Forward, the Ionian army forward!

The rush march lasted for three days and three nights in total. Many soldiers were overwhelmed by such a high-intensity rush march. Some of them were able to push forward, while others were left behind.

The officers did not punish these soldiers who fell behind. In fact, the soldiers had not seen the presence of officers since the rapid march.

Some soldiers said that the officers had already used magic to move to the front line. How could they be on two legs like them?

This does seem to make sense.

As for Liszt, he was no different from a monster. Not only did he not fall behind, but he also did not leave behind the hundreds of soldiers who followed him.

Among these soldiers were carpenters—carpenters who could grow houses, buildings, and tools. One night, the carpenter planted a beautiful flower cart for him.

With the flower cart, Liszt can run forward more easily. Of course, he doesn’t care about these. Whether it is a wooden board or a flower cart, it is the same for him.

However, the planks are easy to wear and repair, and need to be repaired from time to time, which is not as convenient as the garden cart.

What’s more, who doesn’t like pretty things?

Liszt likes beautiful women, and also likes beautiful garden cars.

This morning, before the sun rose, Liszt ran on the land of Ionia.

The soldiers surrounded Liszt, forming a phalanx and continuing to move forward.

On Liszt’s flower cart, in addition to equipment and supplies, there were several soldiers who were accidentally injured during the march and had difficulty moving.

Well, Liszt was not only a porter, but also did the work of carrying the stretcher.

Liszt is running forward, and the sun of Runeworld is rising.

The horizon became bright at first, and then a round of orange morning sun poked its head from the skyline, breaking away from the shackles of the ground little by little.

The orange light spreads on the land of Ionia, the flowers and trees are stretching their bodies, and the sky and the ground are still flowing with stars.

Ionia, where the sun rises first, is the birthplace of the Valoran continent, and everything in the legendary Valoran continent originates from here.

When the star-casting dragon king Aurelion created the rune world, Ionia was the first to be born.

The land of birth.

The sun climbed little by little, slowly but firmly, and when it reached a certain height, it suddenly radiated light, making everything in Liszt’s field of vision shine.

Liszt was running on this land. He looked at everything around him, and suddenly felt a strange feeling—he seemed to be one with Ionia under his feet, and he could feel Ionia’s breathing and heartbeat.

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“Stop, stop moving!”

Suddenly, Liszt heard an order not far away. He braked suddenly and stopped abruptly in the same place. The wounded in the flower-and-wood car was unprepared and was almost thrown off.

The soldiers looked in the direction from which the voice came. It was a woman riding a horse. The delicate golden pattern on her breastplate symbolized her identity—a golden officer.

People like Liszt are nothing more than small soldiers of the black iron level, and the most senior officers who have come into contact with them are only bronze officers.

The golden officer, this is simply an unreachable existence for the soldiers. For a time, everyone stood there tremblingly, and did not dare to let out the air, let alone to see the appearance of the officer.

Liszt was not afraid. He untied the rope around his waist and came to the periphery of the temporary army. His eyes stayed on the woman and stared at her.

This is a delicate and beautiful woman, with beautiful eyebrows, fair skin, and golden hair shining in the sun—well, she is a beautiful woman, exactly the kind Liszt likes.

Such a beautiful woman can also fight on the battlefield? Liszt thought so.

“Where are you from the militia?” the female officer asked.

The rigorous and efficient legion-style march of the soldiers successfully misled the female officers. She thought that they were an overall mercenary regiment drawn from a certain province to have such a tacit understanding.

No one answered the female officer’s question for a while. This is really not a good question to answer. They can’t always say that the reason for the march is just because Liszt can help them move things, right?

Men are always stronger, especially in front of beautiful women, even if this beautiful woman is a golden officer.

“Is it a militia group that participated in the war without authorization?” The female officer made up the answer by herself. “After arriving at Presidian, I will report to the Governor immediately, and there will be important tasks assigned to you.”

Ionia is not a centralized country, but a country made up of multiple provinces. Some countries have decided to fight back, but some provinces remain silent, believing that the counterattack will destroy the balance of Ionia.

Currently, Ionia is divided into two factions, one for war and one for appeasement.

From the perspective of a female officer, it would make sense if the team in front of them was a militia regiment from an appeasement province, who wanted to contribute to the war, but could not disclose their identity.

“As ordered!” The soldiers said immediately, they wished the female officer to leave quickly, so as not to discover the “little secret” they were surrounded by.

In the eyes of female officers, this has become a well-trained regular militia regiment. A militia is a militia, and a militia regiment is a militia regiment. Although both have the word militia, they cannot be compared at all.

The militia needs to undergo a lot of rigorous training before they are eligible to enter the militia regiment and become a full member of the militia regiment.

For Ionia, which is not very strong in defense, every militia is very precious, and good steel is used on the blade.

As a result, the female officer issued new instructions for this “militia regiment”.

After the order was given, the female officer took a deep look at the militia, took off his helmet, and bowed: “Thank you for your dedication to Ionia!”

After all, she got on her horse and moved forward at a high speed. It didn’t take long before she disappeared from everyone’s sight.

“That… am I dreaming?” A soldier was stunned.

“Just now, was the golden officer taking off his hat to greet us?” Another soldier was stunned.

Everyone looks confused, two faces, three faces, you look at me, I look at you, and no one thinks what just happened is true.

In the end, everyone finally reacted, and a soldier shouted: “Long live Ionia!”

“Long live Ionia!” Hundreds of soldiers shouted in unison, with a loud voice.

Liszt did not participate in this general mobilization, he just looked in the direction where the female officer was leaving, thoughtfully, but did not move for a long time.

So handsome. He thought so.

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