It is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and no commander will invest too much energy here.

The reason is actually very simple. All magical flying props are prohibited near Jingxiantian, and all creatures are prohibited from flying by any means.

This is Jingxiantian’s rule, and no one knows how this rule came about. It is said that there were gods who fought in Ionia in ancient times.

In the end, two gods perished together here, the years passed, and the dust fell on their standing gods, and finally formed the current Jingxiantian.

Although the gods have passed away, the laws of gods still exist. The prohibition of biological flying, the prohibition of magical flying props, this is the embodiment of the law of God.

Of course, this is just a hypothesis, and some scholars have speculated that there may be magical treasures left over from ancient times buried in places where humans cannot explore.

The no-fly law is the manifestation of these magical treasures. For Jingxiantian, there are many conjectures in the academic world, but no one can prove it.

But all in all, the no-fly laws are real.

Otherwise, no matter how high the sky is and how dangerous the terrain is, it will only be in vain for the vast and prosperous Valoran continent with a magical system.

After all, even the most common dragon knight can easily fly at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters.

With the restrictions of the no-fly law, coupled with the height of Jingxiantian itself, this formed a terrain that was easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Want to get around? All right, as long as you’re willing to spend an extra two or three hours around the magical fortress of Presidian.

The no-fly law does not prohibit conventional flying props, such as bows and arrows, trebuchets, etc., which the defender can throw down on the shocking peaks.

As for the attacker… how can the attacker send the throwing props to the sky of 8000 meters without using magic?

According to conventional theory, Noxus must not focus on the sky, so Ionia did not deploy too many troops here.

However, the art of war is about winning by surprise. You thought I wouldn’t attack here, but I’m going to attack here instead!

Because… I have the undead god of war, Sion!

So far, Noxus has a total of 16 heroes, the undead god of war Sion, is one of them.

Once, Noxus invaded Demacia, occupying large swathes of Demacia in a short period of time.

But later, Demacia fought back, pushing the Noxian Legion back and pinning them to death behind the walls of Valdis.

Sain, who was fighting in the Silver Mountains, was furious when he heard the news. He brought his legion to Valdis and attacked Demacia brazenly.

Without the cooperation of other legions, Shane just brought his own legion, constantly breaking through the defense line of Demacia, and finally found the king of Demacia at that time – Jarvan I.

He strangled Jarvan I to death with his hands, but he also died of exhaustion under the siege of the Demacian Legion.

He was later resurrected by a mysterious guild called the “Black Rose” and presented as a gift to Darkwill, the Noxian leader at the time.

Because Shane completely lost his mind and turned into a war machine that only knew how to kill, he didn’t distinguish between enemy and foe, he just wanted to devour more blood donations, and Noxus eventually buried him.

With the new ruler of Noxus – Lord of Noxus, Swain – coming to power, Swain sees the light of day, and Swain makes him descend on the rebellious Valdis and let him kill everything there living beings.

Sion’s splendid and fierce name has already spread throughout the entire Ionia continent, because he has long appeared on the front lines, causing heavy losses to Ionia.

He single-handedly killed an entire army in Ionia. If Master Yi, the Promise Sword Saint, had not happened to pass by and forced Sion back, he might have been able to tear that line of defense to pieces.

Noxus found the best solution for Jingxiantian, it is the undead god of war who is not afraid of death and tyrannical, Sain!

Use Sion to break through Jingxiantian’s defense, slaughter all the defenders, and then the Noxian Legion can successfully pass through Jingxiantian and break through to the interior of Presidian unexpectedly!

Sion was trapped in a cage made of alloy, waving the dark red giant axe in his hand, and kept making a thunderous roar, he was eager to kill!

Above the sky, the crimson complexion is also not good-looking, no one could have imagined that Noxus would choose to break through from here.

They can’t defeat the Noxian Legion, they can only contain as much as possible, and it is only a matter of time before they are broken through.

She reported the situation here to the top management immediately, and the high-level response was clear: “Hold the Noxian Legion, hold on to the shocking sky for more than half an hour, reinforcements are on the way!”

Half an hour?

How can I persist for more than half an hour in front of the Noxian Legion, which is dozens of times larger than my own and has the undead God of War Sion? This is simply a fantasy!

But no matter how impossible it was, Crimson couldn’t turn around and run away. Everyone understands that behind them is Presidian, which is Noxus!

There is no way out!

Crimson raised her right hand high, and as her right hand was raised, all the soldiers of the Crimson Militia regiment drew arrows with their bows, and the highly poisonous arrows pointed directly at the Noxian Legion!

She was not in a hurry, but waited patiently, waiting for the best time.

near-point! Get closer!

While she was waiting, the mountain on the other side had already moved.

The rocket fell towards the Noxian Legion like a rain curtain, and Crimson saw at a glance that it was the mountain where the Dark Militia was located.

“Damn! Don’t you have any tactical literacy at all?” Crimson scolded, “How much damage can it cause to the opponent at this distance? And at this height, what’s the point of the rocket? The fire will go out before it touches the opponent!”

This is the truth. This wave of rockets from the Dark Militia has done nothing but waste resources.

“Then what, our rocket, is it early?” Liszt looked at Covance and asked.

“According to the results, it is like this.” Covance replied with a guilty conscience, after all, it was his order just now.

“Don’t let it go yet.” Liszt acted decisively and said, “Prepare the oil barrels, wait until the enemy enters Jingxiantian, smash all the oil barrels down, and then release the rockets!”

“But the fire will go out,” Covance said.

“Not all fires will go out, there will always be one or two lucky ones.” Liszt said, “It’s just a fire, do you still need a torch?”

“You are commanding here, the commandos come with me!” Liszt said again.

“Boss, what are you doing?” Covance asked.

“Just containment is definitely not enough, there are always fish that slip through the net, and someone must stand up front!” Liszt said.

His words made Covance excited: “Boss, are you trying to…”

Before he could say, “Let’s take the lead and face Noxus in Jingxiantian head-on,” he saw Liszt nodded.

“Yes, you are right!”

Liszt said loudly: “We’re going to bury a trap!”

“Pfft!” Covance nearly vomited blood.

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