Amid the crimson jeers, the registrar looked at Liszt in surprise, who rarely encountered similar situations.

It is understandable that the name of the militia is inconvenient to say, but people generally like to talk about their achievements.

The record may reveal some information, but the big deal is anonymity. It is quite easy to write a code for the key information in the record.

For example, Scarlet, if he wanted to make a code, he should have said: “Assist the Equilibrium Sect to arrest the extremely dangerous murderer.”

Uh, it’s just that it sounds a bit strange to code the crimson…

There are basically only two reasons why the record is not mentioned. One is that the background is too big, and it is useless to play the code; the other is that there is really no record, and there is nothing to say.

The registrar watched Liszt, and finally made a judgment based on Liszt’s apparently inexpensive armor, and handed him a white token.

“After entering, take this token and go to the door of the corresponding color to receive the task.” The registrar said.

“Is this the lowest level token?” Liszt asked.

“No, this is the token of the penultimate level,” said the registrar.

“Can you give me a piece of the lowest grade?” Liszt said again.

Crimson couldn’t hold back, and laughed again.

This is indeed a strange request. Everyone wants to receive more difficult tasks and fight for Ionia better on the battlefield. How can it be reversed when they come to Liszt?

“Sorry, there are no minimum-level tasks yet,” the registrar explained.

“Okay then.” Liszt asked again, still not very relieved, “This task won’t be too difficult, will it?”

“Probably not,” said the registrar.

Liszt picked up the token, followed the instructions of the registrar, successfully found a white door, pushed the door and walked in.

Inside the door is a vastaya, with the body of a man and the nose of a pig, with pig trotters attached to his arms instead of hands.

Vastaya smiled and shook the pig’s trotters at Liszt, and said kindly, “Welcome, what quest do you want to receive?”

“Hello, what is your task now?” Liszt asked.

“There is only one mission,” said Pig-nosed Vastaya.

“Then you still let me choose?”

“It should make you feel like you have a choice.”

Pig-nosed Vastaya said, and handed the task book on the table to Liszt.

Liszt opened the task book to check. The content on it was very simple, with only one simple line: “Assist in the defense of Jingxiantian, and cooperate with the actions of the large army at any time.”

This task is very in line with Liszt’s mind. Defense is always easier than offense, not to mention the word “assistance” in front of it, defense plus assistance, double the simplicity, double the joy.

“Farewell.” Liszt cupped his hands towards Pig-nosed Vastaya, put the task book in his arms, and ran out happily.

“Hmph.” As soon as he went out, he encountered Crimson who had just come in. Crimson turned her face away in disgust, and snorted coldly.


Crimson felt bad, and Liszt felt bad too. Liszt likes beautiful women, but he doesn’t like beautiful women who are short-tempered and impolite.

In the end, Liszt still ignored her, and he left the Governor’s office and joined the army.

“How?” Covance asked.

“Very well, this is our mission.” Liszt shoved the mission book to Covance.

“Assist in the defense of the Thunderbolt?” Covance looked at the content of the mission and the map in the mission book, and said, “Isn’t this mission a paid tour?”

“Oh? How to say?” Liszt asked.

“You look at the terrain of the shocking sky. There are cliffs on both sides, and the passage in the middle is too narrow. It is a natural danger in the true sense. Unless Noxus is out of his mind, who will attack this place?”

“Public money travel? I like this.” Li Liszt immediately smiled.

“I’ll see how much the cost is.” Covance opened the task book completely and read the words at the bottom, “Wait… 100 gold wheels? Be good!”

“100 golden wheels?” Liszt was also stunned when he heard the number and unit of measurement.

So far, the largest amount Liszt has come into contact with is 10 silver rounds, which is still a tangle of crowdfunding for him in the village.

100 bronze wheels are equal to 1 silver wheel, 100 silver wheels are equal to 1 gold wheel, and 100 gold wheels are 10,000 silver wheels.

In Ionia, which is rich in materials, ordinary people only need ten copper wheels to live a good and nourishing life for a month.

For Liszt, and for everyone in the “militia,” this was a huge fortune unseen by pen.

“Ionia is really rich,” Liszt exclaimed.

“Bullshit, what else would Noxus invade us for?” Covance stared at the words 100 gold wheels, his mouth almost reaching his ears.

This is just the task fee. After the task is over, the unused funds will be recovered, and there will be 100 gold rounds of task rewards.

Therefore, what Liszt will do next is very clear.

spend money! Spend money lavishly! Spend all 100 gold wheels!

“Now that we’ve got a mission, it’s a regular militia,” Covance said. “We should have a name for ourselves.”

He looked at Liszt and said, “You are the boss, and you have to decide the name.”

Liszt remembered the strange dream he had and said, “How about the Dark Lord Militia?”

“A little long.”

“That’s called the Dark Militia.”

“Okay, then it’s called the Dark Militia!”

In this way, the dark militia regiment was born very “children’s play”.

There was no formal ceremony, and there was no blood alliance. The soldiers just chatted a few times on the streets of Presidian, and the Dark Militia came into being.

“Dark Militia, we will bring darkness to Noxus!” Bartos, who was knowledgeable and had studied in the academy, nodded and clapped his hands.

But before bringing darkness to Noxus, the Dark Militia must first squander its 100 gold wheels.

Lister wanted to give the task to Covance, but Covance said it touched his intellectual blind spot.

The big guys looked at each other and felt embarrassed. After all, no one had ever touched so much money, let alone spent it.

No one could have imagined that spending money would one day be a problem.

What if you are too rich?

There was a young soldier, whose name Liszt remembered was Trond. Trond raised his hand hesitantly and said, “I have an idea.”

“What do you think?” Liszt asked quickly.

“We can first count what the militia needs, and then count what the individual needs, and then record it all before going to the market to buy it.”

“Good way!” Liszt was overjoyed, “I’ll leave this to you!”

He hurriedly threw out the hot potato of “spending money”.

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