s so big…
“Is this going to use the gigantic and elongated body of the flaming beetle, Constrict, to live in Volcarona?”
Jiang Xiao saw Lin Qing’s intention.
He then directed towards Volcarona, who was trapped in the flame cage:
“Can’t sit still, Volcarona!”
“With the storm!”
“Blow away the flame with your storm! Can’t it rise with the wind? Then let it rise! Until the moment when it is completely propped up!”
Volcarona nodded.
Then it fluttered its wings and flew high towards the top of the burning flame cockroach.
When reaching an altitude of more than ten meters,
Volcarona spread its wings suddenly, and the three pairs of insect wings were magnified several times by the golden flame Constrict at this moment, reaching an amazing size.
outside of it,
A layer of airflow can be clearly seen flowing.
It was these air currents that fueled the golden flames on Volcarona’s body.
A gentle breeze blows,
Then suddenly the wind rose sharply, blowing a biting gust of wind.
These hurricanes formed a hood around Volcarona, expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in the blink of an eye, it had reached a diameter of five meters.
and is still growing.
Lin Qing didn’t understand what Jiang Xiao did and what it meant.
But you can’t just let it go.
Lin Qing, who had the initiative in the battlefield, immediately ordered the Burning Bane to block Volcarona’s spellcasting. He raised his head and shouted, “I can’t let him succeed!”
“Flaming cockroach! Extremely huge and hot!!”
An unimaginably huge fireball formed before the mouthparts of the flaming beetle.
and at a speed of ten meters per second,
Advance towards the mid-air Volcarona.
for a short moment,
is approaching.
The air was burned and distorted, showing how terrifying the power of this fireball was.
Jiang Xiao was unmoved.
If it’s just a move of “extremely hot”, Volcarona, who is a fire attribute, can completely resist it with his fleshly body.
But the storm that is about to condense and form must not be interrupted.
“Put it down! Volcarona!”
“Don’t forget, you are the ‘fury of the sun’, and the mere centipede fire can’t hurt you!”
“hold onto!!”
Jiang Xiao clenched his fists and shouted.
Volcarona, who was wrapped in a windshield in mid-air, also became determined.
Watching the huge fireball in front of him approaching,
But do not want to dodge.
next moment.
It was extremely hot, and it smashed heavily on the windshield…
boom–! !
a loud bang,
The power of the fireball explosion almost overturned the top of the giant wood conference, the shock wave swayed, and the broken glass above the head fell like rain.
The audience screamed.
The organizer of the competition urgently opened the protective cover.
Just to avoid accidental injury.
“Yes! Perfect hit!”
On the field, Lin Qing clenched his fist excitedly.
Based on his knowledge of the Flamingo, so far, no Pokémon has been able to survive the “extremely huge explosion” of the Flamingo.
Even fire-type Pokémon are no exception.
It’s terrifying,
Great power beyond the limit.
“I didn’t die and was seriously injured. Although I don’t know what you’re doing, I won this game.” Lin Qing smiled confidently.
Didn’t notice it at all,
The smile under Jiang Xiao’s cap.
“Don’t talk too much. Whoever loses will win… Not sure.”
Jiang Xiaotiopen your eyes,
He looked up at the sky shrouded in flames.
the flames roll,
Volcarona seemed to have been engulfed by the sea of ​​fire and lost its vitality.
But only Jiang Xiao noticed that there was an uncontrollable storm brewing in the fireball.
“Do you know where you lost?”
Jiang Xiao looked at Lin Qing.
The latter did not understand why, and frowned slightly, “What?”
Lin Qing was still unaware, and even his expression was a little confused, shouldn’t it be him who won? Jiang Xiao’s Volcarona was almost burnt to ashes.
“You lose when you lose…”
“You underestimated me…and Volcarona.”
The fireball above his head exploded, and a circular shock wave swayed.
Volcarona, who was engulfed by the fireball, appeared, covered in golden light, just like in myths and legends, the patron saint of bringing light to people in the dark.
The Fury of the Sun – Volcarona!
The audience was amazed,
Staring at Volcarona in the sky.
The swollen wind shield suddenly cracked under the golden flames, and countless wind blades emerged from it, shooting towards all directions.
Bear the brunt,
It is the Mega flaming beetle that surrounds the entire arena!
It’s huge,
Nowhere to hide!
The wind blades are like bone-scraping steel knives, piercing deeply into the body of the burning flame, one, two… followed by thousands of wind blades.
The flaming beetle was severely injured.
The blood overflowed uncontrollably, staining the ground red.
Victory is at hand!

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