Crimson was half-dead from Liszt’s anger, but she still couldn’t help Liszt.

She has never seen a person like Liszt. She is simply not willing to eat oil and salt, and there are endless fallacies.

Liszt chooses to watch Lord Irelia dance, so she has to watch it, even if Liszt goes to the men’s bath to take a bath, she has to follow.

Who wants to die? Who doesn’t want to live? Maybe some people don’t want to live, but Crimson is still young, she hasn’t felt the beauty of the world, and she hasn’t even talked about love.

She couldn’t just die like that. She decided to give in, and when her injuries healed, she abandoned Liszt without a word and ran to a new life.

Crimson’s intention to kill the thief was powerless, so she could only sit beside Liszt and watch Lord Irelia dance with him.

Irelia’s blade dance is extremely moving, Crimson just watched for a while, and then fell into it. She was fully focused, her eyes did not blink, and her eyes followed Irelia.

“It’s really fragrant, isn’t it.” Liszt said proudly.

“What… what did you say?” Crimson asked in confusion, “What’s so fragrant?”

“I, Crimson, even if I die, if I jump out of the sky, I won’t watch Lord Irelia dance!”

Liszt performed vividly: “Ouch! Lord Irelia dances so beautifully! It’s so fragrant!”

Crimson was able to react: “Are you mocking me?”

“I didn’t, I didn’t say it, this is your own understanding, it has nothing to do with me.” Liszt replied with a smile.

“You!” Crimson glared angrily.

“You said, why is the gap between this person and the other person so big?” Liszt said again.

“What did you say?”

“Look, they’re all women, right? Why is Lord Irelia so powerful, so beautiful, on the other hand…”

As Liszt spoke, he looked at Crimson, his eyes full of… disgust?

“You!” Crimson couldn’t bear it anymore. She had never suffered such grievances before and immediately pressed her right hand on the hilt of the sword.

Liszt, seemingly unaware of Scarlet’s anger, continued: “Can you sing?”

“No!” Crimson gritted her teeth.

“Can you dance?” Liszt asked again.

“No!” Crimson gnashed his teeth.

“Then what do you know?” Liszt spread out his hands with a helpless look on his face.

“I’ll hit people!” Crimson picked up the long sword and smashed the hilt on Liszt’s dog head.

“Ow!” Liszt was in pain, covering his head with his hands, tears were about to flow out, “What are you doing?”

“Do you still dare to talk nonsense?” Crimson threatened with the hilt of her sword.

“You… revenge for your kindness!”

“Why don’t you say that you are doing yourself a favor?”

The Presidian war did not end until night fell.

Noxus paid a very heavy price, and finally succeeded in breaking through from the east, with less than a third of his troops remaining.

It is a pity that the three Noxian heroes escaped smoothly, even Swain, who was seriously injured, escaped under the desperate cover of other troops.

The Ionian Legion also suffered damage, but it was almost insignificant compared to Noxus’ damage.

There is no doubt that this war, the war that broke out in Presidian, ended in the victory of Ionia!

That night, after clearing the remnants of the Noxian troops in the Presidian, Karma the Apocalypse lit a large bonfire in the central square of the Presidian with a twin dragon spirit fire.

The bonfire was burning, and the blazing fire turned the night into day. Irelia boarded the central square and stood in front of the bonfire.

All heroes, generals, and soldiers who came to fight, are all watching Irelia!

“Today, we won!” Irelia said loudly.

“This is our first and only victory since Noxus invaded Ionia!”

“We lost so many battles, why did we just win this one?”

“Because, as each of us knows, the fall of Presidian means the fall of Ionia. If Presidian is lost, Ionia will cease to exist.”

Irelia continued: “So, we are finally united! It is this unity that allows us to smash the Noxian attack and win this tough battle!”

“In order to commemorate this war, and to warn future generations…”

“I, Will of Blades, Irelia, in the name of the Zan family, in the name of Ionia, have named this war…”

“The Battle of Navoli’s Stand Up!”

“But the war is not over. The Noxian army is still raging on our lands, and they are still slaughtering our countrymen!”

“We must continue to fight, protect Ionia, and completely expel Noxus from this land!”

“Our feet are the bones of the martyrs, don’t let them down!”

“For the corpses of the fathers, for the sacred temple, I will do nothing until I die!”

“Remember why we fight!”

“Ionia, stay high!”

Irelia’s words made the blood of everyone present boil. They raised their hands high and shouted in unison: “Ionia, keep your spirits high!”

“Ionia, immortal!” The mountain’s voice resounded in the sky, this is the strongest sound Ionia made!

Crimson was also very excited. She had red eyes, waving her hands, and shouted loudly, choked up: “Ionia, be high!”

But Liszt was stunned there. He looked at Irelia dully and turned into a wooden man.

“What’s wrong with you?” Crimson asked in confusion.

“I said this before.” Liszt said stunned.

“How is this possible? Lord Irelia has never said this before, and Ionia has never said anything similar. How could you have said it?” Crimson didn’t believe it.

“It’s true.” Liszt was at a loss, “Why should I lie to you?”

“Then who knows why you lied to me.” Crimson shrugged and ignored him.

So… why did Liszt say what Irelia would say in advance?

Liszt was thinking about this. And when you think about it, you will think of that dream.

In the dream, he became the dark lord and did many, many things, but since it was just a dream, he remembered it very poorly, with only some broken fragments.

This sentence seems to be derived from that dream. No, it doesn’t seem, it can only originate from that dream, otherwise… how could there be such an incredible coincidence?

But he actually dreamed of what Lord Irelia was about to say? What incredible coincidence is this?

“Don’t be stunned!” Suddenly, Crimson interrupted his thoughts, pulling him and running forward.

“What are you going to do?”

“Drinking, eating meat!” Crimson smiled and picked up a jar of fine wine and stuffed it into Liszt’s arms, “This is the carnival after victory!”

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